• Fred Plate
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I am building a dashboard to show our feature request activity. I have a report that pulls up feature requests by account and gives me subtotals by account.


I want to display a list of all accounts with more than 5 open feature requests, but cannot figure out how to make this selection criteria. Any ideas?



Fred Plate

I am trying to do a Mail Merge from a Salesforce into MS Word 2010.  I am able to get field(s) that I want from the Mail Merge I just cannot display the format that I want. For instance I want to change the date format from 05/1/2013 into May 1, 2013.  Here is the mail merge code that I have in word {MERGEFIELD  createddate
\@ "MMMM d, yyyy}. I have also tried to use words format to put the equal sign in front then the switch formatting like so { = {MERGEFIELD  createddate } \@ "MMMM d, yyyyy"} but I show a syntax error in word. Someone any one HELP!!!!!



  • April 19, 2013
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I am building a dashboard to show our feature request activity. I have a report that pulls up feature requests by account and gives me subtotals by account.


I want to display a list of all accounts with more than 5 open feature requests, but cannot figure out how to make this selection criteria. Any ideas?



Fred Plate