• John L.
  • 60 Points
  • Member since 2008

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I've a Visualforce code snippet that retrieves the week number of a Apex timestamp attribute:
<apex:outputText id="currweek" style=" align : center ; " value="W{0,date,w}">
  <apex:param value="{!tk.StopTime__c}"/> 

However, the timestamp is GMT, not localized. I'm GMT+5, so I get the wrong results after 7pm Saturdays.

The documentation suggests using $A.localizationService.formatDate(...), but placing it around the 0, or around the param value attribute don't pass the editor syntax checks.

Thanks in advance for any clarity you can provide.​​​​​​​
I'm building a Map for a user table. I know the attribute names, what do I specify for Schema.SObjectField data types?

The particular types of interest are "Auto Number" and "Date/Time".

Thanks in advance for any insight you may provide.
I seem to remember there being a global merge field that contains "https://<instanceId>.salesforce.com" and another that contains "https://<namespacePrefix>.<instanceId>.visual.force.com", but I am unable to locate them.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
My thought was that the following Visualforce code would create a toolbar containing the word "Data", and that clicking on the word would produce a JavaScript alert message.
<apex:toolbar id="theToolbar">
    <apex:toolbarGroup onclick="javascript: window.alert('myData');" id="Data">
        <apex:outputText value="Data"/>
Much to my surprise, nothing happens.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Is there a Global Variable that contains the current logo URL?

Currently, this is https://na64.salesforce.com/img/seasonLogos/Winter_18_yeti_175x65.png, displayed in the upper left corner of the Home page (highlighted by surrounding box in following):

Salesforce.com Winter '18 yeti logo

If not, how may I go about placing a request for this functionality?

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.
Is there a varaible somewhere that contains the width of the sidebar, preferably in pixels?
To my way of thinking, this should work:
<apex:page applyBodyTag="false">
<body bgcolor="590059">

Can anyone provide insight as to how I can accomplish the desired result?
I am attempting to host a Java applet as a Static Resource using Java 1.8.0_11. The Java code could not be simpler:

import javax.swing.JApplet;
class HelloWorld extends JApplet {
   public void init() {
   public void start() {
   public void stop() {
   public void destroy() {

The manifest file is:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Application-Name: HelloWorld
Main-Class: HelloWorld
Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase: https://csseht.na5.visual.force.com/resource/1421524096000/
Codebase: https://csseht.na5.visual.force.com/resource/1421524096000/
Permissions: all-permissions
Sealed: true

The error that occurs is:

RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 

and I suspect a "chicken-and-egg" type scenario. I am unable to specify the correct path in the manifest file, as the Static Resource name/URL location is assigned when the Static Resource is uploaded and saved. (a timestamp-based algorithm of some sort, I suspect).

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide
I'm having trouble using salesforce.com and Java (see subject). What are the recommended levels for these enabling packages?

My SforceServiceLocator.class may also be suspect. Where can I find the Java source?

Thanks in advance.
Where can I find "javadoc-style" documentation for the subject Java class?

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.

I have the following Apex tag:


   <apex:dynamicComponent componentValue="{!eT}"/>


that results in the following error when attempting a Quick Save:


   Error: Cannot convert the value of '{!eT}' to the expected type.


The pertinent controller class methods are as follows:


  public sObject super(String s) {
       EmailTemplate t = ooo

       return (sObject) t;
  public sObject getET() {
       return super('{!tmpl.DeveloperName__c}');


The error occurs when the methods return either "sObject" or "EmailTemplate" object types.


Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.

I'm doing development, and need to extend the existing EmailTemplate object.


How do I add a field/attribute to this object, OR how do I create a new object that includes all the fields/attributes of the EmailTemplate + my additions?


Is there anyway to accomplish this other than a brute-force object creation, that copies the original attributes item by item and requires manual updates if the original EmailTemplate object definition is ever changed in the future?


Said another way, I'd like my changes to be added to any current (or future) definition of the EmailTemplate object.


Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.



I'm familiar with Developer Edition, but not Enterprise or Unlimited Edition.


Could someone verify for me that Data Loader can provide read & write access to production data via an Administrator userid? What, if any, are the restrictions on performing this type of Data Maintenance? I am familiar with other database systems, and this type of Maintenance typically occurs in a DBA sole-access time-window off-shift, without active production users using the system


The Data Maintenance I am looking to perform is solely initailizing new userids, passwords, etc.. My thinking is that this can occur during first-shift, with active users on the system, with no disruption of service.


Any experience  or insight you can offer would be appreciated.

I have made two attempts at building a Java .jar file:


#1a) With this manifest file: 


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: com com.CustomizedSoftwareSolutions com.CustomizedSoftware
 Solutions.EHT lib
Created-By: 1.5.0_14 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Main-Class: com.CustomizedSoftwareSolutions.EHT.HTMLifyEHT

#1b)...and these .jar contents


E:\EHT\src\META-INF>cd ..

E:\EHT\src>jar tvf EHT.jar
     0 Sat Sep 12 10:37:46 EDT 2009 META-INF/
   187 Sat Sep 12 10:37:46 EDT 2009 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  3255 Sat Sep 12 10:36:16 EDT 2009 com/CustomizedSoftwareSolutions/EHT/HTMLifyE


#1c)...I get these results:


E:\EHT\src>java -jar EHT.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HTMLifyEHT 


In the second case, I avoided the minimalist approach, and threw in the kitchen sink to boot:


2a) With this manifest....


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: com com.CustomizedSoftwareSolutions com.CustomizedSoftware
 Solutions.EHT org org.apache org.apache.axis org.apache.log4j javax j
 avax.xml javax.xml.rpc
Created-By: 1.5.0_14 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Main-Class: HTMLifyEHT


#2b)...and jar contents too large to post in this thread (but verified to include my class, and everyone else's class) 

E:\EHT\src\META-INF>cd ..

E:\EHT\src>jar tfv EHT.jar >jarout.txt


#2c)...I get the same result 


E:\EHT\src>java -jar EHT.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HTMLifyEHT


Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

Message Edited by John L. on 09-12-2009 01:17 PM
  • September 12, 2009
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I have the following concept page:

<apex:page controller="UTPageBlockTable"> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!join}" var="h"> <apex:column value="{!h.Name}"/> <apex:column value="{!h.oId}"/> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>


with the controller:


public class UTPageBlockTable { public List<UTJoin> getJoin() { List<UTJoin> result = new List<UTJoin>(); UTJoin record = new UTJoin(); User one = [ SELECT Name FROM User LIMIT 1 ]; Organization two = [ SELECT Id FROM Organization LIMIT 1 ]; record.Name = one.Name; record.oId = two.Id; result.add(record); record.Name = 'MyOtherUser'; record.oId = '01p700000004hau'; result.add(0,record); return result; } }


and the Apex Class:


public class UTJoin { public String Name; public Id oId; }



When the page is displayed, I get the "none-too-descriptive" error page:



To me, this appears to be a Salesforce.com error. Customer Support directed me to this Discussion Board for guidance. 


Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide. 


I'm trying to develop a report summarizing Activities by Status. I cannot exclude (or modify) the Standard Filter, which provides the choices to Show 1) Open Activities, 2) Closed Activities, OR 3) Open & Closed Activities. I'd like to be able to show All Activities with *ANY* Status (ie to include Not Started/Deferred, etc.) or the option to disable the Standard Filter entirely.


Can this restriction be circumvented with the Reporting software as it is currently?


Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.

If I have the page

<apex:page> <apex:form> <apex:actionFunction name="fubar" action="{!myApexMethod}"> <apex:param name="firstParam" assignTo="{!myflag}" value=""/> </apex:actionFunction> </apex:form> <script type="text/javascript"> fubar('{!$Profile.Id}'); </script> </apex:page>

the getMyFlag method seems to run at "page-delivery time", rather than at client-side "page-load time". Is there anyway to change this apparent behavior?


I'm not interested in how it works (if it can), just how to make it work with the current implemetation.


Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.

I'm having trouble removing/disabling the following system-supplied System.debug output line:


20090620211041.352:Class.CSSEHT.SOQL.DescribeIt: line 109, column 43:     returning String from method public String setTabs(Integer) in 1 ms


This information may be useful in some cases, but I'm currently interested in suppressing this output. I've tried setting the LoggingLevel to various values,(via the "System.debug(Logginglevel.ERROR);" invocation) to no avail.


THanks in advance for any insight you may be able to provide.


<apex:form style="{ height : 201px }" > <apex:selectRadio value="{!upgrade}" layout="pageDirection"> <apex:selectOptions value="{!upgrades}"/> </apex:selectRadio><br/> <apex:commandButton onclick="javascript&colon;doConfirmUp();" value="{!Btn_Go}" rerender="out1" status="status" action="{!go}"/> </apex:form> <apex:outputPanel id="out1"> <apex:actionstatus id="status"><apex:outputPanel > <c:CSSUTLConfirmPopup id="uPopupWindow" confirmURL="{!$Site.Name}/home/home.jsp" page="CSSUTLConfirmPopup" todo="doConfirmUp" retURL="{!$CurrentPage.URL}" to="{!upgrade}" from="{!currentSystemLevel}"/> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:actionstatus></apex:outputPanel>



I'm trying to accomplish the subject task with the above Apex markup. I've based the above attempt on an example for a SelectRadio tag in the Visualforce Developer's Guide.


I also tried the above without the <apex:outputpanel id="out1"><apex:actionstatus><apex:outputpanel> nesting. This worked as I might reasonably expect, however the updated variable value from the user interaction, {!upgrade}, was not provided. The variable {!currentSystemValue}, set via a controller "set" method, was populated correctly.


It is not clear to me how the updated variable value is re-introduced into the page, or if this combination of tags is valid or not.


Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.


Message Edited by John L. on 05-30-2009 12:05 PM

I've been asked to post this question here, as it may be a more appropriate venue than the Apex Code Development Discussion Board, where it originally appeared. Pardon the duplication is you're a regular reader of both boards.


I'm having trouble retrieving the value of pick-lists, one per line-item, in a PageBlockTable.

I have been able to display the lists, which then also correctly display the appropriate values from the database.


The user documentation seems vague in this area, specifically in locating any user modifications. My best guess is via a reference such as:


Page.pagename.ulist.users.level.ulvl.getValue() , where "ulist" is the id of the PageBlock, "users" is the id of the PageBlockTable,  "level" is the id of the SelectList, and "ulvl" is the id of the SelectOptions tag. Admittedly, there is no line-item selector in this best guess, and the Apex compiler indicates I have guessed incorrectly.


I had thought the in-storage attribute would be updated (the data from the original SOQL Select that determined the initial value), however that was not the case.


Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide. 

I'm having trouble using salesforce.com and Java (see subject). What are the recommended levels for these enabling packages?

My SforceServiceLocator.class may also be suspect. Where can I find the Java source?

Thanks in advance.
Where can I find "javadoc-style" documentation for the subject Java class?

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.
I'm building a Map for a user table. I know the attribute names, what do I specify for Schema.SObjectField data types?

The particular types of interest are "Auto Number" and "Date/Time".

Thanks in advance for any insight you may provide.
I seem to remember there being a global merge field that contains "https://<instanceId>.salesforce.com" and another that contains "https://<namespacePrefix>.<instanceId>.visual.force.com", but I am unable to locate them.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
My thought was that the following Visualforce code would create a toolbar containing the word "Data", and that clicking on the word would produce a JavaScript alert message.
<apex:toolbar id="theToolbar">
    <apex:toolbarGroup onclick="javascript: window.alert('myData');" id="Data">
        <apex:outputText value="Data"/>
Much to my surprise, nothing happens.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
I am attempting to host a Java applet as a Static Resource using Java 1.8.0_11. The Java code could not be simpler:

import javax.swing.JApplet;
class HelloWorld extends JApplet {
   public void init() {
   public void start() {
   public void stop() {
   public void destroy() {

The manifest file is:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Application-Name: HelloWorld
Main-Class: HelloWorld
Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase: https://csseht.na5.visual.force.com/resource/1421524096000/
Codebase: https://csseht.na5.visual.force.com/resource/1421524096000/
Permissions: all-permissions
Sealed: true

The error that occurs is:

RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 

and I suspect a "chicken-and-egg" type scenario. I am unable to specify the correct path in the manifest file, as the Static Resource name/URL location is assigned when the Static Resource is uploaded and saved. (a timestamp-based algorithm of some sort, I suspect).

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide

Hi SFDC Developers,


i have one VF page and it contains one Picklist.so now i want to append all Lead names in this picklist.so how i can achiev this?


Thanks & Regards,

SFDC Fun...

I'm doing development, and need to extend the existing EmailTemplate object.


How do I add a field/attribute to this object, OR how do I create a new object that includes all the fields/attributes of the EmailTemplate + my additions?


Is there anyway to accomplish this other than a brute-force object creation, that copies the original attributes item by item and requires manual updates if the original EmailTemplate object definition is ever changed in the future?


Said another way, I'd like my changes to be added to any current (or future) definition of the EmailTemplate object.


Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.

I have made two attempts at building a Java .jar file:


#1a) With this manifest file: 


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: com com.CustomizedSoftwareSolutions com.CustomizedSoftware
 Solutions.EHT lib
Created-By: 1.5.0_14 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Main-Class: com.CustomizedSoftwareSolutions.EHT.HTMLifyEHT

#1b)...and these .jar contents


E:\EHT\src\META-INF>cd ..

E:\EHT\src>jar tvf EHT.jar
     0 Sat Sep 12 10:37:46 EDT 2009 META-INF/
   187 Sat Sep 12 10:37:46 EDT 2009 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  3255 Sat Sep 12 10:36:16 EDT 2009 com/CustomizedSoftwareSolutions/EHT/HTMLifyE


#1c)...I get these results:


E:\EHT\src>java -jar EHT.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HTMLifyEHT 


In the second case, I avoided the minimalist approach, and threw in the kitchen sink to boot:


2a) With this manifest....


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: com com.CustomizedSoftwareSolutions com.CustomizedSoftware
 Solutions.EHT org org.apache org.apache.axis org.apache.log4j javax j
 avax.xml javax.xml.rpc
Created-By: 1.5.0_14 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Main-Class: HTMLifyEHT


#2b)...and jar contents too large to post in this thread (but verified to include my class, and everyone else's class) 

E:\EHT\src\META-INF>cd ..

E:\EHT\src>jar tfv EHT.jar >jarout.txt


#2c)...I get the same result 


E:\EHT\src>java -jar EHT.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HTMLifyEHT


Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

Message Edited by John L. on 09-12-2009 01:17 PM
  • September 12, 2009
  • Like
  • 0

I have the following concept page:

<apex:page controller="UTPageBlockTable"> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!join}" var="h"> <apex:column value="{!h.Name}"/> <apex:column value="{!h.oId}"/> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>


with the controller:


public class UTPageBlockTable { public List<UTJoin> getJoin() { List<UTJoin> result = new List<UTJoin>(); UTJoin record = new UTJoin(); User one = [ SELECT Name FROM User LIMIT 1 ]; Organization two = [ SELECT Id FROM Organization LIMIT 1 ]; record.Name = one.Name; record.oId = two.Id; result.add(record); record.Name = 'MyOtherUser'; record.oId = '01p700000004hau'; result.add(0,record); return result; } }


and the Apex Class:


public class UTJoin { public String Name; public Id oId; }



When the page is displayed, I get the "none-too-descriptive" error page:



To me, this appears to be a Salesforce.com error. Customer Support directed me to this Discussion Board for guidance. 


Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide. 


Hi All,

I need to find the distance in miles. If i provide to two zip codes of US, so it should calculate and give the distance in miles between the two. Can anyone help on this.






Can anyone please help, how to read the contents of the CSS file or any other file placed in the documents. I need this, so that i can read the contents of CSS and modify the code accordingly, instead modifying in the CSS. Also, this is required, if i place the HTML static code in documents and name the file as header, footer. SO, i need to read the HTML content fom that file, and create the static HTML on the VF Page. I want to use that file as template in the VF page. Please help.



I'm trying to develop a report summarizing Activities by Status. I cannot exclude (or modify) the Standard Filter, which provides the choices to Show 1) Open Activities, 2) Closed Activities, OR 3) Open & Closed Activities. I'd like to be able to show All Activities with *ANY* Status (ie to include Not Started/Deferred, etc.) or the option to disable the Standard Filter entirely.


Can this restriction be circumvented with the Reporting software as it is currently?


Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.

If I have the page

<apex:page> <apex:form> <apex:actionFunction name="fubar" action="{!myApexMethod}"> <apex:param name="firstParam" assignTo="{!myflag}" value=""/> </apex:actionFunction> </apex:form> <script type="text/javascript"> fubar('{!$Profile.Id}'); </script> </apex:page>

the getMyFlag method seems to run at "page-delivery time", rather than at client-side "page-load time". Is there anyway to change this apparent behavior?


I'm not interested in how it works (if it can), just how to make it work with the current implemetation.


Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.


Here the sample of code:

                 <apex:commandButton value="Edit" />


Instead of using hardcoded text "Edit" I would like  populate the value tag  with the dynamic text,   based on the parameter (MSG_002) passed into apex class .


    <apex:commandButton value="MSG_002" />


   example of apex class code :

       if (msgID== "MSG_002" && user.lang == "en_US" ){ return "Edit"}

      else  if (msgID== "MSG_002" && user.lang == "ru" ){ return "Menyat'"}

      else  if (msgID== "MSG_002" && user.lang == "jp" ){ return "Bblala'"}


I have created custom component for  outputText



               <c:outputTextSF msgId="MSG_0003"  />



<apex:component controller="LangCompController">

      <apex:attribute name="msgId" type="string"            Description="MessageID" assignTo="{!feedMessageID}"/>

      <apex:componentBody >





But I have no idea how to handle the following components

<apex:commandButton value=””>

< apex:pageBlock helpTitle=””>

< apex:pageBlock title=””>

< apex:column headerValue =””>

< apex:sectionHeader subtitle =””>



Any thought, ideas how to solve this problem?



I've been asked to post this question here, as it may be a more appropriate venue than the Apex Code Development Discussion Board, where it originally appeared. Pardon the duplication is you're a regular reader of both boards.


I'm having trouble retrieving the value of pick-lists, one per line-item, in a PageBlockTable.

I have been able to display the lists, which then also correctly display the appropriate values from the database.


The user documentation seems vague in this area, specifically in locating any user modifications. My best guess is via a reference such as:


Page.pagename.ulist.users.level.ulvl.getValue() , where "ulist" is the id of the PageBlock, "users" is the id of the PageBlockTable,  "level" is the id of the SelectList, and "ulvl" is the id of the SelectOptions tag. Admittedly, there is no line-item selector in this best guess, and the Apex compiler indicates I have guessed incorrectly.


I had thought the in-storage attribute would be updated (the data from the original SOQL Select that determined the initial value), however that was not the case.


Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide. 

Sorry if this is a dumb question ... I'm a beginner with VisualForce and searching hasn't turned anything up.


I have a list of objects I want to render but I also want to highlight a particular value as the 'current selection' (i.e. give it a different class to the other elements). This is easy with JSTL: use a foreach tag to iterate over the collection and an if...test tag to check whether the value is the one I want to highlight. Obviously I can use dataList or repeat to iterate over the collection but I can't see any equivalent to if...test. 


Any ideas? I can do it with Javascript but that seems very hacky. 

I'm having trouble retrieving the value of pick-lists, one per line-item, in a PageBlockTable.

I have been able to display the lists, which then also correctly display the appropriate values from the database.


The user documentation seems vague in this area, specifically in locating any user modifications. My best guess is via a reference such as:


Page.pagename.ulist.users.level.ulvl.getValue() , where "ulist" is the id of the PageBlock, "users" is the id of the PageBlockTable,  "level" is the id of the SelectList, and "ulvl" is the id of the SelectOptions tag. Admittedly, there is no line-item selector in this best guess, and the Apex compiler indicates I have guessed incorrectly.


I had thought the in-storage attribute would be updated (the data from the original SOQL Select that determined the initial value), however that was not the case.


Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.