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Hello everyone.  I'm hoping someone can help me with a custom formula.  We are a radiology practice and we track referring physicians and the number of referrals they give us.  When I go to my account (we call it the practice) page, I can see all the physicians (contacts) who work for that account.  I can also see how many referrals they have given us this year and last year.  Many of these practices have more than one physician working there and I'd like to have a custom box at the bottom of the contacts section on the account page that gives me a total for all of the physicians in that group.  So if three doctors are there with 10 referrals, 5 referrals and 2 referrals this year, I'd like the total box to tell me 17.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for creating something like this?  Can it even be done?
My second question is we install a webpage on their office computers that gives them access to our system online.  On the account page it says "On Network" and then the choice is yes or no.  It's easier to choose yes for the account instead of for the individual doctor due to the number of doctors in each practice.  However, I'm curious to see if there is a way I can put the same yes/no box on each doctors page and use an = type statement.  So if West Valley Foot and Ankle are on the network (YES) and then Dr. Jones who works for them gets a "YES" put in a field in his contact because it's a YES for the account he is associated with.
If anyone can give me some suggestions on how to do this, I would greatly appreciate it.  I'm still learning about Salesforce and I don't understand all the custom scripts, etc.
If you have additional questions, you can email me at jrodeman@valleyradiologists.com.  Thanks for the help everyone.