• jwest2
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My customer is having diffculty developing the following formula(s).  HELP!!
Hello -
I wanted to know if someone could help me with a formula as I've been struggling with it. Here are the details:

OBJECT = Tech validation (this is a custom object we have created)
REFERENCE FIELD = Total Hours (this is a field that calculates the total amount of hours or Sales Engineers are working on a particular Tech Validation)
FORMULA = I'm attempting to create a custom field (called HOUR BUCKET) that is a TEXT FORMULA field that will take the "TOTAL HOURS" and break it out into buckets.
For example - in English this is how the formula would be:

1.) If "Total Hours" is less than or equal to 40 hours = the HOUR BUCKET should populate with "40 hours or less"
2.) if "Total Hours" is more than 40 AND less than 100 hours = the HOUR BUCKET should populate with "41 - 99 hours"
- or -
3.) if "Total Hours" is more than 99 AND less than 500 hours = the HOUR BUCKET should populate with "100 - 499 hours"
- or -
4.) If "Total Hours" is greater than 499 = the HOUR BUCKET should populate with "500+ hours"

I'm having trouble with all the "ANDS" and "ORs" and "IFs" and where to put the appropriate quotes and parenthesis.

  • October 16, 2008
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