• Haigy
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Is it possible to have two links on a record page to link you to the record which was created before the record you are currently in and record after?


Hope that makes sense




  • June 14, 2011
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Need two Apex Controllers created which I do not know how to do could someone please let me know if they are able to create them based on the required information below and how long and much it would cost to do would be great. We will pay.


1.  We have a form (custom object – Coaching Template) within this form on Salesforce I have a button ‘Print Template’ this exports the data in the PDF using VF. The next step is where I am getting stuck. I need to include the tasks attached to the custom object on the print off. I can get the task on but it only shows the first task and not the rest. Is this where a controller is required to get the multiple tasks?


2.  We have a form (custom object – Visit Scorecard) within this form I have a print button as well and would like to print the form off and include the tasks like question 1. Another thing we would like to also add to the form is all the visit scorecards and annual interim reviews that are related to the employee object from the current visit scorecard you are on. I have included a little graph of the objects and their relationships.


I hope this makes sense and you can understand what I am trying to achieve. If not let me know.


Hope someone can help :)




Object Relationship





  • October 11, 2010
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Hi All,


If anyone knows how you build fancy visualforce reports on salesforce and would like a couple days work (Paid of course) please read what we require below and let me know if you are interested in carrying out the work.


  • Fed by fields from Opportunities (multiple record types)
  • Need to be able to select the Opportunity Owners and set up reports for different teams (Teams can be public groups)
  • Chart plots the close date on the X axis against the Prospect Evaluation Score (%) on the Y axis
  • Each opportunity on the chart will appear in a colour (defined by Category field in opportunity)
  • Each opportunity will also appear as small, medium or large item on the chart dependent on size (defined by ‘Monthly policy sales’ field in opportunity)
  • Chart will need to print off on A3 landscape and will need to be attractively designed rather than just a set of lines
  • When printed a second page will be required that lists each of the opportunities along with the other details that pull together for the report. Each opportunity line will be numbered and correspond with the numbered items on the chart, so that the user can easily see which chart item is linked to each opportunity
  • When viewed on screen the user should be able to click on each item on the chart and be taken straight to the appropriate opportunity page
  • It would also be good to be able to hover over each item on the chart to get summary information on the opportunity (e.g. Account, Product, Monthly policy sales)

Example of the report



Kind Regards


  • July 07, 2010
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I am just going round in circles here so hopefully someone can help me please.
I have a 'Date Closed' field and picklist field. I want to say if Date closed has a date populated then a picklist value must be selected or you cannot save the record.
Hope that makes sense.
  • December 04, 2008
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I have 2 fields start date and closed date within a custom object I need to calculate the number of days between the date which I can do by putting in the formula


(Date_closed__c – Date_started) – 1


But how do make the formula so that it does not include weekends as it should only calculate Mon - Fri


Hope someone can help.



  • June 11, 2008
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Now that apex is coming on to the enterprise edition in the spring08 release, does that mean that the Time Off Manager in the appexhange that is currently only available to Unlimited and Developer users will be available to the Enterprise users??
  • February 14, 2008
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I've use the ISPICKVAL function a million times, but I can't get it to work on the most simple formula - using a cross object.
Basically, I just want the formula to display 1 if the Benefit Year is 2008 (text string), and 0 if anything else.
Any ideas?

IF(ISPICKVAL(Benefit__r.Benefit_Year__c, "2008"), 1,0)

  • January 09, 2009
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I am just going round in circles here so hopefully someone can help me please.
I have a 'Date Closed' field and picklist field. I want to say if Date closed has a date populated then a picklist value must be selected or you cannot save the record.
Hope that makes sense.
  • December 04, 2008
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I have 2 fields start date and closed date within a custom object I need to calculate the number of days between the date which I can do by putting in the formula


(Date_closed__c – Date_started) – 1


But how do make the formula so that it does not include weekends as it should only calculate Mon - Fri


Hope someone can help.



  • June 11, 2008
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Hi Everyone, I am working on an onClick Javascript button within the list view in salesforce.com.  And I got the script below to work when the field "Add_to_Call_List__c" is a text field, however when it is a picklist type, I need to use the ISPICKVAL or CASE function.  The business need is to update this field on mass when this button is clicked on within the list view.
Would anyone know what changes I need to make to:
"callList.Add_to_Call_List__c = "TRUE";"
when I make the field type a picklist?  As this field is going to be a picklist field type at the end of the day.  Let me know if more detail is required.
Thanks in advance!
// Include and initialize the AJAX Toolkit javascript library
// Get the list of job applications that should be closed by using the
// $ObjectType merge field to indicate the type of record Ids that
// are expected.
var leadID = {!GetRecordIds($ObjectType.Lead)};
if (leadID == null || leadID.length == 0) {
alert("You need to select Leads to add to the call list.");
} else {
var leadUpdate = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < leadID.length; i++) {
var callList = new sforce.SObject("Lead");
// Since we'll be using the update call, we must set the id
// on the new job application record.
callList.Id = leadID[i];
callList.Add_to_Call_List__c = "TRUE";
// Finally add the record to our array.
// Now make the update API call in a try statement so we can
// catch any errors. Save the resulting array so we can also
// check for problems with individual records.
var callCompleted = false;
try {
var result = sforce.connection.update(leadUpdate);
callCompleted = true;
} catch(error) {
alert("Failed to update Field with error: " + error);
// Now check for problems with individual records.
if (callCompleted) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
if (!result[i].getBoolean("success")) {
alert("Job Application (id='" + leadID[i] +
"') could not be updated with error: " +
// Finally, refresh the browser to provide confirmation
// to the user that the job applications were rejected.