• justajayne
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I am trying the use the following validation rule, but I keep receiving an error message:

AND(ISPICKVAL( Subject ,"Call"),LEN( Call_End_Time__c )=0)


The error I am receiving states the following:

Error: Incorrect parameter for function ISPICKVAL(). Expected Picklist, received Text



The field Subject is a picklist and when "Call" is chosen I would like to be sure a value for Call End time is entered. It woud be greatly appreciated if someone could assist me :)

I have seen some formulas regarding elapsed time calculations however, they seem to be much more complex than my needs.
My current problem is two fold:
1. Problem with IF statement (unavailable field)
I currently have a call start time field (defaulted Now function with date/time data type) on the Task Page layout as well as a call end time field which allows the end user to manually enter this data. What I would like to do is create an IF statement that will only enters the Now default if the subject of the task is "Call". This field resides on the task page layout. When I attempt to plug in the test segment of the IF statement however the field is not located in the available Insert merge field list and I receive the following error:
Field subject does not exist.  
2. The second part of my problem is calculating the elapsed time. I initially thought that I could simply create a field with a formula data type and subtract the call end time from the call start time however this does not work (formula return type = number). This formula is returning a decimal value as the result which is completely incorrect.
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out!!!!!!
Thanks in advance :)

I'm trying to get started using the Migration Tool.  In order to do that, I need Ant working.  I have set up the Variable Environments but I can't seem to connect using the build.properties file.


I have tried both with the security token and without.  It's a developer account.  When I try the "ant test" command I get an error "build.xlm: 9 Invalid Username, password or security token"


I'm sure of the password and am not locked out.  Any help is greatly appreciated.



My file looks like the following:


 # build.properties



# Specify the login credentials for the desired Salesforce organization

sf.username = dev@***

sf.password = *****


#sf.pkgName = <Insert comma separated package names to be retrieved>

#sf.zipFile = <Insert path of the zipfile to be retrieved>

#sf.metadataType = <Insert metadata type name for which listMetadata or bulkRetrieve operations are to be performed>


# Use 'https://www.salesforce.com' for production or developer edition (the default if not specified).

# Use 'https://test.salesforce.com for sandbox.


sf.serverurl = https://www.salesforce.com


# If your network requires an HTTP proxy, see http://ant.apache.org/manual/proxy.html for configuration.


  • March 31, 2010
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I have seen some formulas regarding elapsed time calculations however, they seem to be much more complex than my needs.
My current problem is two fold:
1. Problem with IF statement (unavailable field)
I currently have a call start time field (defaulted Now function with date/time data type) on the Task Page layout as well as a call end time field which allows the end user to manually enter this data. What I would like to do is create an IF statement that will only enters the Now default if the subject of the task is "Call". This field resides on the task page layout. When I attempt to plug in the test segment of the IF statement however the field is not located in the available Insert merge field list and I receive the following error:
Field subject does not exist.  
2. The second part of my problem is calculating the elapsed time. I initially thought that I could simply create a field with a formula data type and subtract the call end time from the call start time however this does not work (formula return type = number). This formula is returning a decimal value as the result which is completely incorrect.
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out!!!!!!
Thanks in advance :)

I'm trying to create an image field that would populate the red flag image (/img/samples/flag_red.gif) when the boolean operator "HasCommentsUnreadBy Owner" is set to true.  It can either have a no flag, or the green flag (/img/samples/flag_green.gif) when the operator is set to false.

I've tried a variety of "IF" formulas with no sucess actually displaying the image.  I can get text to show up based on the formula's conditions.

Here are just some of the formulas I've tried:

IF(HasCommentsUnreadByOwner, "/img/samples/flag_red.gif", "/s.gif") - Doesn't wortk

IF(HasCommentsUnreadByOwner=True, "YES", "NO") - Works but this is not the image I prefer

"/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=" &
)    -----Syntax is wrong on this one, I thried adding the pictures to the docs tab.

Can somone lend assistance?  Also, anyone have some good sources on formulas and sytax and learning them?


  • May 19, 2008
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I am a one man office and function as the sf.com user and administrator.  We are currently tagging all of our accounts by type (example of account type field value = client).  Additionally, we want all of the contact records under an account to be labeled as contact type = client.
We are currently having to manually enter in "client" under the contact type field for each contact we input.  Can anyone explain how to set up a rule so that a field in an account record is equal to the field in the contact record.  The goal is for the contact type field to auto generate the same value as under account.  In our example, sf.com would just automaticallly make the contact record type field prefill with "client" to match the account type field "client". 
Additionally, any reference to a qualified administrator in Dallas, Texas who could do some small coding projects like this would be appreciated. 
I am trying to create some formulas in opportunities. I want to set up some global variables that will be applied to all opportunities. e.g global variables will set for a minimum margin levels, minimum fees etc and within each specific opportunity a formula will determine if the opportunity meets our business objectives. 
Can someone please tell me how I go about setting up global variables (e.g. set up a new custom tab?) and how I reference these variables from within the formula. NB I am a user not a developer, so please don't assume too much prior knowledge !!!
  • May 17, 2008
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I feel like this should be pretty simple, yet I cannot get it to work.
I have a Job Description field (the API field name is Job_Description__c) and I want to create a short description with just the first 20 characters.
This field is populated from  a Web to Lead form.
But the syntax error always comes up : Cannot find field Job_Description__c.
Can I not use a custom field in another custom field formula?
   I have two fields which are datetime fields. I want to take the difference between both and update a field but the difference should be in the format of 00:00 ... Does anyone know how to accomplish this...