• lamichhane.deep
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Hi all,
I got error message when i try to upgrade the package that was succesfully uploaded.
The package was the managed-beta released package.

AppExchange Package Not Found

The AppExchange package with ID {0} could not be found. Please try again later. If this error persists it may have been deleted by the owner. If you are installing this from a public AppExchange listing, please report this missing package to salesforce.com. If you are trying to install a privately shared package, please contact the package owner directly to resolve.


Package Installer error.

Cannot upgrade Beta package.You cannot upgrade a beta package, because developers can make incompatible changes to a package that has been released as a beta. To install a newer version of the package, you must first uninstall the existing version.

So can you all help on finding the solution.

In the above link.
cas11= :is for Case Origin.
cas3_lkid= :is for Contact ID.
cas4_lkid= :is Id for some field.
cas7= :is for Status.
cas8= :is for Priority.
CF00N30000002NWpk= :is for .....
Similarly.. what would the Field id Name for the Asset.

Similarly,Plz help me somebody for finding the feild id name for Asset.
I was wondering if anyone out there has gotten into the following situation, and if so, how did you get out of it:
I installed a managed beta package into one of my Developer Edition instances. This package contained several reports. After installation, at some point, I deleted one of the reports from my DE instance. First of all, should I have been able to do this? After all, the report is "managed" and therefore I didn't think I should have been able to delete it. Anyway, now that I have deleted this report, I am unable to uninstall the managed beta package. Every time I attempt to uninstall it, I get the following error:
Data export and uninstall of application MyApplication (Version Name 1.0.8) failed. Your attempt to uninstall could not be completed for the following reasons:
(00O40000001zhhy) could not be removed during uninstall.
Data Not Available: The data you were trying to access could not be found.  It may be due to another user deleting the data or a system error. If you know the data is not deleted but cannot access it, please look at our <A href="javascript&colon;openPopupFocusEscapePounds('/help/doc/user_ed.jsp?body=%2Ftrain%2FonlineSupport.jsp&loc=support&showSplash=true', 'Help', 700, 600, 'width=700,height=600,resizable=yes,toolbar=yes,status=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,directories=no,location=no,dependant=no', false, false);" title="support (New Window)">support</a> page.:
I suspect the object ID listed in the error message is that of the report I deleted. I even tried reinstalling the same version of the managed beta package, which replaced the original report with a new instance of the same report, however, I still get the error referencing the original instance of the report. I am unable to upgrade to a new version of the package since it is in beta. So, I am stuck in a catch 22 here. I can't "upgrade" to a new version, nor can I uninstall the old version. Anyone have any suggestions. I've opened a case with Salesforce support, but I was wondering if anyone else out there might know of a way around this.