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I have a contact attached to the account. I want to get the merge field
of the contact in Account onto my Javascript. How do I achieve this? I have
an email already on the attached contact. But when I access the contact email
as '{Contact_Email}' in the Account Page, I am gettting empty string eventhough
that contact had email id associated with it. FYI, the whole think is done
via Custom Links using SControl. Please clarify !


I have been trying to use soap compression for my project. The sforce link that explians the compression "http://www.salesforce.com/developer/tech-notes.jsp?tn=TN-14" does not have the code in it. :smileymad:The code might have been removed from the page.

Can anyone please explain how to use compression with Axis and any free tool that can be used to view the size of SOAP messages being traveresed before and after compression.

  • September 13, 2006
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I'm trying to implement the sample Google Maps S-Control, and not having much luck.

I'm about ready to abandon the idea, but thought I'd check for some assistance first.

I'm referring to the sample s-Control which does not require your own server, and is described at:

I've followed the proscribed steps of:
   > Adding two custom fields to Account, Contact, and Lead
   > Building the sControl from the sample code
   > Creating a Web tab
   > Configuring the browser to allow "Access data sources across domains"

When I open the page, I get:

   > Pop-up message:
"The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps"

   > Errors displaying the page:
"Line 721, char 2, Error: 'GIcon' is undefined, Code 0
URL: https://ssl.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=01N00000000007b&enc-UTF-8
Line 736, char 1, Error: 'GMap' is undefined, Code 0
URL: https://salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=01N00000000007b&enc-UTF-8

   > The dialogs (e.g. picking criteria and searching) don'e function.

I tried the api page mentioned in the message but, if I'm reading this right, it appears that I'd need to apply for an api key for one of the salesforce.com urls?

Any thoughts gratefully accepted.


Updated the first link, and removed links which are just text.

Message Edited by Scot on 07-27-2005 05:53 PM

  • July 27, 2005
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