• Brad Huffman
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Question for the experts...

Where/how are people storing application config/settings/preferences (call it whatever you want)?  It's easy enough to create a simple config object that has fields for the various settings, and I suppose I could do something to ensure that there was just a single record ever created, and that record was the one that was always editted, but...  Am I missing something?  If this is the preferred method then so be it.  Just wanted to see what people are doing.
Subject says it all.  We've got a rather large/complex form that we want to implement as a custom object, and I'm wondering what/if there is a limit on the number of fields that the object can have. This will affect the way that we go about implementing the object.  Thanks.

***Edit*** We should be looking at < 200 fields for this particular form if implemented the way we'd like to.

Message Edited by Brad Huffman on 11-13-2008 01:30 PM
We have a date of birth field on a custom object.  When we bind this field to an apex:inputfield the datepicker has a rather limited range of years in it.  Can we specify a year for it to start with?  Say 30-40 years ago?  I realize that a user could just type a date in, but it inevitably ends up that the user sees the datepicker control and thinks that they need to use it to select a date.  Thanks for any help.
I have an Apex class with a method that accepts a single integer as a parameter.  I'd like to be able to call the method as the action attribute of an Apex:actionSupport, but I'm getting an error indicating that the method is unknown.  If I remove the parameter from the method definition, everything works as expected (minus the fact that my method doesn't do what it's supposed to do).  Does actionSupport not support passing parameters to the specified action?
I've got a custom object that is similar to a contact in that I have a required first and last name field.  I'd like to use those fields combined as the name field for the custom object.  This is similar to what occurs on the Contact object.  Problem is, the name field for custom objects is required.  Would I use a before insert/update trigger to concatenate the first/last names and set the name field on the object?  Also, if a field name is required, and a VisualForce page not containing the required field is created to override the "New" page for the object will an error be thrown?  Any ideas are appreciated.  Thanks.
I'm in the process of evaluating the force.com platform, and I've seen in searching that there is an encryptedstring field type.  However in doing some testing, I'm not finding this as an accessible type in my developer account.  Is something needed to be able to use the encrypted string type (a certain type of account as opposed to the developer account)?
I have a custom object that contains a "deadline" date. I would like a "pop-up" to be generated when a user logs in two days prior reminding them of the deadline. Is this possible?
If not, is there a way I can generate a custom message on the home page to remind them?

Does anyone know which core objects are available to a Force.com application. Specifically is it possible to display the contracts tab as part of a Force.com application or does a user have to buy Salesforce for the contract funtionality?

Thanks in advance!

Message Edited by Scott.M on 12-05-2008 12:23 PM
I have a custom object that lists all our products and their names (over 12,000 entries and growing daily).  I also have a custom object that I would like to have the product name field auto populated once the product code has been entered.  I was told I need to create an s-control and I have no experience in s-controls nor do I have any IT support to help me.  What I am trying to accomplish is similar to excel's VLOOKUP function that when a product code is entered, it will be looked up in my product codes list custom object and return the product name associated with the product code.  Please help!!!
  • December 05, 2008
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Question for the experts...

Where/how are people storing application config/settings/preferences (call it whatever you want)?  It's easy enough to create a simple config object that has fields for the various settings, and I suppose I could do something to ensure that there was just a single record ever created, and that record was the one that was always editted, but...  Am I missing something?  If this is the preferred method then so be it.  Just wanted to see what people are doing.
Subject says it all.  We've got a rather large/complex form that we want to implement as a custom object, and I'm wondering what/if there is a limit on the number of fields that the object can have. This will affect the way that we go about implementing the object.  Thanks.

***Edit*** We should be looking at < 200 fields for this particular form if implemented the way we'd like to.

Message Edited by Brad Huffman on 11-13-2008 01:30 PM
We have a date of birth field on a custom object.  When we bind this field to an apex:inputfield the datepicker has a rather limited range of years in it.  Can we specify a year for it to start with?  Say 30-40 years ago?  I realize that a user could just type a date in, but it inevitably ends up that the user sees the datepicker control and thinks that they need to use it to select a date.  Thanks for any help.
I have an Apex class with a method that accepts a single integer as a parameter.  I'd like to be able to call the method as the action attribute of an Apex:actionSupport, but I'm getting an error indicating that the method is unknown.  If I remove the parameter from the method definition, everything works as expected (minus the fact that my method doesn't do what it's supposed to do).  Does actionSupport not support passing parameters to the specified action?
I've got a custom object that is similar to a contact in that I have a required first and last name field.  I'd like to use those fields combined as the name field for the custom object.  This is similar to what occurs on the Contact object.  Problem is, the name field for custom objects is required.  Would I use a before insert/update trigger to concatenate the first/last names and set the name field on the object?  Also, if a field name is required, and a VisualForce page not containing the required field is created to override the "New" page for the object will an error be thrown?  Any ideas are appreciated.  Thanks.
May seem like a basic question but how do i access the Page Editor inside Salesforce?. I have an Enterprise Licence so i should be able to open this editor inside Salesforce.