• SteveSell
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Hi, I play with Andriod and Visaulforce Page (MerchandiseMobile) and I try to use the Camera. All necessary lib's (jquery, phonegap) are included but when I click on the Button to take a picture I get a error msg: "TypeError: Cannot call methode 'getPicture' of undefined". Has anyone a solution for this "error" ??


Thanks a lot



i am new in the salesforce community !!

Now my question:


It is possible to get the page layout from the Accout or any other object via .net ???

Have someone a code snippet ???


Thanks a lot



Hi there,


this is a snippet from a page renderas="pdf"


<apex:repeat value="{!ResultsPos}" var="field2">




<td><apex:outputField value="{!field2.Bezeichnung__c}" styleClass="myfontBrief"/></td>

<td align="right"><apex:outputField value="{!field2.Anzahl__c}" styleClass="myfontBrief"/></td>

<td align="right"><apex:outputField value="{!field2.Einzelpreis__c}" styleClass="myfontBrief"/></td>

<td align="right"><apex:outputField value="{!field2.Summe__c}" styleClass="myfontBrief"/></td>





public List<FakturaPosition__c> getResultsPos()


List<FakturaPosition__c> outResultsDetail = new List<FakturaPosition__c>();

outResultsDetail = [select Anzahl__c,Einzelpreis__c,Summe__c,Bezeichnung__c,Faktura__r.Vertrag__c from FakturaPosition__c where Faktura__c = : ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];


 return outResultsDetail;




It is possible to get a loop number from the repeater because this content into this repeater is much bigger for on PDF site and i would like

make a custom page-break. For example: <div style="display:{!IF (counter = 15 , 'block','none')}; page-break-before:always;"></div>


Thanks very much


Something strange happens, when I use the IE browser:

After I call this VF page in IE7 and click on the button "Konten Import"   a new window opens up, but  the PopUp window switch always behind the main page. The main page seem to reload itself.

The symptom is:

I click on <apex:CommandButton value="Konten Import" onclick="openpopup()" />

<script type="text/javascript">

function openpopup()


var KontenWindow = window.open('{!URLFOR($page.KontenImport)}','Konten','height=200,width=385,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');





This behavior happens only on VF Page in IE Browser.




Hello All,


I am followed the instructions of the Salesforce Touch Platform book that was handed out at Dreamforce in order to create a hybrid android application.

When I am import the ContactExplorer project eclipse complaint that SalesforceDroidGapActivity cannot be resolved. So I added salesforcesdk to my build path. However I am getting different errors:


- for Salesforcesdk ==> type org.apache.cordova.DroidDap cannot be resolved. In order to solve this I added cordova-1.8.1..Then I got following error message: R cannot be resolved to a variable    SalesforceRImpl.java    /ContactExplorer/src/com/salesforce/samples/contactexplorer    line 43    Java Problem.


Can anybody help?







i am new in the salesforce community !!

Now my question:


It is possible to get the page layout from the Accout or any other object via .net ???

Have someone a code snippet ???


Thanks a lot



Hi there,


this is a snippet from a page renderas="pdf"


<apex:repeat value="{!ResultsPos}" var="field2">




<td><apex:outputField value="{!field2.Bezeichnung__c}" styleClass="myfontBrief"/></td>

<td align="right"><apex:outputField value="{!field2.Anzahl__c}" styleClass="myfontBrief"/></td>

<td align="right"><apex:outputField value="{!field2.Einzelpreis__c}" styleClass="myfontBrief"/></td>

<td align="right"><apex:outputField value="{!field2.Summe__c}" styleClass="myfontBrief"/></td>





public List<FakturaPosition__c> getResultsPos()


List<FakturaPosition__c> outResultsDetail = new List<FakturaPosition__c>();

outResultsDetail = [select Anzahl__c,Einzelpreis__c,Summe__c,Bezeichnung__c,Faktura__r.Vertrag__c from FakturaPosition__c where Faktura__c = : ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];


 return outResultsDetail;




It is possible to get a loop number from the repeater because this content into this repeater is much bigger for on PDF site and i would like

make a custom page-break. For example: <div style="display:{!IF (counter = 15 , 'block','none')}; page-break-before:always;"></div>


Thanks very much


I'm rendering a VF page to pdf and a datatable on that page spans multiple pages. How do I get the table headers to appear on every page?


Adding the following to my CSS doesn't make a difference.


thead {display: table-header-group}



Message Edited by grigri9 on 01-21-2009 11:28 AM

Something strange happens, when I use the IE browser:

After I call this VF page in IE7 and click on the button "Konten Import"   a new window opens up, but  the PopUp window switch always behind the main page. The main page seem to reload itself.

The symptom is:

I click on <apex:CommandButton value="Konten Import" onclick="openpopup()" />

<script type="text/javascript">

function openpopup()


var KontenWindow = window.open('{!URLFOR($page.KontenImport)}','Konten','height=200,width=385,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');





This behavior happens only on VF Page in IE Browser.


