• bssantosh
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I have created one custom object calll it say "MyNote" , and it has a custom field "Text" to it.
How can i add records to MyNote object programatically ?
sample c# code would be of great help.
hi i am trying to connect to https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/9.0 from my windows mobile 5.0 pocket pc, i have .net compact framework 2.0 installed on my pc. when i try to call it from .net cf 1.1 it simply works fine but from 2.0 :smileysad: i am getting "Unable to read data from the transport connection" error, any help would be greatly appreciated.
I dont seem to have got anywhere near installing a s-control made in .NET on SF.com.
Can anyone kindly guide me on this one or some link which contains a document explaining the same.
I need to fetch 200+ Campaigns and the NumberOfLeads and NumberOfContacts associated with them satisfying a particular condition (like only those members to be counted with a particular status). I dont know if I can use a join to do this (as the Status info is in the Members table).
What would be the best and fast way of doing this? The Member count can be 100000+!
I have created a custom link, edited the home page layout, etc.
But, I am not able to get the custom link to show on the homepage for some reason.
Can anyone guide me..Please..
I have created a new custom date field and am looking to update that field using the update method provided by the sforce API. However i cannot find the custom field i created in the WSDL file.
How do i update that field if it does not exist?
Where am i going wrong.......?
Thanks in advance.
I have made a sForce control in C# using the .NET API.
How do I upload this control on my client's developer site?
It seems that only Javascript / Html Code can be uploaded(copied and pasted).
I need to load the ReportList present at
In C#, I have logged in and submitted the Url and SessionId to the API.
Can someone provide a code sample to set the cookie "sid" and create a httprequest to
load the xmldoc.


      I want to query the sales force database using Ajax for which I have used following code.

    In this case I can sucessfully login and and code is working without any script errors but every time I get zero records from database(Refer alert message highlighted in red in the code below).What could be the reason for this?




        <script language="javascript" src="https://www.salesforce.com/services/lib/ajax/beta3.3/sforceclient.js" type="text/javascript"></script>



            function initPage() {


                sforceClient.init("session_id", "server_url", true);


            //Use this function as the entry point for your DHTML and JAVASCRIPT processing

            function setup() {

                var queryResult = sforceClient.query("Select Id, Name, Industry From Account", layoutResults);


            function layoutResults(queryResult) {

                if (queryResult.className == "Fault") {

                    alert("There was an error: " + queryResult.toString());

                } else {

                    alert(queryResult.records.length)//This always gives value 0

                    if (queryResult.size > 0) {

                        var output = "";

                        for (var i=0;i<queryResult.records.length;i++) {

                            var dynaBean = queryResult.records[i];

                            output += dynaBean.get("Id") + " " + dynaBean.get("name") + " [Industry - " + dynaBean.get("Industry") + "]<br>";


                        var textNode = document.createTextNode(output);

                        document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = output;

                    } else {    

                        var textNode = document.createTextNode("No records matched.");







    <body onload="initPage()">

        <div id="output"></div>



I need to display the lead and contact information for the campaigns selected from a campaign listing page as a report by redirecting to the salesforce.com report page. How can this be achieved?
Where can I find a list of the various datafields to query with.
Eg. I need to retrieve all campaigns of type="listcode".
Where can I find all the column names to query with?
I am new to this dev environment...
I need to call an sForce DB Update API function on the button click of my asp.net server control from code behind.
How does AJAX come into this or how can i use the AJAX toolkit to achieve this?
Also, where can i find a list of all api calls pertaining to my requirement like selecting campaigns, etc or where are the db fields stored?
I am starting to develop more and more scontrols and am getting bored of pasting the code into the web page when I want to run/debug it.

I thought I'd found my saviour when I found the announcements about the eclipse integration -- I then spent the next few hours trying to install it and, at the last hurdle, it all failed.  I can't get eclipse to install any of the 'The Eclipse Project' updates to eclipse.  I just get errors.

As well as that, I can't find any information about how to use eclipse with salesforce...the link: http://adnsandbox.com/appexchange/updates/ gives me a 404 and I can't find anything anywhere else.  Has the eclipse integration gone out of fashion?

Any way - can anyone help me with tips on how best to edit the s-controls.  If that is eclipse, then how do I get it all installed.

Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
I am very new to salesforce, so this question might seem silly to a few.
i have a code that inserts  400 contacts into the Contact  table.
  var contact = new Sforce.Dynabean("Contact");
  contact.set("Description","test contact number ");
  var saveResult = contact.save(); 
now i ran a query to fetch all the contacts from the Contact table.
var queryResult= sforceClient.query("Select Id from Contact")
after fetching,
alert(queryResult)      returned 487 records as size.
but alert(queryResult.size) and alert(queryResult.records.length)    returned only 200.
can anybody explain the difference in the numbers?
Also when i transferred all the contacts into the CampaignMember table after assigning all of them to a campaign, the total number of contacts transferred was only 200.
Can someone tell me where i am going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
  • August 08, 2006
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I have created a new custom date field and am looking to update that field using the update method provided by the sforce API. However i cannot find the custom field i created in the WSDL file.
How do i update that field if it does not exist?
Where am i going wrong.......?
Thanks in advance.
I have made a sForce control in C# using the .NET API.
How do I upload this control on my client's developer site?
It seems that only Javascript / Html Code can be uploaded(copied and pasted).
I am new to this dev environment...
I need to call an sForce DB Update API function on the button click of my asp.net server control from code behind.
How does AJAX come into this or how can i use the AJAX toolkit to achieve this?
Also, where can i find a list of all api calls pertaining to my requirement like selecting campaigns, etc or where are the db fields stored?