• morley
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Hi there ... does anyone have any experience of using Salesforce under Citrix, specifically Connect for Outlook? The admin guide (https://tapp0.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/salesforce_outlook_admin_cheatsheet.pdf) explains the different registry settings that drive the user-specific options, but we want to handle different users' options on one Citrix server. Does anyone have any particular experience in this area?

Hi there ... this one is baffling me. I have onClick events defined in two places, but only one will work. When I click on a record from the first table (Account Types), the onClick works fine. But if I click on a record from the second table (Accounts), the event doesn't fire. Why??

<apex:page controller="commsActivity" id="thePage">

<apex:outputPanel id="myAccountTypes">
<apex:dataTable value="{!account_types}" var="thisAccountType" id="theAccountTypeTable" styleClass="tableClass">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" reRender="myAccounts">
<apex:param name="accType" value="{!thisAccountType.Name}"/>

<apex:outputPanel id="myAccounts">
<apex:dataTable value="{!accounts}" var="thisAccount" id="theAccountTable" styleClass="tableClass">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" reRender="myContacts">
<apex:param name="accID" value="{!thisAccount.ID}"/>

<apex:outputPanel id="myContacts">
<apex:dataTable value="{!contacts}" var="thisContact" id="theContactTable" styleClass="tableClass">



public class commsActivity{

public List<System.Account_Type__c> getAccount_Types() {
return [select name from account_type__c];

public List<System.Account> getAccounts() {
return [select id, name, Account_Type__c, description from account where Account_Type__c =:System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('accType')];

public List<System.Contact> getContacts() {
return [select id, name, email from contact where Accountid =:System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('accID')];




  • October 27, 2007
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Hi there ... I'm trying to create a VisualForce page with Accounts and Contacts. The page will show a limited list of Accounts at the top, based on a SOQL query like "Select Name, Phone, From Account Where (ShippingCountry = 'USA') ". When the user clicks on one Account from the list, I want to show a filtered list of its Contacts below, again based on a SOQL query like "Select Name, Email From Contact Where (Title = 'Director' AND AccountId ={SelectedAccount}) ".

Is this possible, given that the documentation clearly states that "A page can only reference one controller at a time."?

Thanks for any help.


  • October 25, 2007
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Hi there ... I wonder if anyone else has found this problem. I used to use Salesforce with IE6, which was fine and very quick. But I recently switched to IE7 and now using Salesforce is painfully slow. Compared to IE6 or Firefox 1.5, IE7 takes 4 to 5 times as long to load each page. Has anyone found the same or have any ideas to fix this?


Hi there,

I'm trying to create a validation rule to ensure that when a user creates an Opportunity that they also create at least one Opportunity Contact Role.

I'm pretty sure this isn't possible, because validation would have to occur on the edit page of the Opportunity, but OCRs aren't created there. However, when I go to create a validation rule for Opportunity, in the list of available merge fields, there's a field called ContactID. What does that refer to and would it be useful for my purpose?

Thanks for any help!


Hi there,
I need some help with setting up data permissioning in Salesforce, as I'm a bit new to it.
I understand that roles define what records a user can access, based on the ownerID of the record. But can SF handle more complex scenarios, where a record has multiple users associated with it, each of whom play a different role? For example, in our organisation, the owner of the Opportunity is always an internal salesperson, but for the same Opportunity there will also be another user who is the reseller and another who is the distributor. One Opportunity therefore has three users associated with it, each playing a different role.
I want the reseller to log in and be restricted to accessing only those records where he/she is the reseller, and the distributor to be restricted to records where he/she is the distributor.
Is that even remotely possible in Salesforce?
Thanks for any ideas,
  • April 27, 2007
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Hi there ... I'm trying to use the cancelURL parameter and I can't make it work.
I have a custom button that takes the user to emailauthor.jsp and specifies a retURL that points to my custom component, which works just fine. What I want to do now is also specify a cancelURL parameter, but when I put it in the URL and click Cancel, it just takes me to the retURL every time.
Has anyone done this successfully? Here's my URL:

  • April 06, 2007
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Hi there,

I have a custom object for which I've overridden the standard Edit button with a custom s-control that redirects to my custom Java component, then back to Salesforce. It works a treat.

However, I found today that from within the Console, if I have the object showing in a mini view on the right and click Edit from there, the override doesn't kick in! Has anyone else noticed this? To me it should work because that is still a standard Salesforce Edit button.

Any thoughts would be very helpful.


  • March 20, 2007
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Hi there ... I'm completely confused by this.

I have two Salesforce accounts: one Dev Edition, one Enterprise Edition, both on Spring 07. I have a formula field (return type of text) on a custom object in the Dev Edition with this formula:

if ( isnull(  Order_Date__c  ) , "Y", "N" )


... and it works fine. But if I do exactly the same thing in my Enterprise Edition I get a syntax error: "Error: Incorrect argument type for function isnull()."

I've tried substituting other fields into the ISNULL() function and it seems that standard fields work fine, but custom fields give this error.

How could this be?

Thanks for any help.



  • March 12, 2007
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Hi there ... I wondered if any other early users of Winter '07 have faced this issue.
I want to have a workflow rule that applies to a particular object, but triggers a field update in a master related object. E.g. I have a custom object "Order" that is the master of a related custom object "Order Item" and I want to implement workflow such that, when an Order Item is saved with an amount greater than 20, the field "Large Order Flag" in the Order object is set to True.
Is this possible? It doesn't look to me like it is. It's similiar to the fact that a formula field cannot refer to fields in a related object, which is similarly frustrating!
  • December 13, 2006
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I am not very pleased with this rollout of API 12.  This subsequently broke all of our integration applications using Java and the API, all of our Cast Iron orchestrations, and many of our s-controls.

I thought there was supposed to be reverse compatibility?

We are getting Invalid Session ID errors on everything and it is costing us a TON of money to fix these problems.

Is anyone else having these problems throughout the board?  Any suggestions on how to deal with this on a large scale?
Hi there ... this one is baffling me. I have onClick events defined in two places, but only one will work. When I click on a record from the first table (Account Types), the onClick works fine. But if I click on a record from the second table (Accounts), the event doesn't fire. Why??

<apex:page controller="commsActivity" id="thePage">

<apex:outputPanel id="myAccountTypes">
<apex:dataTable value="{!account_types}" var="thisAccountType" id="theAccountTypeTable" styleClass="tableClass">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" reRender="myAccounts">
<apex:param name="accType" value="{!thisAccountType.Name}"/>

<apex:outputPanel id="myAccounts">
<apex:dataTable value="{!accounts}" var="thisAccount" id="theAccountTable" styleClass="tableClass">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" reRender="myContacts">
<apex:param name="accID" value="{!thisAccount.ID}"/>

<apex:outputPanel id="myContacts">
<apex:dataTable value="{!contacts}" var="thisContact" id="theContactTable" styleClass="tableClass">



public class commsActivity{

public List<System.Account_Type__c> getAccount_Types() {
return [select name from account_type__c];

public List<System.Account> getAccounts() {
return [select id, name, Account_Type__c, description from account where Account_Type__c =:System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('accType')];

public List<System.Contact> getContacts() {
return [select id, name, email from contact where Accountid =:System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('accID')];




  • October 27, 2007
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Hi there ... I'm trying to create a VisualForce page with Accounts and Contacts. The page will show a limited list of Accounts at the top, based on a SOQL query like "Select Name, Phone, From Account Where (ShippingCountry = 'USA') ". When the user clicks on one Account from the list, I want to show a filtered list of its Contacts below, again based on a SOQL query like "Select Name, Email From Contact Where (Title = 'Director' AND AccountId ={SelectedAccount}) ".

Is this possible, given that the documentation clearly states that "A page can only reference one controller at a time."?

Thanks for any help.


  • October 25, 2007
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Hi there,
I need some help with setting up data permissioning in Salesforce, as I'm a bit new to it.
I understand that roles define what records a user can access, based on the ownerID of the record. But can SF handle more complex scenarios, where a record has multiple users associated with it, each of whom play a different role? For example, in our organisation, the owner of the Opportunity is always an internal salesperson, but for the same Opportunity there will also be another user who is the reseller and another who is the distributor. One Opportunity therefore has three users associated with it, each playing a different role.
I want the reseller to log in and be restricted to accessing only those records where he/she is the reseller, and the distributor to be restricted to records where he/she is the distributor.
Is that even remotely possible in Salesforce?
Thanks for any ideas,
  • April 27, 2007
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So we can replace and redevice the logic for he standard buttons on the detail pages such as delete,
I tried, but seems to me there is no go for the Save button. Am I right?
Seems that only applies to the standard buttons, which doesn't include "Save".  So what can I do if
I want some extra logic embeded in the "Save" action? Like when the "Save" button on salesforce is pressed, I also want the record to be created or updated on our company's side.

Thanks for your input.
  • April 04, 2007
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Hi there,

I have a custom object for which I've overridden the standard Edit button with a custom s-control that redirects to my custom Java component, then back to Salesforce. It works a treat.

However, I found today that from within the Console, if I have the object showing in a mini view on the right and click Edit from there, the override doesn't kick in! Has anyone else noticed this? To me it should work because that is still a standard Salesforce Edit button.

Any thoughts would be very helpful.


  • March 20, 2007
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Is it possible to redirect to the email page, pass a SalesForce document id and have the document already attached?

Basically, we want to have an external program add documents to a users document library and then redirect to the email page with that new document already listed as an attachment.
Hi there ... I wondered if any other early users of Winter '07 have faced this issue.
I want to have a workflow rule that applies to a particular object, but triggers a field update in a master related object. E.g. I have a custom object "Order" that is the master of a related custom object "Order Item" and I want to implement workflow such that, when an Order Item is saved with an amount greater than 20, the field "Large Order Flag" in the Order object is set to True.
Is this possible? It doesn't look to me like it is. It's similiar to the fact that a formula field cannot refer to fields in a related object, which is similarly frustrating!
  • December 13, 2006
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I'm adding contacts and/or leads successfully via SOAP/PHP. I'm not quite clear on which I should choose - If I don't have any owner id, should I create it as a lead or a contact with no owner? I'm just not quite clear abut the distinction between a lead and an unowned contact and which I should use when.
I noticed some oddities - you cannot create a lead without a company name (even though it's not marked as mandatory in the WSDL), but a contact doesn't have a company field at all.