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We need a developer to write the code for an Apex Trigger.

Here is the background. In our SalesForce database, we track lawsuits (opportunities) and the law firms (accounts) and attorneys (contacts) handling those cases.

Our goal with the trigger is to identify Fortune 1000 companies which are parties to the lawsuits. Those names will appear in the Opportunity Name field and/or a custom opportunity field we created called Represented Party. We have concatenated the Opportunity Name and Represented Party fields into a new custom field called NRCU. In NRCU, all of the text is normalized to all caps.

We have also created a custom tab called Parties with 1000 custom objects - each is the name of one Fortune 1000 company. We have also created a custom lookup field (Parties Lookup) in the opportunity tab which associates the opportunity with the custom object. SO, we are trying to build a trigger which looks at NRCU, compares it to each of the 1000 custom objects and if the trigger finds the custom object name anywhere in the opportunity name, then it returns the custom object name in the Parties Lookup field.

In our circumstance, the party name custom object (ie. "SHELL OIL") would almost certainly be a subset of the text in NRCU (ie. "SHELL OIL V. ABC or PLAINTIFF SHELL OIL").

This is a fixed price contract paying $350.
  • May 07, 2008
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We need a developer to write the code for an Apex Trigger.

Here is the background. In our SalesForce database, we track lawsuits (opportunities) and the law firms (accounts) and attorneys (contacts) handling those cases.

Our goal with the trigger is to identify Fortune 1000 companies which are parties to the lawsuits. Those names will appear in the Opportunity Name field and/or a custom opportunity field we created called Represented Party. We have concatenated the Opportunity Name and Represented Party fields into a new custom field called NRCU. In NRCU, all of the text is normalized to all caps.

We have also created a custom tab called Parties with 1000 custom objects - each is the name of one Fortune 1000 company. We have also created a custom lookup field (Parties Lookup) in the opportunity tab which associates the opportunity with the custom object. SO, we are trying to build a trigger which looks at NRCU, compares it to each of the 1000 custom objects and if the trigger finds the custom object name anywhere in the opportunity name, then it returns the custom object name in the Parties Lookup field.

In our circumstance, the party name custom object (ie. "SHELL OIL") would almost certainly be a subset of the text in NRCU (ie. "SHELL OIL V. ABC or PLAINTIFF SHELL OIL").

This is a fixed price contract paying $350.
  • May 07, 2008
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