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In the earlier releases of Apex I had to create a custom object to be able to return a custom structure over my web services. I was told that in this release of Apex we'll be able to create a custom object in apex code and return this via web service. Can someone point me to an example or documents of this?

I know this is supposed to be possible but I can't find any docs - I saw it at the last dev conf.
I have a webService exposed via Apex and I need to access that data from Flex Builder 2 but I can't seem to get it working.
If anyone has done this or knows where the docs are please get back to me.
In the earlier releases of Apex I had to create a custom object to be able to return a custom structure over my web services. I was told that in this release of Apex we'll be able to create a custom object in apex code and return this via web service. Can someone point me to an example or documents of this?

In the earlier releases of Apex I had to create a custom object to be able to return a custom structure over my web services. I was told that in this release of Apex we'll be able to create a custom object in apex code and return this via web service. Can someone point me to an example or documents of this?
