• valentino rijhe
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Updating a date field on an account with a null value will not clear/reset the date field
so it wont be visible on the account screen.
What possibilities do I have?
    webService static string UpdateAccountDates(string nr, date InService, date OutService)
        try {
            Account acc = [select AC_SINDS__c,AC_EX_SINDS__c from Account where AC_AF_INI_ID__c = :nr];

            acc.AC_SINDS__c = InService;
            acc.AC_EX_SINDS__c = OutService;
            update acc;    
Iam getting the below error when i made a call from force.com to external .net web service (.net version 2.0)?
Server was unable to read request. ---> There is an error in XML document (12, 6). ---> The specified type was not recognized: n
Please help me out how to resolve this?
I have a trigger on the Opportunity Object that calls a class. That class then calls another class that makes an HTTP GET request to a Web Service.
However I get the error:
Callout from triggers are currently not supported.
How can I send data to an external Web Service using Apex code? I have read (or am reading) chapter 12 of the reference manual, but obviously missing something.
Help please.