• RonHess.ax193
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Hey, I'm trying to traverse relationships in Javascript, and the dot notation is not working in Javascript. Can you please help me access the name? I have written my own Javascript Remoting class that handles the query and then returns the results.


//Building the SOQL query to pass to the Javascript remoting class

var queryAcct = "SELECT id, Name, Owner.Name, Division__r.Name FROM Account ";
queryAcct += "WHERE Owner.name like '%{username}%'";
queryAcct += " ORDER BY Division__c ";
queryAcct += "Limit 5000";


//Fucntion that is called to query the account records, this then passes the results off to the next function that builds the table

function getaccts(){
var un = document.getElementById("username").value;
RemotingToolkit.query(queryAcct.replace("{username}",un),function(result,event) {
        if (event.status) {
             } else {
                    alert('Remoting call failed');

 //Handles the Array that is returned from the query, then using Jquery builds the table and injects the HTML in to the div.

function handleAccts(records,tableObject) {
            var tableString ='<table border="1">';
                $j.each(records, function(index,record) {
                tableString += '<tr><td> ' + record.Owner.Name + '</td><td>' + record.Name+''+ '</td><td>' + record.Division__r.Name+'';
                tableString += '</td></tr></table>';

 I can pass in record.Division__c and it runs, when I try to pass in record.Division__r.Name it erros out. What can I do to access the name of the related object? What is really wierd is that "record.Owner.Name" works and returns the name of the owner, not the ID, but Division__r.Name throws an error.





  • July 18, 2011
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We are having issues on mobile when users convert leads to opportunities. During the conversion process, only the account name comes up in the pop-up window on mobile. This is causing dupes because the users can't see the City/State of the account if it has multiple sites, so they recreate the account. Is there anyway to configure the mobile lead conversion screen to include city and state?

Hi am using following code in  salesforce
to integrate with campaign monitor.
but i am getting errors like
12:47:38.666 (666977000)|CALLOUT_RESPONSE|[51]|System.HttpResponse[Status=Bad Request, StatusCode=400]

12:47:38.667 (667346000)|USER_DEBUG|[55]|DEBUG|********<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Result><Code>400</Code><Message>Failed to deserialize your request.
Please check the documentation and try again.
Fields in error: client</Message></Result>

Please solve my problem.

public class lll {

public string errormessage;

 public  void Login()
     Http h = new Http();
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
       final string baseUrl = 'http://dskvapconsultancyservices.createsend.com/'; 
        final string username = '05b88f78dfc4f00ce93553a79be93d04'; 
        final string password = 'rajesh12';
  string apikey='05b88f78dfc4f00ce93553a79be93d04';
     Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf(username + ':' + password);
     String authorizationHeader = 'BASIC ' +
    req.setHeader('Content-length', '1753' );
    req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8');
    //req.setHeader('Authorization','Basic 05b88f78dfc4f00ce93553a79be93d04==');
  //req.setHeader('content-type', 'text/xml;charset=utf-8');
     string body1='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
      body1+='<Clients> ';

        //req.setEndpoint(baseUrl + '?loginType=&un='+username+'&pw='+password);
        HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
         //req.setEndpoint(baseUrl + 'apex/UploadFile_DifferentOrg');
          //res = h.send(req);
           if (res.getBody().indexOf('success=true')>-1)
        public void detail()

 thank you in advance


Hi there, it looks like attachments are not visible on Standard and Custom objects in SF Mobile. Is there a way I can get a user to upload a picture (attachment) to a detail page (eg. Account) in Salesforce Mobile? Not sure how my custom page would work in the Mobile environment. Thanks!


James Wikkerink


I have a trigger that prevents an Account from being saved when created if it has no or incomplete address info. However if a user creates an Account in mobile lite they can save the newly created Account with no address info. Is this a limitation of mobile lite?

Does any one know if salesforce mobile app works when used via WiFi?

Yesterday when I was trying to login through salesforce mobile app on ipad and iphone (connected to network via WiFi) it said 'not connected to network'.

But I was able to login to salesforce using safari browser on ipad on the same WiFi network.

And also I was able to login to the salesforce mobile app through cellular data network(EDGE).


Can you please let me know if it is a problem with WiFi network or the app?


I want to set the tabstyle everytime a page is requested.  Is there any way to achieve this?  I tried this but I got an error that {!TabStyle} is an invalid tabstyle.



<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="customController" tabStyle="{!TabStyle}" >