• GerhardNewman2
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  • Member since 2008

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Some of my customers have foreign characters in their company name.  For example "Hót Breád Bakéry"

I need to pass the company name to an external webservice as a string encoded in UTF-8.


Does anyone know how to encode the string?  Sounds simple, but I can't find the solution.



This is a full time job based in Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Please do not reply if you run a consulting company or are looking for contract work.

We are looking for a Senior Business Analyst with SF skills to help define our companies projects.  Proven skills with Visualforce and Apex will be highly regarded.

If you are a top level SF developer we would also be interested to hear from you.

English speaking company, good money.  International applicants willing to relocate are most welcome.


We are looking for a small development team than can handle project work on-demand.  We have a lot of little projects regularly and a few large projects each year that we would like to send out.


We have a large complex VF/Apex system in place currently supported by in-house and external resources.  We would like to expand our development options by bring on a new partner.  We would like a partner that can learn our systems and be able to take project work in an on demand basis.


If your company is interested, please reply with rates and the number of Force developer resources on your team.





This is a full time job based in Amsterdam (Netherlands).


Please do not reply if you run a consulting company or are looking for contract work.


We are looking for a Senior Business Analyst with SF skills to help define our companies projects.  Proven skills with Visualforce and Apex will be highly regarded.


If you are a top level SF developer we would also be interested to hear from you.


English speaking company, good money.  International applicants willing to relocate are most welcome.




I need to retrieve a file from S3 using apex. 


I'm getting this error when using the GetObject method in the Force.com Toolkit for Amazon Web Services


System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/=Status



I don't understand why I get this error when the limit for callouts is normally 10 per transaction.


I am calling the following code with 1 record as a test.  The createObject() method will make 2 callouts.


global class S3Batchable implements Database.Batchable<CF_Purchase_Order__c>, Database.AllowsCallouts { List<CF_Purchase_Order__c> orders; global S3Batchable(List<CF_Purchase_Order__c> o){ orders = o.clone(); } global Iterable<CF_Purchase_Order__c> start(Database.batchableContext BC){ return orders; } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, CF_Purchase_Order__c[] scope){ List<CF_Purchase_Order__c> ordersToUpdate = new List<CF_Purchase_Order__c>(); VF_SiteUploadController controller; boolean result; for(CF_Purchase_Order__c order : scope){ controller = new VF_SiteUploadController(order.id); controller.body = Blob.valueof(order.Script__c); controller.fileName = order.Partner__r.Final_Cut_Filename__c+'_'+order.SPON__c+'_Script.txt'; controller.fileSize = controller.body.size(); controller.bucketName='FCSinbound'; result = controller.createObject(); if(result){ order.CFNotes__c = controller.fileDownloadURL; ordersToUpdate.add(order); } } update ordersToUpdate; } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {'gnewman@spotzer.com'}); mail.setReplyTo('batch@acme.com'); mail.setSenderDisplayName('Batch Processing'); mail.setSubject('Batch Process Completed'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Batch Process has completed'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } public static testMethod void testBatch() { List<CF_Purchase_Order__c> myTestOrders = [select id from CF_Purchase_Order__c limit 5]; S3Batchable scriptBatch = new S3Batchable(myTestOrders); ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(scriptBatch); } }


Job Description:    Visualforce Developer

 Status:                      Full Time

 Location:                 Amsterdam, The Netherlands


About Spotzer Media Group

Spotzer is the first global advertising agency dedicated to making high quality video advertising fast, affordable and highly targeted.  www.spotzer.com


Position overview
 The Visualforce Developer will assist in the development and maintenance of front and back-end systems using Salesforce.  The ideal candidate will have strong business analysis skills and can work closely with our users to improve the usability of the Salesforce.com system.  Yet, will have enough technical skills to develop in Salesforce.com platform, the first Platform as a Service in the industry. Spotzer has an international working environment and we value international work experience and language skills.


Responsibilities include:

 General responsibilities of this position include, but are not limited to: 

o         Work with other engineers, developers, architects, QA, system engineers and product managers in developing applications.

 o         Strong Business Analysts skillso         Reports to and takes instruction from the lead Salesforce Consultant.

 o         Initially small and large components of projects will be allocated to the VF Developer.  Depending on the ability of the successful applicant, entire projects may be allocated in the future.

 o         Develop and build applications in Salesforce using native CRM functionality, APEX, Visualforce and Sites.

 o         Salesforce administration duties, including new user accounts and general support of new and existing SF applications and standard CRM functionality.

 o         Understand and gather business requirements and system requirements as required.

 o         Create technical designs as required.

 o         Create user documentation for all new development and provide user training

o         Document system changes.o         Perform regular on-call duties.

 o         Perform unit/system and integration testing on own work and the work of others.

 o         Participate in Design and Code Reviews.

 o         Follow and enhance existing development processes.

 o         Consistently meet project deadlines.

 o         Performs other related duties as assigned.


Experience required:

The ideal candidate is someone with the following profile: 

Qualifications and Experience 

o         A minimum of Six (6) months experience with APEX programming is desirable

 o         Business Analyst/Project Management Experience

 o         Consulting experience helpful

 o         A minimum of Three (3) months solid experience with Visualforce is desirable

 o         Good knowledge of Salesforce CRMo         Windows OS, SQL Server, WebServices, XML, HTML, CSS

 o         Waterfall & Agile development experience preferred

 o         Strong experience in all aspects of the software development lifecycle

 o         Ability to estimate with a high degree of precision preferred

 o         Team-oriented experience highly desired

 o         Superb attention to detail

 o         Very good oral and written communication skills

 Education and Skills

o         Good organizational and communication skills required.

 o         Prior international working experience preferred.

 o         Ability to assess problems and solve them with a strong sense of urgency.

 o         Must be able to handle aggressive deadlines, high pressure and be able to cope with conflicting priorities.

 o         Analytical and creative thinker.

 o         Ability and willingness to learn new things

 o         Must be able to work alone and without help or supervision when required

 o         Client-oriented (internal and external).

 o         Good spoken and written English language skills are essential.


Spotzer Media Group is an equal opportunity employer and offers competitive compensation and benefits. If you are interested in joining a winning team and believe you could make a difference to our business please e-mail your resume and a short letter of introduction for confidential consideration to jobs@spotzer.com.
I want to make the third item open by default.
  <apex:panelBar value="System">
    <apex:panelBarItem label="Operations Fields" id="Operations">
      data 1
    <apex:panelBarItem label="Administrator Fields" id="Administrator">
      data 2
    <apex:panelBarItem label="System Fields" id="System">
      data 3

but this code gives the following error:
Error: Formula expression is required for attribute value in <apex:panelBar>
What is the correct usage?  I can find no examples.
Message Edited by GerhardNewman2 on 05-20-2009 10:18 PM
Sorry, my original text is missing for some reason...... (user error I suspect!)
I have searched for an answer to this and found no solution.  My understanding is that on a normal SF page, it remembers at the user level if the user wants a section open or closed by default.  This works for me on normal pages.  On VisualForce pages this functionality does not work.
But what I would really like is to either set a parameter on my VF page so that permanently sections are closed by default.  Alternatively have it possible to manipulate the state of the section via the controller.

Message Edited by GerhardNewman2 on 11-06-2008 01:57 PM
I'm currently working in Amsterdam as an administrator/business analyst/developer.  I've been in the software development industry for over 15 years and working with salesforce for just over 12 months.  I am proficient with apex, s-controls, and visualforce.
I am moving back to Australia on Sept 15 and would love to pick up another job using this technology.
Please email me at gerhard276@hotmail.com
I am having trouble with one related list.
<apex:relatedlist list="affiliateClients__r" rendered="{!isAffiliate}"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="AffiliateOpportunities__r" rendered="{!isAffiliate}"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="contacts"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="clipfactorypo__r"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="openactivities"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="activityhistories"/>
<apex:relatedlist list="opportunities" rendered="{!isAffiliate}"/>

 The clipfactorypo__r related list gives an error.  I can't spot what I am doing wrong here.  I have successfully got the other related lists working, and I don't see what is so special about this one.  These are all child relationships off the Account object.  I have checked the name using apex explorer by looking in the Child Relationships branch of the Account object.
The only difference between AffiliateOpportunities__r and clipfactorypo__r as far as I can see is that the first is a related list to a standard object, and the second is to a custom object.
I can't find the answer to this anywhere and its driving me crazy.
How can I pass a value into the controller?
<apex:pageBlock title="Lost Opportunites">
    <table width="100%" class="list">
        <tr class='headerRow'><th class='headerRow' scope="col" WIDTH="3%">Action</th><th class='headerRow' scope="col" WIDTH="25%">Opportunity Name</th><th class='headerRow' scope="col" WIDTH="25%">Stage</th><th class='headerRow' WIDTH="20%">Product</th><th class="headerRow"scope="col" align="right" width="8%">Net Line Item</th><th class='headerRow' scope="col" ALIGN="RIGHT" WIDTH="10%">Net Revenue</th></tr>
    <apex:repeat value="{!LostOpportunities}" var="aOpportunity">

            <td><apex:outputLink value="/{!aOpportunity.ID}/e"><b>Edit</b>
                <apex:param name="retURL" value="/{!id}"/>
            <td colspan="1"><apex:outputLink value="/{!aOpportunity.ID}">{!aOpportunity.Name}</apex:outputLink></td>
            <td colspan="3"><apex:outputText value="{!aOpportunity.StageName}"><apex:param assignTo="{!OppID}" value="{!aOpportunity.ID}"/></apex:outputText></td>
            <td align="right">{!aOpportunity.CurrencyIsoCode} {!aOpportunity.Sum_Net_Revenue__c}</td>
        <tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>{!OppID}</td><td align="right">00</td></tr>            
        <apex:repeat value="{!OpportunityLineItems}" var="aLineItem">
            <tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>{!aLineItem.PriceBookEntry.Name}</td><td align="right">{!aLineItem.revenue__c}</td></tr>    
    <table width="100%" class="list"><tr align="right"><td><b>Total {!LostTotal}</b></td></tr></table> 


 Ideally I want to pass a parameter using something like <apex:repeat value="{!OpportunityLineItems({!aOpportunity.ID})" var="aLineItem"> but it does not accept that if I add a parameter into the getter.
So then I created a String variable (OppID), with a getter and setter, and try to set it using the <apex:param .... > which is in the above code.  But the setter never gets called.....  I can only assume that the <apex:outputtext> does not support this command, but the documentation does not say anything.
How am I supposed to achieve what I am trying to do?  This is a related list on the accounts page.  The related list is showing Lost Opportunities.  For each Lost Opportunity I want to list each product.
Should I start again with an s-control??

Message Edited by GerhardNewman2 on 06-11-2008 07:17 AM

Message Edited by GerhardNewman2 on 06-11-2008 07:19 AM

Message Edited by GerhardNewman2 on 06-11-2008 07:20 AM
I want to have a related list on my accounts page that shows open opportunites.
For each open opportunity I want to list any products
I can't find anyway of outputing any information at all after each row in my PageBlockTable.
In the code below the text "OutputAnythingHere" does not get rendered.
What I want to do is add a new pageBlockTable at my OutputAnythingHere placeholder, which would give me an inner table to iterate the products for the opportunity.
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Open Opportunites">
    <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
        <apex:commandButton action="/006/e—retURL=/{!id}" value="New Opportunity" id="theButton"/>
    <apex:pageblocktable value="{!OpenOpportunities}" var="aOpportunity" width="100%" >
                <apex:column width="3%" headervalue="Action">
                    <apex:outputLink value="/{!aOpportunity.ID}/e"><b>Edit</b>
                         <apex:param name="retURL" value="/{!id}"/>
                <apex:column width="35%" headervalue="Opportunity Name">
                    <apex:outputLink value="/{!aOpportunity.ID}">{!aOpportunity.Name}</apex:outputLink>
                <apex:column width="25%" headervalue="Stage" value="{!aOpportunity.Stagename}"/>
                <apex:column width="10%" headerdir="RTL" headervalue="Net Revenue" dir="RTL" value="{!aOpportunity.CurrencyIsoCode} {!aOpportunity.Sum_Net_Revenue__c}"/>  
                <table width="100%"><tr align="right"><td><b>OutputAnythingHere</b></td></tr></table>
    <table width="100%"><tr align="right"><td><b>Total {!OpenTotal}</b></td></tr></table>

<apex:outputtext dir="RTL" value="Total {!OpenTotal}"/>

The above code does not align my text to the right (but as far as I can tell from the documentation, it should).
As a workaround I am using standard html such as this:
<table width="100%"><tr align="right"><td><b>Total {!OpenTotal}</b></td></tr></table>

 Can this be confirmed as a bug?
<apex:pageBlock title="Lost Opportunites">
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!LostOpportunities}" var="aOpportunity" width="100%" >
                <apex:column headervalue="Opportunity Name" value="{!aOpportunity.Name}"/>
                <apex:column headervalue="Stage" value="{!aOpportunity.Stagename}"/>
                <apex:column headerdir="RTL" headervalue="Net Revenue" dir="RTL" value="{!aOpportunity.Sum_Net_Revenue__c}"/>
    </apex:pageBlockTable >

 This code results in the last column having the header left justified and the value right justified.  I want both header and value to be right justified (RTL).  Have I done this wrong or is it a bug?


Message Edited by GerhardNewman2 on 06-06-2008 12:35 AM
I am wanting to have a custom object with a url field.  The url will reference a static image.
My question is how can I implement an edit facility on my custom object so that the images can be added/edited?
My custom object works fine displaying images that I manually uploaded into static resources, where I then manually pasted the url into the records.  But how can I make this work automatically?
I can't find anything telling me how to upload files through code.....
BTW, Jasons Employee App is roughly what I am trying to do http://wiki.apexdevnet.com/index.php/Visualforce_Employee_App
However this sample app does not have the edit function.  Maybe its just not shown in the public demo?? 


Message Edited by GerhardNewman2 on 05-29-2008 06:05 AM

My SF Winter 08 API documentation has this code sample http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/Content/sforce_api_calls_sendemail.htm

It refers to a type called EmailFileAttachment.  But when I use the same code I get an error saying Error: Compile Error: Invalid type: EmailFileAttachment

The line causing the error is:

EmailFileAttachment[] fileAttachments = new EmailFileAttachment[1];

I am working in sandbox using API(12.0)


Am I doing something wrong, or has this type not been implemented?

Some of my customers have foreign characters in their company name.  For example "Hót Breád Bakéry"

I need to pass the company name to an external webservice as a string encoded in UTF-8.


Does anyone know how to encode the string?  Sounds simple, but I can't find the solution.



Anyone else getting this error when they attempt to save pages / Apex classes? Any idea what it means?


Doesn't happen every time.

I need to retrieve a file from S3 using apex. 


I'm getting this error when using the GetObject method in the Force.com Toolkit for Amazon Web Services


System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/=Status



I don't understand why I get this error when the limit for callouts is normally 10 per transaction.


I am calling the following code with 1 record as a test.  The createObject() method will make 2 callouts.


global class S3Batchable implements Database.Batchable<CF_Purchase_Order__c>, Database.AllowsCallouts { List<CF_Purchase_Order__c> orders; global S3Batchable(List<CF_Purchase_Order__c> o){ orders = o.clone(); } global Iterable<CF_Purchase_Order__c> start(Database.batchableContext BC){ return orders; } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, CF_Purchase_Order__c[] scope){ List<CF_Purchase_Order__c> ordersToUpdate = new List<CF_Purchase_Order__c>(); VF_SiteUploadController controller; boolean result; for(CF_Purchase_Order__c order : scope){ controller = new VF_SiteUploadController(order.id); controller.body = Blob.valueof(order.Script__c); controller.fileName = order.Partner__r.Final_Cut_Filename__c+'_'+order.SPON__c+'_Script.txt'; controller.fileSize = controller.body.size(); controller.bucketName='FCSinbound'; result = controller.createObject(); if(result){ order.CFNotes__c = controller.fileDownloadURL; ordersToUpdate.add(order); } } update ordersToUpdate; } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {'gnewman@spotzer.com'}); mail.setReplyTo('batch@acme.com'); mail.setSenderDisplayName('Batch Processing'); mail.setSubject('Batch Process Completed'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Batch Process has completed'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } public static testMethod void testBatch() { List<CF_Purchase_Order__c> myTestOrders = [select id from CF_Purchase_Order__c limit 5]; S3Batchable scriptBatch = new S3Batchable(myTestOrders); ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(scriptBatch); } }


Is there a way using javascript to programmatically submit a form as if a user clicked on a <apex:commandButton> component?


Take the simple vf page


<apex:page controller="TestPerms" ><apex:commandButton id="theSectionItem2" value="Search" action="{!testInsert2}" /></apex:page>


Is there a way via javascript to submit this form as if they clicked on the submit button? 


  • September 02, 2009
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I get the following message:



System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element dfRunId. 


The callout response is:



<?xml version="1.0" ?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns:uploadDataFlowResponse xmlns:ns="http://jobs.ws.test.com/types"> <dfRunId xmlns="">1613</dfRunId> <confName xmlns=""> ContractCommitmentRecordFromXml </confName> <dfRunName xmlns=""> ContractCommitmentRecordFromXml [JobWebService_Fri Aug 14 08:39:48 PDT 2009] - 2009/08/14 08:39:48 </dfRunName> <errorCount xmlns="">0</errorCount> <warningCount xmlns="">0</warningCount> <numEntriesProcessed xmlns="">0</numEntriesProcessed> <numEntriesProcessedSuccess xmlns=""> 0 </numEntriesProcessedSuccess> <numEntriesProcessedFailed xmlns=""> 0 </numEntriesProcessedFailed> <msgSummary xmlns=""> Name: ContractCommitmentRecordFromXml [JobWebService_Fri Aug 14 08:39:48 PDT 2009] - 2009/08/14 08:39:48 Error: 0 Warning: 0 </msgSummary> <startDate xmlns="">2009-08-14T15:39:48.204Z</startDate> <endDate xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"> </endDate> </ns:uploadDataFlowResponse> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>


 The relevent classes for the response are:



public class uploadDataFlowResponse_element { public testWebServicesClasses.wSDataFlowStatusResult result; private String[] result_type_info = new String[]{'result','http://jobs.ws.test.com/types','wSDataFlowStatusResult','1','1','false'}; private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'http://jobs.ws.test.com/types','false','false'}; private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{'result'}; } public class wSDataFlowStatusResult { public Long dfRunId; public String confName; public String dfRunName; public Integer errorCount; public Integer warningCount; public Integer numEntriesProcessed; public Integer numEntriesProcessedSuccess; public Integer numEntriesProcessedFailed; public String msgSummary; public DateTime startDate; public DateTime endDate; private String[] dfRunId_type_info = new String[]{'dfRunId','','long','1','1','false'}; private String[] confName_type_info = new String[]{'confName','','string','1','1','false'}; private String[] dfRunName_type_info = new String[]{'dfRunName','','string','1','1','false'}; private String[] errorCount_type_info = new String[]{'errorCount','','integer','1','1','false'}; private String[] warningCount_type_info = new String[]{'warningCount','','integer','1','1','false'}; private String[] numEntriesProcessed_type_info = new String[]{'numEntriesProcessed','','integer','1','1','false'}; private String[] numEntriesProcessedSuccess_type_info = new String[]{'numEntriesProcessedSuccess','','integer','1','1','false'}; private String[] numEntriesProcessedFailed_type_info = new String[]{'numEntriesProcessedFailed','','integer','1','1','false'}; private String[] msgSummary_type_info = new String[]{'msgSummary','','string','1','1','false'}; private String[] startDate_type_info = new String[]{'startDate','','dateTime','1','1','true'}; private String[] endDate_type_info = new String[]{'endDate','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','dateTime','1','1','true'}; private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'http://jobs.ws.test.com/types','false','false'}; private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{'dfRunId','confName','dfRunName','errorCount','warningCount','numEntriesProcessed','numEntriesProcessedSuccess','numEntriesProcessedFailed','msgSummary','startDate','endDate'}; }







I am trying to integrate Amazon S3 and salesforce. I have created an Apex class from the S3 WSDl using WSDL2Apex. When the S3 copyObject method is invoked, I get the following exception 


System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/=CopyObjectResponse



However, the object copy from one bucket to another is successful. Can somebody help me with understanding this exception?


I tried debugging the using Force.com IDE and the response seems to be the one expected for a successful COPY operation.





Message Edited by trish on 03-03-2009 10:52 PM
  • March 04, 2009
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  • 0

Job Description:    Visualforce Developer

 Status:                      Full Time

 Location:                 Amsterdam, The Netherlands


About Spotzer Media Group

Spotzer is the first global advertising agency dedicated to making high quality video advertising fast, affordable and highly targeted.  www.spotzer.com


Position overview
 The Visualforce Developer will assist in the development and maintenance of front and back-end systems using Salesforce.  The ideal candidate will have strong business analysis skills and can work closely with our users to improve the usability of the Salesforce.com system.  Yet, will have enough technical skills to develop in Salesforce.com platform, the first Platform as a Service in the industry. Spotzer has an international working environment and we value international work experience and language skills.


Responsibilities include:

 General responsibilities of this position include, but are not limited to: 

o         Work with other engineers, developers, architects, QA, system engineers and product managers in developing applications.

 o         Strong Business Analysts skillso         Reports to and takes instruction from the lead Salesforce Consultant.

 o         Initially small and large components of projects will be allocated to the VF Developer.  Depending on the ability of the successful applicant, entire projects may be allocated in the future.

 o         Develop and build applications in Salesforce using native CRM functionality, APEX, Visualforce and Sites.

 o         Salesforce administration duties, including new user accounts and general support of new and existing SF applications and standard CRM functionality.

 o         Understand and gather business requirements and system requirements as required.

 o         Create technical designs as required.

 o         Create user documentation for all new development and provide user training

o         Document system changes.o         Perform regular on-call duties.

 o         Perform unit/system and integration testing on own work and the work of others.

 o         Participate in Design and Code Reviews.

 o         Follow and enhance existing development processes.

 o         Consistently meet project deadlines.

 o         Performs other related duties as assigned.


Experience required:

The ideal candidate is someone with the following profile: 

Qualifications and Experience 

o         A minimum of Six (6) months experience with APEX programming is desirable

 o         Business Analyst/Project Management Experience

 o         Consulting experience helpful

 o         A minimum of Three (3) months solid experience with Visualforce is desirable

 o         Good knowledge of Salesforce CRMo         Windows OS, SQL Server, WebServices, XML, HTML, CSS

 o         Waterfall & Agile development experience preferred

 o         Strong experience in all aspects of the software development lifecycle

 o         Ability to estimate with a high degree of precision preferred

 o         Team-oriented experience highly desired

 o         Superb attention to detail

 o         Very good oral and written communication skills

 Education and Skills

o         Good organizational and communication skills required.

 o         Prior international working experience preferred.

 o         Ability to assess problems and solve them with a strong sense of urgency.

 o         Must be able to handle aggressive deadlines, high pressure and be able to cope with conflicting priorities.

 o         Analytical and creative thinker.

 o         Ability and willingness to learn new things

 o         Must be able to work alone and without help or supervision when required

 o         Client-oriented (internal and external).

 o         Good spoken and written English language skills are essential.


Spotzer Media Group is an equal opportunity employer and offers competitive compensation and benefits. If you are interested in joining a winning team and believe you could make a difference to our business please e-mail your resume and a short letter of introduction for confidential consideration to jobs@spotzer.com.
I want to make the third item open by default.
  <apex:panelBar value="System">
    <apex:panelBarItem label="Operations Fields" id="Operations">
      data 1
    <apex:panelBarItem label="Administrator Fields" id="Administrator">
      data 2
    <apex:panelBarItem label="System Fields" id="System">
      data 3

but this code gives the following error:
Error: Formula expression is required for attribute value in <apex:panelBar>
What is the correct usage?  I can find no examples.
Message Edited by GerhardNewman2 on 05-20-2009 10:18 PM
I've overridden the standard case view with a visualforce page.
I've got a list of tasks in that page that relate to the case.

I'd like to add a standard button to add a new task (just like on the normal "open activities" detail page).

What's the best way to do this?

Also how can I re-order the data shown in a pageBlockTable (ordered by one of the displayed columns in this case)?

Code below:

<apex:page standardController="Case" showHeader="true" sidebar="true" tabStyle="Case"> 
.activeTab {background-color:#ef2b2d;color:white;background-image:none;}
.inactiveTab {background-color:lightgrey;color:black;background-image:none;}
<apex:tabPanel switchType="client" selectedTab="tabdetails" id="CaseTabPanel" tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab">
        <apex:tab label="Details" name="CaseDetails" id="tabdetails"> 
                <apex:detail relatedList="false" title="true"></apex:detail> 

                <apex:pageBlock title="Tasks">
                    <apex:pageblockTable value="{!Case.Tasks}" var="s" columns="3">
                        <apex:column width="100">
                            <apex:outputField value="{!s.DateForTimeRecording__c}" />
                        <apex:column width="120">{!s.Owner.Name}</apex:column>
                        <apex:column >{!s.Subject}</apex:column>
                        <apex:column breakBefore="true">&nbsp;</apex:column>
                        <apex:column colspan="2">{!s.Description} </apex:column>
        <apex:tab label="Open Activities" name="OpenActivities" id="tabOpenAct">
                <apex:relatedList list="OpenActivities" pageSize="20"></apex:relatedList> 


Hi guys I've browsed around the forums a little and looked through the pdf's but just can't seem to get this one right. I'm missing something simple. I know I've overlooked something but I can't find it. Sorry

Can someone let me know how I can make this bit of code on my visual force page... return to the page I'm currently on once it's clicked?

URLFOR($Action.Sales_Contact__c.Delete, c.Id, null, true)

Basically how do I set RetURL for a URLFOR? If someone could write it out for me that would be great.

I need it to return to /apex/addsalesprospectId={!Account.Id}   when I'm finished.

Sorry and thanks to anyone that helps.

Message Edited by patske on 06-04-2008 11:14 PM
I'm using a param component nested inside a commandLink and want to set a controller variable to its value but I can't seem to get it to work.
Here is the visualforce code:
<apex:commandLink action="{!test}" value="Select">
 <apex:param assignTo="{!myClient}" value="{!client.Full_Name__c}"/>

And here is the controller code:
public class MyController
 String myClient;

    public void setMyClient(String s)
     myClient = s;

I get an error of Unknown property MyController.myClient.
Any ideas?

I'm trying to do a simple query that compares two DATETIME fields on the same record. Here's the query:

SELECT Id FROM Lead WHERE AddressUpdated__c > AccountManagerUpdated__c

Both of these are custom fields (obviously) but I always get this error and for the life of me I can't figure out why:

MALFORMED_QUERY: ... unexpected token: AccountManagerUpdated__c

After much searching and doc flipping I can't seem to find anything that points at what I'm doing wrong...

Message Edited by ccrawford on 06-01-2007 09:30 PM