• BillHanson
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I have code that retrieves the choices for a combobox based on RecordTypeId.  Specifically, I am looking at the "Task" object, "Subject" field.

This code used to work, but now it returns all picklist values, not just the ones that are valid for the record type I am interested in.

For example, the following line returns 3 objects as expected (0=marketing, 1=standard, 2=master).  When the 'Subject' field is examined using the Salesforce front-end, the picklist values are correct (7 choices for master, 5 for marketing, 5 for standard).  When viewed in the debugger, all 3 objects contain all 7 choices and all 7 have active = 'true'.

var layoutMetadata = sforce.connection.describeLayout("Task");

Has anyone else had this happen?  I could swear that this used to work as expected!
My record update code is working fine with one exception.  If I try to extend the Array class in my Javascript library in any way, then the call to update fails whenever I use fieldsToNull.  The problem seems to be that the update code tries to read the new method as one of the fields to null.  Strange.  I have an extensive js library with many classes extended this way (including several sfdc classes) and have never had this problem before.

Here is the code that I use to set a field value...

      if(value == null){
         if(!this.nillable) throw this.label + " is a required field.";
         if(typeof(record.fieldsToNull) == "undefined") record.fieldsToNull = new Array();
         record.set(this.name, null);
         record.set(this.name, value);

... here is an example of an arbitrary method added to the Array class...

Array.prototype.ok = function(){

... and here is the error message I receive as a result of calling update...

INVALID_FIELD: No such column 'function(){
}' on entity 'opportunityLineItem'.

If I remove the Array.prototype.ok function from my library, everything works fine.
I'd really hate to loose the ability to extend my own library.

Any ideas?
I have an sControl embedded within an iFrame on the home page.  Here's the iFrame code:

<a name="SELOGSCONTROL"><IFRAME src="/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=01NT0000000Ci4n&amp;ic=1" frameBorder=0 width="100%" height="300"></IFRAME></a>

The sControl includes a link to edit a Task record and return to the SELOGSCONTROL anchor on the homepage.  Here's the format used for the link:

<a href='/TASK_RECORD_ID/e?retURL=/home/home.jsp#SELOGSCONTROL' target=\"_top\">Edit</a>

When I save the Task record, I am directed back to the home page, but the page does not scroll down to the anchor.

If I type "/home/home.jsp#SELOGSCONTROL" into the browsers address bar, the page does scroll down to the anchor.

Is there something happening behind the scenes that is stripping my anchor off of the return url?
I have an sControl in a popup window that contains a link to edit a Task.  The link is formatted like this...


The link works fine, and I'm able to edit the Task record.  When I save the Task, I am redirected back to the sControl, but I am getting an INVALID_SESSION_ID fault.

Any ideas?
I am creating a softphone using HTML and visualforce. Everything was working fine but suddenly I can't save my changes in developer's console.

When I checked the browser console, I see this error:
(/_ui/common/apex/debug/ApexCSIPage) Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'codeEditor' of undefinedUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'codeEditor' of undefined
I don't have any error in my visualforce page. Nothing in developer console is saving.

Any idea what this is and how can i resolve it?
Is anyone else getting the following errors in the Progress tab in their DC sandboxes?
They show up before anything is opened, prior to that there was an error about Metadata failing to return the correct amount of lines. The prior error corrected itself after 10 days.

Getting all queued deployments for container=undefined
Creating deployment for containerId undefined Save=true runTests=false
Creating or Updating containerMember for containerId=undefined

We have integrated VF pages in some dashboards, and page layouts.  Once in a while, a user will report seeing the generic "insufficient privileges" salesforce page inside the iframe that this content is created as.  The only recourse is to have the user completely restart their web browser.




1. Does the force.com VF application service use the same session timeout that we have configured for the Salesforce org?

2. If so, what else could be causing this?  I'm led to believe session timeout, but it just doesn't add up.



I marked this as solved because it stopped happening for my user.  However, they report (and I have confirmed) that this issue is happening again. 


The only changes we made today in SalesForce were to add a new profile for a completely different user.  No changes have been made to the server where the i-frames are pointing.


The really weird thing is, that when I am accessing this user's account via Login Access, I cannot replicate this issue.   This could point to an issue with access to the sites linked in the i-frames, but the user can access these sites normally via directly linking to them in the main browser window.


Any assistance would be appreciated.

I am getting timeout error (600 secs) - limit reached when trying to save code to SFDC.


Has anyone else got this error? I can also confirm that the site is operational (checked via trust.salesforce.com) and not currently under maintenance



My record update code is working fine with one exception.  If I try to extend the Array class in my Javascript library in any way, then the call to update fails whenever I use fieldsToNull.  The problem seems to be that the update code tries to read the new method as one of the fields to null.  Strange.  I have an extensive js library with many classes extended this way (including several sfdc classes) and have never had this problem before.

Here is the code that I use to set a field value...

      if(value == null){
         if(!this.nillable) throw this.label + " is a required field.";
         if(typeof(record.fieldsToNull) == "undefined") record.fieldsToNull = new Array();
         record.set(this.name, null);
         record.set(this.name, value);

... here is an example of an arbitrary method added to the Array class...

Array.prototype.ok = function(){

... and here is the error message I receive as a result of calling update...

INVALID_FIELD: No such column 'function(){
}' on entity 'opportunityLineItem'.

If I remove the Array.prototype.ok function from my library, everything works fine.
I'd really hate to loose the ability to extend my own library.

Any ideas?
I have an sControl embedded within an iFrame on the home page.  Here's the iFrame code:

<a name="SELOGSCONTROL"><IFRAME src="/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=01NT0000000Ci4n&amp;ic=1" frameBorder=0 width="100%" height="300"></IFRAME></a>

The sControl includes a link to edit a Task record and return to the SELOGSCONTROL anchor on the homepage.  Here's the format used for the link:

<a href='/TASK_RECORD_ID/e?retURL=/home/home.jsp#SELOGSCONTROL' target=\"_top\">Edit</a>

When I save the Task record, I am directed back to the home page, but the page does not scroll down to the anchor.

If I type "/home/home.jsp#SELOGSCONTROL" into the browsers address bar, the page does scroll down to the anchor.

Is there something happening behind the scenes that is stripping my anchor off of the return url?
I have an sControl in a popup window that contains a link to edit a Task.  The link is formatted like this...


The link works fine, and I'm able to edit the Task record.  When I save the Task, I am redirected back to the sControl, but I am getting an INVALID_SESSION_ID fault.

Any ideas?
Does anyone have any sample code on how to pull dependant picklist values using C#?  My code for the DescribeSObjectResult and my loop through the fields and picklist values works perfectly...I am stuck trying to determine which picklist values are valid for which values on the controlling picklist field.
I've moved my S-Control to a server hosted internally and I can place all the values I need in the querystring, rip them out, format the page accordingly and let the user have at it.  Now, how do I get them back to the original quote they came from?  I can't seem to find much documentation on retURL when it comes to externally hosted S-Controls.
Hi ,
In my account i am baving two cutome fields as picklist (like Market and Segment).
Segment is dependant on the Maket.
I have used the DescribeSObject function, which returns me the all picklistvalues for Market and Segment.
But i want to get only those values of Segment which are available for selected Market in my SControl page.
So is there any way to find out how to get dependant picklist values according controlling picklist value selected.
If anyone having clue about same then please reply to this post.
Thanks in Advance.
I have an scontrol which links to an edit page for a custom object in my app.  When I get to this edit page and make my edits and hit save, I want the retURL to go to my scontrol page with the list of links to repeat the same process over again.  Unfortunately, it works fine until it tries to go back to the scontrol page with the links...this is when I get the "uncaught exception :invalid_session_id:illegal session" error in Firebug....I think I am somehow losing the identifying id of my custom object which drives the edit page but not sure...

Any help is greatly appreciated...

We're utilizing the describeSObject and describeLayout functions of the API to dynamically retrieve and generate page layouts for many different objects (e.g. user wishes to quickly create an Account, Contact, Opportunity in one screen).  However, I'd like to not have to recreate the wheel and have to retrieve valid picklist values for a specific record type/page layout when it seems the functionality already exists in salesforce.com via including /js/picklist.js and then including /servlet/servlet.picklist (with additional parameters).

I can see the src for /js/picklist.js so I can figure out how to utilize the functions inside; however, I cannot see what params are required (or even what they mean) for the /servlet/servlet.picklist servlet (which generates arrays of picklist values when a record type id and page layout are specified).  Additional parameters to the /servlet/servlet.picklist call include...

These values seem to be required and I know what they mean:
record = <record type id>
layout = <layout id>

This value seems to be required but I do not know what it means (although any value works):
v = <?>

These values do not seem to be required but I do not know what they mean:
h =  <?>
t = <?>
l = <?>
pr = <?>

This would save us lots of development time in not requiring developers to sift through the describe results but rather pass in values to the functions/servlet.  Any docs or examples would be extremely helpful and appreciated - thank you!

I'd like to use Eclipse's Task Tags to manage TODO's, FIXME's, etc. inside of Apex Classes.


Currently, this functionality works on components, but not on classes.


Are there any plans to add support to the IDE for this feature?