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I have a custom object for which I want to override the standard 'new' button with a visualforce page.

My visualforce page is created, but when I go to override, the page isn't in the list! What step am I missing? I am baffled. This is in my developer edition.

screencast of my steps:

Message Edited by EricVlach on 11-13-2008 12:30 PM
Is there any reason the Schema.getGlobalDescribe() method would suddenly stop returning anything?  I have noticed this strange intermittent behavior seems to start when I run test cases.  Sometimes the getGlobalDescribe will just stop returning anything for a day or so and then it just magically starts back up again.
Any info on why this happens would be much appreciated.  Thanks.

Message Edited by Shiztastic on 10-21-2008 02:45 PM