• Doylie
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I am looking for a developer to create a SF application for me.  The very short brief is this:-
  • The application will need to be available via AppExchange with its own set of tabs (2 or 3)
  • We have a website with a set of web services exposed, the application needs to pull data via the webservices and tie it up with client data
  • It will also need to use the web services to push data back to our server
  • Once in Salesforce the user will need to enter their logon details for our server which are used as params for the web service calls. (like the way Google Adwords app works?) ideally this logon info will be remembered

I can give more information directly.

The way I see it working is I will create a developer account and share the username and password, the app is developed via this account so I can take ownership. I need a certain about of functionality implemented, possibly not a 100% finished app.

All code written in English, commented and easily maintainable.

All source to be handed over to me.

Ideally the coder would be UK based, but I'm not adverse to someone from abroad.

I would think this is a maximum of 5 days work.


  • April 30, 2008
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I am creating an application that will send a request to a web service, which returns XML which I need to display.
So, every call to the web service requires parameters such as username, password, etc which is obviously going to be diferent for each user.  How do I create a page that simply allows the user to enter this information an store it so it can be passed into the params of he web service call?
The nearest I have seen like this is the Google Adwords app on the administration tab.  But I can't se how to get a page/tab up that is like that.

  • April 29, 2008
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Hi there,
I apologise in advance for such a generic post.
I have been given the task of writing a SF application and have read the platform cookbook and worked through the Creating on demand apps tutorial so understand the basic concepts of SF development.  However, there seems to be so many ways to create applications I am struggling to understand which is the best technology to use and where to start! 
What I need to do is this:-
We have a website that has a bunch of webservices that expose various bits on information from our customers.  This is written in .NET, although that irrelivant I guess as they are just webservices afterall!
I need to create a SF application that takes SF client information, passes it to whichever webservice I want, get the information back and display it within out SF tab/page/app.
So basically its a mash-up of SF data and our data?  I am assuming I need to create S-Controls for the functions I need, and HTML pages within SF?  ANy ideas in the best practices for doing this?
Also, the user in SF will need to enter there username and password to pass to our webservice as ALL of our calls require this information.  I need a way for them to enter this and store it, much the same was the Google Adwords admin tab does.  How is this done?
Thanks very much
  • April 17, 2008
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