• Randy_
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Hello, we develop a suite of applications that include a feature that employs contact "synchronization" with a number of CRM systems (ACT!, SalesLogix, Outlook, etc).
Basically, the "synchronization" is simply our application and the CRM running at the same time, and while the user is on a specific contact in the UI of the CRM, our applications allow the user to import the contact data into our system.
I'm trying to look into the abilities of the sforce API and at this point I don't see why retrieving the contact data would be a problem. However, I'm not sure about knowing where the user is within Salesforce, for example, if they were viewing contact detail, is there a way to determine which contact they are looking at? I'm assuming we'd then be able to take that key and retrieve the associated data using the sforce api.
If not, maybe our "synchronization/import" would need to work a little differently than usual for salesforce. We have a customer (and it has come up in the past as well) that's very interested in us offering/adding this feature with salesforce. Thanks for any knowledge you have on the subject.

Message Edited by Randy_ on 12-05-2008 06:34 AM
  • December 05, 2008
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