• Dan Huran
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I am trying to send emails using the 'sendMail' call. to achieve this I have upgraded to the v10 wsdl. I can now use the call but recieve the follwing error from the endpoint:

'UNSUPPORTED_API_VERSION: This call requires a minimum API version of 9.0. Please upgrade to the latest version of the WSDL.'

Any ideas?
I am trying to send emails using the 'sendMail' call. to achieve this I have upgraded to the v10 wsdl. I can now use the call but recieve the follwing error from the endpoint:

'UNSUPPORTED_API_VERSION: This call requires a minimum API version of 9.0. Please upgrade to the latest version of the WSDL.'

Any ideas?

I managed to send a notofication via the api by adding the following when creatinga case:

.EmailHeaderValue.triggerUserEmail = true;

I am trying to do the same when crating a comment.

Is it possible??
just installed the 2.2 version of DBAmp, as the old one stopped working.
Got everything kind og working now - but sf_replicate returns null and leaves me with empty tables. Any ideas?
I am trying to send emails using the 'sendMail' call. to achieve this I have upgraded to the v10 wsdl. I can now use the call but recieve the follwing error from the endpoint:

'UNSUPPORTED_API_VERSION: This call requires a minimum API version of 9.0. Please upgrade to the latest version of the WSDL.'

Any ideas?
I am trying to send email messages using Partner wsdl file but getting exception saying that SObject.set_any() doesnot exist in SObject class.
Please sujest any solution or technique to send email messages using Partner wsdl.

Code used is like:
SObject[] mail = new SObject[1];
   MessageElement[] singleMessage = new MessageElement[8]; 
   singleMessage[0] = newMessageElement("BccAddresses",new String[] {"abc@abc.com", "abc@abc.com" });
   singleMessage[1] = newMessageElement("EmailPriority","EmailPriority.High");
   singleMessage[2] = newMessageElement("ReplyTo","abc@abc.com");
   singleMessage[3] = newMessageElement("SaveAsActivity","true");
   singleMessage[4] = newMessageElement("Subject","Lallan Testing 123");
   singleMessage[5] = newMessageElement("UseSignature","true");
   singleMessage[6] = newMessageElement("PlainTextBody","lallan testing 123.....lallan testing 123");
   singleMessage[7] = newMessageElement("ToAddresses",new String[] {"abc@abc.com"});
   mail[0] = new SObject(); 


Message Edited by aditya on 04-24-2007 05:53 AM

  • April 24, 2007
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just installed the 2.2 version of DBAmp, as the old one stopped working.
Got everything kind og working now - but sf_replicate returns null and leaves me with empty tables. Any ideas?