• muthu.swi
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Hi Guys
How do I get account name of WhoId from Task in a single query? Is this possible? I know Who.Name gives contact name of WhoId, What.name gives account name of WhatId. But, Who.Account.Name doesn't work as Who doesn't have reference to Account.
Thanks a lot in advance
Hi to all,
Is it possible to get contact/account details in a soql query applied on Task?  Something like this:
Select Id, Contact.Name, Account.Name From Task
where Task has reference to Contact and Account on WhoId and WhatId. When I tried this query I am getting the error:
INVALID_FIELD - Didn't understand relationship 'Contact' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
Is there any other way to get contact/account details without using a seperate soql query?
Thanks in advance.
I have two entities Master and detail with no relationship. So, when I delete master I am deleting the detail reocords in Before Delete trigger. And, my code in the trigger is simple as:
if (Trigger.isDelete && Trigger.isBefore)
     for (Master__c master : Trigger.old)
          Detail__c[] details = [Select Id from Detail__c Where Master__c = :master.Id];
          delete details;
But I am getting this error when I delete the master record..
System.Exception: ORA-01086: savepoint 'ORACLE_SVPT_3108' never established
Could anyone help fix this? Thanks in advance.
I have some apex code in a delete trigger. Is it possible to navigate to a certain page through the trigger?
Thanks in advance
Hi to all,
Is it possible to get contact/account details in a soql query applied on Task?  Something like this:
Select Id, Contact.Name, Account.Name From Task
where Task has reference to Contact and Account on WhoId and WhatId. When I tried this query I am getting the error:
INVALID_FIELD - Didn't understand relationship 'Contact' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
Is there any other way to get contact/account details without using a seperate soql query?
Thanks in advance.
I have two entities Master and detail with no relationship. So, when I delete master I am deleting the detail reocords in Before Delete trigger. And, my code in the trigger is simple as:
if (Trigger.isDelete && Trigger.isBefore)
     for (Master__c master : Trigger.old)
          Detail__c[] details = [Select Id from Detail__c Where Master__c = :master.Id];
          delete details;
But I am getting this error when I delete the master record..
System.Exception: ORA-01086: savepoint 'ORACLE_SVPT_3108' never established
Could anyone help fix this? Thanks in advance.