• Mark Connolly
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I want to upload pictures to certain Salesforce contacts. After loggin a case they advised me to install a free piece of software which I successfully di from  http://www.salesforce.com/appexchange/detail_overview.jsp?NavCode__c=&id=a0330000003hTz8AAE If

Unfortunately the tool doesn't work and comes up with the error message below. Salesforce had the same experience but say you can help. Can you?

URL No Longer Exists
You have attempted to reach a URL that no longer exists on salesforce.com.

You may have reached this page after clicking on a direct link into the application. This direct link might be:
• A bookmark to a particular page, such as a report or view
• A link to a particular page in the Custom Links section of your Home Tab, or a Custom Link
• A link to a particular page in your email templates

If you reached this page through a bookmark, you are probably trying to access something that has moved. Please update your bookmark.

If you reached this page through any of the other direct links listed above, please notify your administrator to update the link.

If you reached this page through a link on our site, please report the broken link directly to our Support Team and we will fix it promptly. Please indicate the page you were on when you clicked the link as well as any other related information. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you again for your patience and assistance. And thanks for using Salesforce!

Salefroce Help's response that put me onto you:

Thank you for contacting Salesforce support. I tried to link your image for you hoping it was something simple I could fix. Unfortunately it is the link to the URL. So what you will need to do is log onto this website http://community.salesforce.com/sforce?category.id=developers tell them the application you have installed and they should be able to provide you with the proper URL for this button. Once you have the URL you will go to Setup/App Set Up/Accounts/Buttons and Links/Under custom buttons and links please choose upload a picture/edit / then put the proper URL in this box. I wish I could help you further unfortunately we do not support this app. If there are no more questions I will close the case. Just follow the steps above to fix once you get the proper URL.

I want to upload pictures to certain Salesforce contacts. After loggin a case they advised me to install a free piece of software which I successfully di from  http://www.salesforce.com/appexchange/detail_overview.jsp?NavCode__c=&id=a0330000003hTz8AAE If

Unfortunately the tool doesn't work and comes up with the error message below. Salesforce had the same experience but say you can help. Can you?

URL No Longer Exists
You have attempted to reach a URL that no longer exists on salesforce.com.

You may have reached this page after clicking on a direct link into the application. This direct link might be:
• A bookmark to a particular page, such as a report or view
• A link to a particular page in the Custom Links section of your Home Tab, or a Custom Link
• A link to a particular page in your email templates

If you reached this page through a bookmark, you are probably trying to access something that has moved. Please update your bookmark.

If you reached this page through any of the other direct links listed above, please notify your administrator to update the link.

If you reached this page through a link on our site, please report the broken link directly to our Support Team and we will fix it promptly. Please indicate the page you were on when you clicked the link as well as any other related information. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you again for your patience and assistance. And thanks for using Salesforce!

Salefroce Help's response that put me onto you:

Thank you for contacting Salesforce support. I tried to link your image for you hoping it was something simple I could fix. Unfortunately it is the link to the URL. So what you will need to do is log onto this website http://community.salesforce.com/sforce?category.id=developers tell them the application you have installed and they should be able to provide you with the proper URL for this button. Once you have the URL you will go to Setup/App Set Up/Accounts/Buttons and Links/Under custom buttons and links please choose upload a picture/edit / then put the proper URL in this box. I wish I could help you further unfortunately we do not support this app. If there are no more questions I will close the case. Just follow the steps above to fix once you get the proper URL.