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Is it possible to set a reply-to field on an email task?  i.e. when a user sends and email from Salesforce, the email's reply to address is something other than the user's email address.  I considered creating a visualforce page that would allow me to set the reply-to field in the background. However, I would have to override the Send An Email button so that the user is directed to the visualforce page and that is not what Business wants.  Is there a way i can do this with a trigger instead?

This issue was brought to my attention the other day.  When someone creates a Field Update on an Opportunity in order to Update the Opportunity Owner, they are able to select from the standard users as well as the Partner users:


However when someone creates a Field Update on an Account in order to
Update the Account Owner, they are only able to select from the standard



Bug? "Feature"?  Is there a workaround?  Thanks.

I am working on a visualforce page so that users can create certain opportunities (it's similar to a wizard, but it is only 1 page).  For some users, the Account Name field is read-only.  The administrators say that those people have the correct permissions, so is there anything that I can check or implement in order for the field to appear as an inputfield for them?  Thanks.



Compliance would like a field created on the Opportunity page that sums up the total sales price of the attached opportunity products. It should only sum up the products that dates within the past three months.  I was thinking CronKit might be able to do this, but just wanted to to see if there might be another solution.  Thanks.

I am receiving the following error when deploying my code from the sandbox environment to production:


package.xml:insufficient access rights on cross-reference id


I've tried looking up this error in past posts, but the situations don't seem to be the same.  Any suggestions are welcomed!

We would like to send a notification email to a user if they haven't logged in the past 30 days.  The email would say something like please log in or else their account will be disabled.  Since we can't do this via workflow, is this doable with Apex?

This issue was brought to my attention the other day.  When someone creates a Field Update on an Opportunity in order to Update the Opportunity Owner, they are able to select from the standard users as well as the Partner users:


However when someone creates a Field Update on an Account in order to
Update the Account Owner, they are only able to select from the standard



Bug? "Feature"?  Is there a workaround?  Thanks.

I am working on a visualforce page so that users can create certain opportunities (it's similar to a wizard, but it is only 1 page).  For some users, the Account Name field is read-only.  The administrators say that those people have the correct permissions, so is there anything that I can check or implement in order for the field to appear as an inputfield for them?  Thanks.



Compliance would like a field created on the Opportunity page that sums up the total sales price of the attached opportunity products. It should only sum up the products that dates within the past three months.  I was thinking CronKit might be able to do this, but just wanted to to see if there might be another solution.  Thanks.

I am receiving the following error when deploying my code from the sandbox environment to production:


package.xml:insufficient access rights on cross-reference id


I've tried looking up this error in past posts, but the situations don't seem to be the same.  Any suggestions are welcomed!

Can anyone help me out with this tast..??
I've created a table, it is retreving data successfully, but the code gives error when i try to save a new data.
Error--- Mandatory field missing.

The table successfully saves data if i place the input field outside the facet tag. but it places an input field in all rows and columns, which is not a proper way...


<apex:page id="Page" controller="acc_add"> 
<apex:pageBlock title="Hello {!$User.FirstName}!"/>           
                <apex:sectionHeader title="Accounts through Table"/>
                <apex:pageBlockSection title="Accounts">                
                <apex:dataTable value="{!Accounts}" var="account" width="100%" cellPadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="1">

                <apex:facet name="header">Name</apex:facet> 
                <apex:outputText value="{!account.name}"/>              
                <apex:facet name="footer">
                <apex:inputText value="{!Name}"></apex:inputText> 

                <apex:facet name="header">BillingCity</apex:facet> 
                <apex:outputText value="{!account.BillingCity }"/>              
                <apex:facet name="footer">
                <apex:inputText value="{!BillingCity}" ></apex:inputText> 
                <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save Data to Account"/>


public class acc_add
public string name;
public string BillingCity;

List<Account> Accounts;
public List<Account> getAccounts()
if(Accounts == null) Accounts = [select Name, BillingCity from account];
return Accounts;

public String getName()
{return this.name;}

public void setName(String name)
{this.name = name;}

public String getBillingCity()
{return this.BillingCity;}

public void setBillingCity(String BillingCity)
{this.BillingCity = BillingCity;}

public pagereference save()
Account acc = new Account(Name=this.Name, BillingCity=this.BillingCity);
insert acc;
pagereference p;
p = Page.acc_table;
return p;


Thanks in anticipation of a reply !!!

Thanks and regards
Shashwat Verma

Message Edited by Shashwat on 04-14-2008 04:05 AM

Message Edited by Shashwat on 04-14-2008 04:06 AM
For checking of contact duplicates before inserting them is fine ,its works fine as i had written a before insert trigger for the same.

But i need something extra in the before insert trigger ........

1. To display the Account Name of already existing Contact Name in  SFDC (Done--Achieved)

2. A message or alert with yes or no button saying tht 'would u like to proceed with creating of this contact ,though its duplicate exists' and if he clicks yes then the contact shld be created..overriding the before insert trigger written by me ... (Help Needed on this)

Message Edited by Chirag Mehta on 05-07-2007 01:46 AM