• jblon1973
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I have created a google vizualization that displays a scatter graph. My users are getting a secure content warning in their browsers. Is there something I need to do or can do in VF to eliminate this issue? They need to click allow everytime and that gets a bit annoying.

I have written a controller extension and test class that covers 86% of it. The controller woks very well in the sanbox without issue. The problem I have is when it is moved to production. I get the dreaded Attempt to Dereference a Null Object where the graph is supposed to be. There is no configuration difference between the two environments other than an Appexchange package that doe not even interact with the object the controller affects. My code is below:



public with sharing class TestResultGraphConroller {

    public TestResultGraphConroller(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
    public String getTimeVolume(){
        return getTimeVolume(null);
    public String getTimeVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col2','Interval','number'),
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number')
        decimal interval = 0;
        for(Trial__c tv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c from Trial__c])
          Integer v;
          List<String> channelvolumevalues = tv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
          for(String cv: channelvolumevalues)
            GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( interval));//interval
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cv ));//X-Axis
            gv.addRow( r ); 
            interval = interval + .01;
        return gv.toJsonString();
    public String getFlowVolume(){
        return getFlowVolume(null);
  public String getFlowVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number'),
            new GoogleViz.col('col2','Channel Flow','number')    
        for(Trial__c tfv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c, Channel_Flow__c From Trial__c])
            List<String> channelvolumevalues = tfv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
            List<String> channelflowvalues = tfv.Channel_Flow__c.split(' ');
            for(integer i=0; i< channelvolumevalues.size(); i++) 
              String cv = channelvolumevalues[i]; 
              String cf = channelflowvalues[i]; 
              GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
              r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cv ));//Y-Axis
              r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cf ));//X-Axis
              gv.addRow( r ); 

        return gv.toJsonString();

 And here is my test class

private class testTestResultGraphConroller {

    static testMethod void testConroller() {
    	PageReference pageRef = Page.TimeVolumeLine;
    	Trial_Session__c tts1 = new Trial_Session__c(); 
    	insert tts1;
    	Trial__c tt1 = new Trial__c();
    	tt1.Channel_Flow__c = '-0.01114792 0.0204 0.051 0.0714 0.0918';
    	tt1.Channel_Volume__c = '0.9639643 0.9641174 0.9645764 0.9652394';
    	tt1.Trial_Session__c = tts1.Id; 
    	insert tt1;    
    	TestResultGraphConroller TRGC = new TestResultGraphConroller(new ApexPages.StandardController(tt1));

 Anyone have any bright ideas that they can help me with?

Here is the issue:

I have two lists that are being created by parsing two separate fields into plot point values. I need to loop through these lists simultaneously to create an X and a matching Y for a scatter graph. puting two for loops together will only create too many queries and not match the points correctly. How can I accomplish this goal?


My current code is below. It is producing the following error: Illegal Assignment from LIST<String> to string on Line 52

public with sharing class TestResultGraphConroller {

    public TestResultGraphConroller(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
    public String getTimeVolume(){
        return getTimeVolume(null);
    public String getTimeVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col2','Interval','number'),
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number')
        decimal interval = 0;
        for(Trial__c tv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c from Trial__c])
        	Integer v;
        	List<String> channelvolumevalues = tv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
        	for(String cv: channelvolumevalues)
            GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( interval));//interval
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cv ));//X-Axis
            gv.addRow( r ); 
            interval = interval + .01;
        return gv.toJsonString();

    public String getFlowVolume(){
        return getFlowVolume(null);
    public String getFlowVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number'),
            new GoogleViz.col('col2','Channel Flow','number')    
        for(Trial__c tfv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c, Channel_Flow__c From Trial__c])
            List<String> channelvolumevalues = tfv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
            List<String> channelflowvalues = tfv.Channel_Flow__c.split(' ');
            for(String cv: channelvolumevalues)
            	String cf = channelflowvalues;
            	GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            	r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cv ));//Y-Axis
            	r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cf ));//X-Axis
            	gv.addRow( r ); 

        return gv.toJsonString();

 Can I get some assistance on the best way to do this? With the getTimeVolume it was much easier.


Ok. So here is what I am trying to do. I have received two different fields that contain the information for plot points on a scatter graph. They are in Long text fields and seperated by 1 space:



Channel Flow : 00.123456 00.123457 00.123458 etc...

Channel Volume: -00.987654 -00.987653 -00.987652 etc...


What I need to do is three fold:


1) I need to split these values

2) I need to convert the values into decimals 

3) I need to plot Channel Volume vs. Channel Flow on a graph


I am using google visualizations and at this point I feel like I am lost. The starting of my code is below:

public String getTimeVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col2','Interval','number'),
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number')
        decimal interval = 0;
        for(Trial__c tfv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c from Trial__c])
        	Integer v;
        	List<String> cv = tfv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
        	for(v = 0; v < cv.count; v++)
            GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( interval));//interval
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( tfv.Channel_Volume__c[v]));//X-Axis
            gv.addRow( r ); 
            interval = interval + .01;

 I feel like I am on the rigth track, but am missing something. Currently the error that compiling is producing is:

Expresssion must be a list type: String

I am getting the named error on the following code. I am not sure what I am missing.


The structure is that the Trial__c is the parent of Trial_Data__c and I am simply trying to query all the Trial Data related to one trial.


Here is my Code:

for(Trial_Data__c td : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c, Channel_Flow__c, Trial__c From Trial_Data__c WHERE Trial__c =: Trial__c.Id ORDER BY Id ASC])
            GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( interval));//interval
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( td.Channel_Volume__c));//X-Axis
            gv.addRow( r ); 
            interval = interval + .01;

 The error is on the first row query. I need to make sure I am not pulling ALL Trial_Data__c records to display.


Thank you for any help you can provide.


I am writing a test class for the following webservice:

global class wsLoad_NDD_Data {
	webservice static Patient_Data__c LoadPatientData(String strPatientId, String strFirstName, String strLastName, String strIsBioCal, String strEthnicity, String strAsthma, String strGender, Date dtmDateOfBirth, String strCOPD, Decimal numHeight, Decimal numWeight)// String strsite
		Patient_Data__c insertPatientData = null;
		// Look for the Patient_Data_ID__c being passed in.
		List<Patient_Data__c> objPatient = new List<Patient_Data__c>();
        objPatient = [SELECT ID, Patient_ID__c FROM Patient_Data__c WHERE Patient_ID__c = :strPatientId];
        if(objPatient.size() > 0)
        // Existing Patient.
        Patient_Data__c updatePatientData = [SELECT Patient_ID__c, First_Name__c, Last_Name__c, IsBioCal_Int__c, Ethnicity__c, Asthma__c, Gender__c, Date_of_Birth__c, Height__c, Weight__c, Site__c  FROM Patient_Data__c
        WHERE Patient_ID__c = :strPatientId];
        updatePatientData.Patient_ID__c = strPatientId;
		updatePatientData.First_Name__c = strFirstName;
		updatePatientData.Last_Name__c = strLastName;
		updatePatientData.IsBioCal_Int__c = strIsBioCal;
		updatePatientData.Ethnicity__c = strEthnicity;
		updatePatientData.Asthma__c = strAsthma;
		updatePatientData.Gender__c = strGender;
		updatePatientData.Date_of_Birth__c = dtmDateOfBirth;
		updatePatientData.COPD__c = strCOPD;
		updatePatientData.Height__c = numHeight;
		updatePatientData.Weight__c = numWeight;
		//updatePatientData.Site__c = strsite;
		update updatePatientData;
        insertPatientData = new Patient_Data__c();
		insertPatientData.Patient_ID__c = strPatientId;
		insertPatientData.First_Name__c = strFirstName;
		insertPatientData.Last_Name__c = strLastName;
		insertPatientData.IsBioCal_Int__c = strIsBioCal;
		insertPatientData.Ethnicity__c = strEthnicity;
		insertPatientData.Asthma__c = strAsthma;
		insertPatientData.Gender__c = strGender;
		insertPatientData.Date_of_Birth__c = dtmDateOfBirth;
		insertPatientData.COPD__c = strCOPD;
		insertPatientData.Height__c = numHeight;
		insertPatientData.Weight__c = numWeight;
		//insertPatientData.Site__c = strsite;
		insert insertPatientData;
        return insertPatientData;

 And I am getting Invalid Type: wsLoad_NDD_Data.LoadPatientData on teh following code:

private class wsLoad_NDD_DataTest {

    static testMethod void wsLoad_NDD_DataTest() {
                wsLoad_NDD_Data.LoadPatientData = new wsLoad_NDD_Data.LoadPatientData('123456', 'John', 'Smith', 'Yes', 'Caucasian', 'Yes', 'Male', System.today(), 'Yes', 12, 12);


 I figured this would be a breeze. What am I missing?

Hopefully someone can help me out here. I have written the following code:



public with sharing class insertPatientProtocolSchedule {
  //added an instance varaible for the standard controller
     private ApexPages.StandardController controller {get; set;}
     // initialize the controller
     public insertPatientProtocolSchedule(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        //initialize the stanrdard controller
        this.controller = controller;
        //Define Master Objects
  Protocol_Arm__c pa = new Protocol_Arm__c();
  Patient_Protocol_Record__c ppr = new Patient_Protocol_Record__c();
  //Create a list of objects.  Populate it with a query to the database.
  list<Protocol_Arm_Activities__c> pactList = [SELECT Name FROM Protocol_Arm_Activities__c WHERE Protocol_Arm__r.Id = :ppr.Protocol_Arm__r.Id];
//Cycle through the list, and for each object create a new one, the only difference being the MasterId
  list<Protocol_Arm_Activities__c> NewList = new list<Protocol_Arm_Activities__c>();
  for (Protocol_Arm_Activities__c paa : pactList) {
     Patient_Protocol_Activity__c ppa = new Patient_Protocol_Activity__c();
     ppa.Name = paa.Name;
     ppa.Patient_Protocol_Record__c = ppr.Id;
     NewList.add(ppa); // Error Line
// insert new records
  insert NewList;
    // method called from the VF's action attribute to clone the schedule
    public PageReference addSchedule() {
And I am getting the following Error In Eclipse on the line I have marked with //Error Line:
Save error: Incompatible element type SOBJECT:Patient_Protocol_Activity__c for collection of SOBJECT:Protocol_Arm_Activities__c
I am not seeing any issues.
Both Patient_Protocol_Activity__c and Protocol_Arm_Activities__c are the Detail in a Master-Detail relationship.
Thank you for any help you can provide.


I have written a controller extension and test class that covers 86% of it. The controller woks very well in the sanbox without issue. The problem I have is when it is moved to production. I get the dreaded Attempt to Dereference a Null Object where the graph is supposed to be. There is no configuration difference between the two environments other than an Appexchange package that doe not even interact with the object the controller affects. My code is below:



public with sharing class TestResultGraphConroller {

    public TestResultGraphConroller(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
    public String getTimeVolume(){
        return getTimeVolume(null);
    public String getTimeVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col2','Interval','number'),
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number')
        decimal interval = 0;
        for(Trial__c tv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c from Trial__c])
          Integer v;
          List<String> channelvolumevalues = tv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
          for(String cv: channelvolumevalues)
            GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( interval));//interval
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cv ));//X-Axis
            gv.addRow( r ); 
            interval = interval + .01;
        return gv.toJsonString();
    public String getFlowVolume(){
        return getFlowVolume(null);
  public String getFlowVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number'),
            new GoogleViz.col('col2','Channel Flow','number')    
        for(Trial__c tfv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c, Channel_Flow__c From Trial__c])
            List<String> channelvolumevalues = tfv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
            List<String> channelflowvalues = tfv.Channel_Flow__c.split(' ');
            for(integer i=0; i< channelvolumevalues.size(); i++) 
              String cv = channelvolumevalues[i]; 
              String cf = channelflowvalues[i]; 
              GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
              r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cv ));//Y-Axis
              r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cf ));//X-Axis
              gv.addRow( r ); 

        return gv.toJsonString();

 And here is my test class

private class testTestResultGraphConroller {

    static testMethod void testConroller() {
    	PageReference pageRef = Page.TimeVolumeLine;
    	Trial_Session__c tts1 = new Trial_Session__c(); 
    	insert tts1;
    	Trial__c tt1 = new Trial__c();
    	tt1.Channel_Flow__c = '-0.01114792 0.0204 0.051 0.0714 0.0918';
    	tt1.Channel_Volume__c = '0.9639643 0.9641174 0.9645764 0.9652394';
    	tt1.Trial_Session__c = tts1.Id; 
    	insert tt1;    
    	TestResultGraphConroller TRGC = new TestResultGraphConroller(new ApexPages.StandardController(tt1));

 Anyone have any bright ideas that they can help me with?

Here is the issue:

I have two lists that are being created by parsing two separate fields into plot point values. I need to loop through these lists simultaneously to create an X and a matching Y for a scatter graph. puting two for loops together will only create too many queries and not match the points correctly. How can I accomplish this goal?


My current code is below. It is producing the following error: Illegal Assignment from LIST<String> to string on Line 52

public with sharing class TestResultGraphConroller {

    public TestResultGraphConroller(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
    public String getTimeVolume(){
        return getTimeVolume(null);
    public String getTimeVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col2','Interval','number'),
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number')
        decimal interval = 0;
        for(Trial__c tv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c from Trial__c])
        	Integer v;
        	List<String> channelvolumevalues = tv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
        	for(String cv: channelvolumevalues)
            GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( interval));//interval
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cv ));//X-Axis
            gv.addRow( r ); 
            interval = interval + .01;
        return gv.toJsonString();

    public String getFlowVolume(){
        return getFlowVolume(null);
    public String getFlowVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number'),
            new GoogleViz.col('col2','Channel Flow','number')    
        for(Trial__c tfv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c, Channel_Flow__c From Trial__c])
            List<String> channelvolumevalues = tfv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
            List<String> channelflowvalues = tfv.Channel_Flow__c.split(' ');
            for(String cv: channelvolumevalues)
            	String cf = channelflowvalues;
            	GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            	r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cv ));//Y-Axis
            	r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( cf ));//X-Axis
            	gv.addRow( r ); 

        return gv.toJsonString();

 Can I get some assistance on the best way to do this? With the getTimeVolume it was much easier.


how to change lead conversion page layout in salseforce ?

Ok. So here is what I am trying to do. I have received two different fields that contain the information for plot points on a scatter graph. They are in Long text fields and seperated by 1 space:



Channel Flow : 00.123456 00.123457 00.123458 etc...

Channel Volume: -00.987654 -00.987653 -00.987652 etc...


What I need to do is three fold:


1) I need to split these values

2) I need to convert the values into decimals 

3) I need to plot Channel Volume vs. Channel Flow on a graph


I am using google visualizations and at this point I feel like I am lost. The starting of my code is below:

public String getTimeVolume(List<Id> ids){
        GoogleViz gv = new GoogleViz();              
        gv.cols = new list<GoogleViz.col> { 
            new GoogleViz.Col('col2','Interval','number'),
            new GoogleViz.Col('col1','Channel Volume','number')
        decimal interval = 0;
        for(Trial__c tfv : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c from Trial__c])
        	Integer v;
        	List<String> cv = tfv.Channel_Volume__c.split(' ');
        	for(v = 0; v < cv.count; v++)
            GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( interval));//interval
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( tfv.Channel_Volume__c[v]));//X-Axis
            gv.addRow( r ); 
            interval = interval + .01;

 I feel like I am on the rigth track, but am missing something. Currently the error that compiling is producing is:

Expresssion must be a list type: String

I am getting the named error on the following code. I am not sure what I am missing.


The structure is that the Trial__c is the parent of Trial_Data__c and I am simply trying to query all the Trial Data related to one trial.


Here is my Code:

for(Trial_Data__c td : [Select Id, Channel_Volume__c, Channel_Flow__c, Trial__c From Trial_Data__c WHERE Trial__c =: Trial__c.Id ORDER BY Id ASC])
            GoogleViz.row r = new GoogleViz.row();
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( interval));//interval
            r.cells.add ( new GoogleViz.cell( td.Channel_Volume__c));//X-Axis
            gv.addRow( r ); 
            interval = interval + .01;

 The error is on the first row query. I need to make sure I am not pulling ALL Trial_Data__c records to display.


Thank you for any help you can provide.


I am writing a test class for the following webservice:

global class wsLoad_NDD_Data {
	webservice static Patient_Data__c LoadPatientData(String strPatientId, String strFirstName, String strLastName, String strIsBioCal, String strEthnicity, String strAsthma, String strGender, Date dtmDateOfBirth, String strCOPD, Decimal numHeight, Decimal numWeight)// String strsite
		Patient_Data__c insertPatientData = null;
		// Look for the Patient_Data_ID__c being passed in.
		List<Patient_Data__c> objPatient = new List<Patient_Data__c>();
        objPatient = [SELECT ID, Patient_ID__c FROM Patient_Data__c WHERE Patient_ID__c = :strPatientId];
        if(objPatient.size() > 0)
        // Existing Patient.
        Patient_Data__c updatePatientData = [SELECT Patient_ID__c, First_Name__c, Last_Name__c, IsBioCal_Int__c, Ethnicity__c, Asthma__c, Gender__c, Date_of_Birth__c, Height__c, Weight__c, Site__c  FROM Patient_Data__c
        WHERE Patient_ID__c = :strPatientId];
        updatePatientData.Patient_ID__c = strPatientId;
		updatePatientData.First_Name__c = strFirstName;
		updatePatientData.Last_Name__c = strLastName;
		updatePatientData.IsBioCal_Int__c = strIsBioCal;
		updatePatientData.Ethnicity__c = strEthnicity;
		updatePatientData.Asthma__c = strAsthma;
		updatePatientData.Gender__c = strGender;
		updatePatientData.Date_of_Birth__c = dtmDateOfBirth;
		updatePatientData.COPD__c = strCOPD;
		updatePatientData.Height__c = numHeight;
		updatePatientData.Weight__c = numWeight;
		//updatePatientData.Site__c = strsite;
		update updatePatientData;
        insertPatientData = new Patient_Data__c();
		insertPatientData.Patient_ID__c = strPatientId;
		insertPatientData.First_Name__c = strFirstName;
		insertPatientData.Last_Name__c = strLastName;
		insertPatientData.IsBioCal_Int__c = strIsBioCal;
		insertPatientData.Ethnicity__c = strEthnicity;
		insertPatientData.Asthma__c = strAsthma;
		insertPatientData.Gender__c = strGender;
		insertPatientData.Date_of_Birth__c = dtmDateOfBirth;
		insertPatientData.COPD__c = strCOPD;
		insertPatientData.Height__c = numHeight;
		insertPatientData.Weight__c = numWeight;
		//insertPatientData.Site__c = strsite;
		insert insertPatientData;
        return insertPatientData;

 And I am getting Invalid Type: wsLoad_NDD_Data.LoadPatientData on teh following code:

private class wsLoad_NDD_DataTest {

    static testMethod void wsLoad_NDD_DataTest() {
                wsLoad_NDD_Data.LoadPatientData = new wsLoad_NDD_Data.LoadPatientData('123456', 'John', 'Smith', 'Yes', 'Caucasian', 'Yes', 'Male', System.today(), 'Yes', 12, 12);


 I figured this would be a breeze. What am I missing?