• dxfilo@mac.com
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Hello All,


I created a custom field (formula) in my opportunity layout that essentially captures the value of the opportunity products.  I want to track the history of this field every time a sales rep updates the opportunity product's quantity or price.  Unfortunately, history tracking does not support formula fields.  Is there a way to create a static custom field (number) and have a trigger populate this field every time a rep updates this field?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



Report Automation: Refresh Existing Report, Convert Worksheet to PDF, then Email


We built an Analytic Snapshot to capture Opportunity Pipeline data so we can report historical trends.  Now, we are interested in reporting on this data to do a period-on-period comparison between this week vs last week data (with an option to compare other periods e.g. Month-on-Month, Quarter-on-Quarter, Year-on-Year).  The problem is that the standard SFDC report output is not 'presentation ready', and produces a report with unsightly rows and columns.  Excel is much more flexible in terms of reordering/renaming headers, layout, and not including summary columns/rows.  For this reason, we are trying to find a solution for SFDC's rigidity.

In addition, we would like to automate this process to schedule the report to run at a specific time and deliver it to a user in a 'presentation ready' format such as an Excel or PDF file.  I am aware of the 'Schedule Report' feature in salesforce.com but as I mentioned we have abandoned salesforce.com's report builder.

We are evaluating several other solutions and work arounds.  I have successfully imported a data-set from the custom Analytic Snapshot object into a target excel worksheet using the Excel Connector and created a pivot table in another worksheet.  I would like to export only the pivot table report (and not the raw data-set worksheet) to a PDF and send it to an email recipient.  Ultimately, I would like to automate the refresh of this data-set (and pivot table) then automatically create a PDF and send it to a designated recipient via email every Friday at 5PM without ever opening the workbook.  Is this possible, how would I go about accomplishing this?


  • Authenticating the Excel Connector with salesforce.com's login credentials and security token.
  • Producing the PDF through an authoring plugin.
  • Exporting and Emailing the PDF output to the designated recipient.

I am open to ANY suggestions and would appreciate any guidance.

Salesforce.com: Visual Force, APEX, Excel Connector
Excel: VBA, Macros


Report Example

We built an Analytic Snapshot to capture Opportunity Pipeline data so we can report historical trends.  Now, we are interested in reporting on this data to do a period-on-period comparison between this week vs last week data (with an option to compare other periods e.g. Month-on-Month, Quarter-on-Quarter, Year-on-Year).  The problem is that the standard SFDC report output is not 'presentation ready', and produces a report with unsightly rows and columns.  Excel is much more flexible in terms of reordering/renaming headers, layout, and not including summary columns/rows.  For this reason, we are trying to find a solution for SFDC's rigidity.

In addition, we would like to automate this process to schedule the report to run at a specific time and deliver it to a user in a 'presentation ready' format such as an Excel or PDF file.  I am aware of the 'Schedule Report' feature in salesforce.com but as I mentioned we have abandoned salesforce.com's report builder.

We are evaluating several other solutions and work arounds.  I have successfully imported a data-set from the custom Analytic Snapshot object into a target excel worksheet using the Excel Connector and created a pivot table in another worksheet.  I would like to export only the pivot table report (and not the raw data-set worksheet) to a PDF and send it to an email recipient.  Ultimately, I would like to automate the refresh of this data-set (and pivot table) then automatically create a PDF and send it to a designated recipient via email every Friday at 5PM without ever opening the workbook.  Is this possible, how would I go about accomplishing this?


  • Authenticating the Excel Connector with salesforce.com's login credentials and security token.
  • Producing the PDF through an authoring plugin.
  • Exporting and Emailing the PDF output to the designated recipient.

I am open to ANY suggestions and would appreciate any guidance.

Salesforce.com: Visual Force, APEX, Excel Connector
Excel: VBA, Macros


Report Example


I am trying to perform some advanced reporting in salesforce.com using the Analytics Snapshot feature.  Basicaly, I want to report on Opportunity Products by Stage over a two week period (Last Week vs This Week).  Currently, I am trying to use the Custom Summary Formulas (PARENTGROUPVAL and PREVGROUPVAL to calculate week-over-week comparisons WITHIN weeks.  I have constructed this model to help.

Snapshot Example
Unfortunately, these functions cannot calculate within sets, only between sets.  Does anyone have a solution to calculate these values to show like the above example?  Should I traanspose the data set or modify the data to figure this out?

We built an Analytic Snapshot to capture Opportunity Pipeline data so we can report historical trends.  Now, we are interested in reporting on this data to do a period-on-period comparison between this week vs last week data (with an option to compare other periods e.g. Month-on-Month, Quarter-on-Quarter, Year-on-Year).  The problem is that the standard SFDC report output is not 'presentation ready', and produces a report with unsightly rows and columns.  Excel is much more flexible in terms of reordering/renaming headers, layout, and not including summary columns/rows.  For this reason, we are trying to find a solution for SFDC's rigidity.

In addition, we would like to automate this process to schedule the report to run at a specific time and deliver it to a user in a 'presentation ready' format such as an Excel or PDF file.  I am aware of the 'Schedule Report' feature in salesforce.com but as I mentioned we have abandoned salesforce.com's report builder.

We are evaluating several other solutions and work arounds.  I have successfully imported a data-set from the custom Analytic Snapshot object into a target excel worksheet using the Excel Connector and created a pivot table in another worksheet.  I would like to export only the pivot table report (and not the raw data-set worksheet) to a PDF and send it to an email recipient.  Ultimately, I would like to automate the refresh of this data-set (and pivot table) then automatically create a PDF and send it to a designated recipient via email every Friday at 5PM without ever opening the workbook.  Is this possible, how would I go about accomplishing this?


  • Authenticating the Excel Connector with salesforce.com's login credentials and security token.
  • Producing the PDF through an authoring plugin.
  • Exporting and Emailing the PDF output to the designated recipient.

I am open to ANY suggestions and would appreciate any guidance.

Salesforce.com: Visual Force, APEX, Excel Connector
Excel: VBA, Macros


Report Example


Hi, I created the following custom fields in Contact object to calculate the average survey socre:

- Sum of Scores (field name: Sum_of_Scores__c)

- # of surveys (field name: Surveys_filled_out__c)

- Ave Score: this is a formula: ROUND(Sum_of_Scores__c / Surveys_filled_out__c,0)


However, I'm getting'#Error!' in the Ave Score field when the value of the formula returns 0. I'd like it to show '0' instead.


Does anyone know how to work around that? Thanks.



Hello -
 I'm creating a web-to-lead form that asks the user if they want to receive email updates on webinars, live events, and software. This field is called "Marketing Updates" in Salesforce, and is a picklist. When I generate the code for the web-to-lead form, Salesforce gives me code for a picklist where the user can use the control key to select multiple options. However, I want to make it a little more user-friendly, and have the user select from checkboxes instead of a picklist. I know the code for checkboxes, but I can't get the data to pass through to Salesforce when I used them instead of the picklist code generated by Salesforce.
My code looks like this right now:
<td>Yes, please send me email updates on the following:
    <select  id="00X0000000XXXXX" multiple="multiple" name="00X0000000XXXXX" title="Mktg Updates:">
<option value="All">All updates</option>
<option value="Webinars">Webinars</option>
<option value="Live Events">Live Events</option>
<option value="Software">Software</option>