• Judy
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I'm trying to create a formula for below, but can't seem to get it working..
Any help is appreciated!
Owner role = Asia Sales; assign Region field to Asia
Owner role = ANZ Sales; assign Region field to ANZ
Owner role = ANZ Managing Director, assign Region field to ANZ
Owner role = China Sales; assign Region field to China
Owner role = China Sales Management; assign Region field to China
Owner role = China Managing Director, assign Region field to China
Owner role = Japan Sales; assign Region field to Japan
Owner role = Japan Sales Management; assign Region field to Japan
Owner role = Japan Managing Director, assign Region field to Japan
Thanks, Judy
  • September 15, 2008
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My co. is on Professional edition.
I will like to find out if there's a way to share specific opportunity records (i.e.meet the criteria of Partner = SAP) for the entire organization with a user.
Can this be done via S-control?

Our orgn wide default is set to Private for Accounts and Opportunities
Thanks! Judy
  • May 07, 2008
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Please let me know the best way or workaround for below:-
I have a calculated custom field at the detail page. how can i have this field available at the related list page so that a  further calculation can be done at the related list record?
For example, Project detail page - i have a calculated field called Average Daily Rate.
At the related list; the Project Planning stage, i need to show the average daily rate, so that i can make a further calculation of man days * average daily rate at each record level
If you have the steps to create above, pls do share with me.
  • April 04, 2008
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Hello, need some guidance on below...
I've added custom fields to the Opportunity Product details page and these are added to the page layout. Validation rule is also added; if Product A is chosen, then these custom fields need to be completed.
However when I click on Add Products in the Opportunity page and select Product A, these custom fields do not appear for entry (though the error msg is showing up).
Does anyone has a sample S-control to create a page layout that will include those custom fields ... Thanks!
  • April 03, 2008
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I'm trying to create a formula for below, but can't seem to get it working..
Any help is appreciated!
Owner role = Asia Sales; assign Region field to Asia
Owner role = ANZ Sales; assign Region field to ANZ
Owner role = ANZ Managing Director, assign Region field to ANZ
Owner role = China Sales; assign Region field to China
Owner role = China Sales Management; assign Region field to China
Owner role = China Managing Director, assign Region field to China
Owner role = Japan Sales; assign Region field to Japan
Owner role = Japan Sales Management; assign Region field to Japan
Owner role = Japan Managing Director, assign Region field to Japan
Thanks, Judy
  • September 15, 2008
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My co. is on Professional edition.
I will like to find out if there's a way to share specific opportunity records (i.e.meet the criteria of Partner = SAP) for the entire organization with a user.
Can this be done via S-control?

Our orgn wide default is set to Private for Accounts and Opportunities
Thanks! Judy
  • May 07, 2008
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How can I pass the value of a field from the Account record down to the Contact records for that account? I have a field on the account level with a status that I want to view on the contact records associated with that account. I don't want users to have to complete the field again for every contact - I just want it pulled down from the Account level. Is this possible?
Thanks for the help!
Please let me know the best way or workaround for below:-
I have a calculated custom field at the detail page. how can i have this field available at the related list page so that a  further calculation can be done at the related list record?
For example, Project detail page - i have a calculated field called Average Daily Rate.
At the related list; the Project Planning stage, i need to show the average daily rate, so that i can make a further calculation of man days * average daily rate at each record level
If you have the steps to create above, pls do share with me.
  • April 04, 2008
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Hello, need some guidance on below...
I've added custom fields to the Opportunity Product details page and these are added to the page layout. Validation rule is also added; if Product A is chosen, then these custom fields need to be completed.
However when I click on Add Products in the Opportunity page and select Product A, these custom fields do not appear for entry (though the error msg is showing up).
Does anyone has a sample S-control to create a page layout that will include those custom fields ... Thanks!
  • April 03, 2008
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