• GraceW
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         I know you can query the values from a picklist via API, and create new picklist values via API, but is it possible to update / delete values in a picklist via API? Thanks!
  • January 18, 2007
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        I have a lead assignment rule set up and marked as active. But when I push a lead in my system to SF, the active assignment rule is not firing, which means the lead isn't assigned to whom it is supposed to assigned to.
       Of course, I didn't specify the assignment rule in my application when I pushed the lead across to SF. I thought the default active assignment rule should fire up, right.
       Do I miss something? Is there any further steps I need to follow in order to make an active assignment rule apply?
       Thanks for your input!
  • January 12, 2007
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       I set up a new event on Salesforce GUI at    8:00 AM, 12/21/2006,  when I took a look in your stored data via the Eclipse plugin, it is stored as  Thu Dec 21 10:00:00 CST 2006.  When I query the Event, the returned string shows  2006-12-21T16:00:00.000Z.    My Time zone is CST.
      So my question is what conversion I need to do in order to correctly translate the returned string from the query?
      According to the api:

Date/time values (timestamps). Fields of this type handle date/time values (timestamps), such as ActivityDateTime in the Event object or the CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate, or SystemModstamp in many objects. Regular dateTime fields are full timestamps with a precision of one second. They are always transferred in the GMT/UTC time zone. In your client application, you might need to translate the timestamp to or from a local time zone.
So does that mean if  I set up a new event for  8:00 AM, 12/21/2006 in my client application, I need to first convert it to GMT time before I put it into new QName("ActivityDateTime"),  " yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"); , and when I received something back from the query, like the above
2006-12-21T16:00:00.000Z, it is the time in GMT time zone?
       What is the tailing 000Z anyway?

       Thanks for your help.


  • December 20, 2006
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          Have a question about the SimpleDateFormat I should use to encode and decode the event activityDateTime. So the dateTimes need to be in ISO8601 format (e.g. 2006-12-22T13:00:00Z).
Should the right SimpleDateFormat be :new SimpleDateFormat(("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
                                                          or  new SimpleDateFormat(("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ")?

  • December 18, 2006
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      If I execute the following code multiple times, saleforce database is going to store the same event multiple times with the same ActivityDateTime. How can I avoid this? Is there any event field I need to set in order to achieve the goal?

 MessageElement[] event = new MessageElement[6];
                        event [0] = new MessageElement(new QName("WhoId"), leadid);
                        event [1] = new MessageElement(new QName("OwnerId"), spid);
                        event [2] = new MessageElement(new QName("Location"), "IBN");
                        event [3] = new MessageElement(new QName("Description"), "Demo of product");
                        event [4] = new MessageElement(new QName("ActivityDateTime"),  "2006-12-26T12:37:00Z");
                event [5] = new MessageElement(new QName("DurationInMinutes"), "60");
                           out.println("<br>New appointment created with the id : " + sfservice.setAppointment(event));

  • December 13, 2006
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        What do I need to modify in order to get the following code to run?  Especially for the conversion between Java Date and SF DateTime. Thanks!

  QueryResult getEvents(Date beginDate, Date endDate, String ownerID, SoapBindingStub binding )throws RemoteException{
        String queryStr="select * from Event where OwerId = '" + ownerID + "' and ActivityDateTime > "
                        +  beginDate + " and ActivityDateTime < " + endDate;
        QueryResult qr = null;
            qr = binding.query(queryStr);
            return qr;
         }catch(Exception e){
             return null;
  • December 12, 2006
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        I have a lead assignment rule set up and marked as active. But when I push a lead in my system to SF, the active assignment rule is not firing, which means the lead isn't assigned to whom it is supposed to assigned to.
       Of course, I didn't specify the assignment rule in my application when I pushed the lead across to SF. I thought the default active assignment rule should fire up, right.
       Do I miss something? Is there any further steps I need to follow in order to make an active assignment rule apply?
       Thanks for your input!
  • January 12, 2007
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       I set up a new event on Salesforce GUI at    8:00 AM, 12/21/2006,  when I took a look in your stored data via the Eclipse plugin, it is stored as  Thu Dec 21 10:00:00 CST 2006.  When I query the Event, the returned string shows  2006-12-21T16:00:00.000Z.    My Time zone is CST.
      So my question is what conversion I need to do in order to correctly translate the returned string from the query?
      According to the api:

Date/time values (timestamps). Fields of this type handle date/time values (timestamps), such as ActivityDateTime in the Event object or the CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate, or SystemModstamp in many objects. Regular dateTime fields are full timestamps with a precision of one second. They are always transferred in the GMT/UTC time zone. In your client application, you might need to translate the timestamp to or from a local time zone.
So does that mean if  I set up a new event for  8:00 AM, 12/21/2006 in my client application, I need to first convert it to GMT time before I put it into new QName("ActivityDateTime"),  " yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"); , and when I received something back from the query, like the above
2006-12-21T16:00:00.000Z, it is the time in GMT time zone?
       What is the tailing 000Z anyway?

       Thanks for your help.


  • December 20, 2006
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        What do I need to modify in order to get the following code to run?  Especially for the conversion between Java Date and SF DateTime. Thanks!

  QueryResult getEvents(Date beginDate, Date endDate, String ownerID, SoapBindingStub binding )throws RemoteException{
        String queryStr="select * from Event where OwerId = '" + ownerID + "' and ActivityDateTime > "
                        +  beginDate + " and ActivityDateTime < " + endDate;
        QueryResult qr = null;
            qr = binding.query(queryStr);
            return qr;
         }catch(Exception e){
             return null;
  • December 12, 2006
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