• deshaw
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I have a visualforce page..
I want to reference the page in the read-only mode or normal mode without the dev part associated with it?

Could anyone help on this?

I have a big scontrol. I want to modify only a part of it to have the visual force components?

Is it possible?

Thanks for all your help,
There is a pop-up window page developed in visualforce.

I want to update a field in the opener window on submitting. I am doing it through javascript using window.opener.document
It throws up an error saying window.opener doesn't exist.

How to use visualforce page as a pop-up window and access the window.opener elements?

P.S: The need is actually to update one of the element in the parent window by the value in the pop up window. (Similar to inline edit of look-up/ multi-picklist window).

I am developing a multi-picklist pop-up window for our need.

The left side has more than 4000 elements.
I am using a controller for dynamically generating the option list. The following code snippet explains this.

In the Program code:
                   <apex:selectList style="width:220px" size="10" multiselect="true" id="availableList" onfocus="skipcycle=true"         onblur="skipcycle=false" ondblclick="onAdd();">                   
                    <apex:selectOptions value="{!items_available}"/>                   

In the controller,

public List<SelectOption> getItems_available()
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        for (Lead_Manager__c lm: [Select Name FROM Lead_Manager__c Where Is_Frequent__c = false and (Name like 'd%' or Name like 'e%' or Name like 'f%') ORDER BY Name ASC])
                options.add(new SelectOption(lm.Name, lm.Name));       
        return options;

This returns a visualforce error., "System.Exception: collection exceeds maximum size: 1001"

Can anyone help on this?
I have a visualforce page..
I want to reference the page in the read-only mode or normal mode without the dev part associated with it?

Could anyone help on this?

I am having difficulties getting this to work. I just want the name of the person that created a record in my custom object Project_info__c. I have tried using a standard and a custom controller, since I am not doing much spectacular stuff I would rather stick to the standardcontroller for now.
<apex:outputtext value="{!Project_info__c.CreatedById.Lastname}"/>
Error: The class 'java.lang.String' does not have the property 'LastName'.
Other methode:
<apex:dataList value="{!Project_info__c.CreatedById}" var="r">
Same error...:smileysad:
Any ideas, Thanks

I have created two Record type say A, B for a custom object and assigned the record type to repective page layout say A, B.
When a user clicks on the continue button after choosing the record type I want to check if a record already exists for the selected record type. If a record type exists then one more record cannot be added to the same record type.
In this case i need to show a error message and redirect the user back to original screen.

I am wondering how this funtctionality can be achieved ?
Anyinputs and sample code would do wonders for me..

Thanking in advance..


There is a pop-up window page developed in visualforce.

I want to update a field in the opener window on submitting. I am doing it through javascript using window.opener.document
It throws up an error saying window.opener doesn't exist.

How to use visualforce page as a pop-up window and access the window.opener elements?

P.S: The need is actually to update one of the element in the parent window by the value in the pop up window. (Similar to inline edit of look-up/ multi-picklist window).