• mike83
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Ok So I have this trigger on the Opportunity Object


trigger OppertunityUpdate on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {

public void UpdateOpportunities(ID opId) {

Opportunity o = [Select o.Id, o.Total_Freight__c, o.Total_Sales_Tax__c, o.Total_Installation__c,

o.Amount, o.Adjustment5__c, o.Adjustment4__c, o.Adjustment3__c,

o.Adjustment2__c, o.Adjustment1__c, o.CanRunTrigger__c

From Opportunity o where o.Id = :opId];

List<PricebookEntry> pbes = [Select p.Product2Id, p.Name, p.Id

From PricebookEntry p

Where p.Product2.name

in ('SalesTax','Freight','Discount1','Discount2','Discount3','Discount4','Discount5','Installation')

order by p.Product2.name ]; List<OpportunityLineItem> oli = [Select o.Id, o.OpportunityId From OpportunityLineItem o

where o.PricebookEntry.id in :pbes

and o.OpportunityId = :o.Id order by o.PricebookEntry.Product2.name];

System.Debug('OliCount: ' + oli.size());

Decimal oliCount = [Select count()

From OpportunityLineItem o

where o.PricebookEntry.id not in :pbes

and o.OpportunityId = :o.Id];

System.Debug('TotalOliSize: ' + oliCount +', o:' + o.id);

if(oliCount < 1) return; if(oli.size() <> 8)


System.Debug('Creating new olis');

//Delete oli if size <8 and > 0

if(oli.size() > 0)

delete oli;

oli = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();

//Adding discount1

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment1__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment1__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[0].id, order__c = 10001));

//Adding discount2

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment2__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment2__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[1].id, order__c = 10002));

//Adding discount3

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment3__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment3__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[2].id, order__c = 10003));

//Adding discount4

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment4__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment4__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[3].id, order__c = 10004));

//Adding discount5

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment5__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment5__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[4].id, order__c = 10005));

//Adding Installation

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1, OpportunityId = o.Id,

TotalPrice = o.Total_Installation__c == null ? 0: o.Total_Installation__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[7].id, order__c = 10006));

//Adding freight

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId = o.Id,

Quantity = 1, TotalPrice = o.Total_Freight__c == null ? 0 : o.Total_Freight__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[5].Id, order__c = 10007));

//adding SalesTax

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1, OpportunityId = o.Id,

TotalPrice = o.Total_Sales_Tax__c == null ? 0: o.Total_Sales_Tax__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[6].id, order__c = 10008));

upsert oli;



System.Debug('Updating olis');

oli[0].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment1__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment1__c;

oli[1].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment2__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment2__c;

oli[2].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment3__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment3__c;

oli[3].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment4__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment4__c;

oli[4].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment5__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment5__c;

oli[5].TotalPrice = o.Total_Installation__c == null ? 0: o.Total_Installation__c;

oli[6].TotalPrice = o.Total_Freight__c == null ? 0 : o.Total_Freight__c;

oli[7].TotalPrice = o.Total_Sales_Tax__c == null ? 0: o.Total_Sales_Tax__c;

Decimal counter = 1;

for(OpportunityLineItem ol: oli)


ol.order__c = 10000 + counter;

counter ++;


update oli;








Heres my test case in a seperate class


private class TestOpportunityTriggers {

public static testMethod void testOppTrigger(){

Opportunity z = new Opportunity( name='Test',StageName='Closed Won',

CloseDate=Date.valueof('2008-05-01'), Amount=1.25, Adjustment5__c=1.25,

Adjustment4__c=1.25, Adjustment3__c=7.25, Adjustment2__c=0, Adjustment1__c=3,


insert z;

update z;







But my Force.com IDE keeps saying 0% of my trigger is covered and I need atleast 1% but when I run in the the browser it says it has 100% coverage.


What am i missing? Please any help would be great

Message Edited by mike83 on 09-18-2009 09:26 AM
Message Edited by mike83 on 09-18-2009 09:32 AM
  • September 18, 2009
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Ok I have a big nasty controller. At the top I have all these private variables I use Like:

public class pageController {      
private String secondaryLink =''; 

Then I have a get method


public String  getRequiredProducts() {
 secondaryLink =''; 
lib = [Select Link__C, Sales_Library_Link_2__c, Sales__c, Thumbnail__c, Headline__c, Teaser_Text__c From Sales_Library__c Where Required__c = true AND Sales_Library_Category__c = 'Product Information'];
if(lib.Sales__c!=null && lib.Sales_Library_Link_2__c!=null )  { 


My problem is I have code coverage on the get require products method but its complaing about not testing the variable secondaryLink... how do I test a private variable in a test class?


Heres what I have For the test class


 public static testMethod void PageTester()    
string secondaryLink ='';        
string LiveID='00530000001f0fkAAA'; // I know this needs to be a query but dont care right now.       
PageReference pageRef2 = Page.ICHomepage;        
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('uid', LiveID);        
PageController controller  = new PageController();        


 So why does it complain about that variable not being covered?  And how do i cover it?


Message Edited by mike83 on 07-10-2009 11:26 AM
Message Edited by mike83 on 07-10-2009 11:27 AM

Ok So i have this big nasty controller and I am hitting 70% on my code coverage. There are no setters only getters. Which I have to do because sites doesnt let you use a standard controller. heres one of the pieces its complaining about.


public class repPageController { 

 String prods='';

public String getRequiredProducts()

{prods= '';

lib = [Select Link__C, Sales__c, Thumbnail__c, Headline__c, Teaser_Text__c From Sales_Library__c

Where Required__c = true AND Sales_Library_Category__c = 'Product Information'];

prods='<div class="floatLeft" style="width:70%"><p><h3><a href="'+lib.Link__c +'" target="_blank">'

+lib.Headline__c+'</a></h3><br/>'+lib.Teaser_Text__c+'&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="'+lib.Link__c

+'" target="_blank">More...</a>'+secondaryLink+' </p></div><div class="floatRight" style="width:28%">'

+imgLink+'</div><div class"clear"></div>';

return prods; 




So heres my test statement.


public class TestRepPageControllers {

  public static testMethod void RepPageTester()


  string LiveID='00530000001f0fkAAA';

PageReference pageRef2 = Page.ICHomepage;


ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('uid', LiveID);

RepPageController controller = new RepPageController();





Best I can tell its saying that I dont have coverage on the Lib variable But I am not sure how else to any help would be great


Message Edited by mike83 on 05-11-2009 03:14 PM

I am having trouble accessing the business hours object from a custom object.


I have a custom object with a look up to the business hours object and I am trying to pull in the monday start times and end times and it keeps giving me an error  




The error says "Unsupported type shared.xml.soap.Time encountered."



What does the error mean and what am I doing wrong here? 


  • January 29, 2009
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  • 0

So I have all these sales people images that they would like to have displayed on the sales page relative to the users alias. So I name all the images  the same as the users alias and load them up in the static resources. I just want to call them.  I am imagingin something liek this but I am not sure how to dynaically populate the name of the resource based on the users alias 

So heres a static example  where "initals" is the users alias name.


 <img id="repImage" src="{!$Resource.img_initials}" alt="{!Rep_Page__c.User__r.Name}" />



What I'd like to do is something like this. 

<img id="repImage" src="{!$Resource.img_{!Rep_Page__c.User__r.Alias}}" alt="{!Rep_Page__c.User__r.Name}" /> 


I am open to any other options ... ideas? 

  • January 29, 2009
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  • 0
Ok so I am totally new to this and need some help.  I have an APEX page with that uses a custom Object and a standard Controller. Like this:
<apex:page standardController="Rep_Page__c" showheader="false">
I get a field from that object like this

Rep_Page_c has a look up field: {!Rep_Page__c.Sales_Library_Item_1__c}
this does a lookup on another custom object named sales_library which is basically a listing
of articles with fields for headlines teasers content and other stuff I want to pull that
data into the page as well through that lookup. Do I need to build a custom class for that?

Basically I dont know how to call the data from that object onto the same page where a standard
controler is delared for another object. It seems like there should be an easy way to do this
since the two objects are related via that lookup but I dont know what that is. Any help would
be greatly appreciated even just a kick in the right direction.

  • December 17, 2008
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  • 0

Ok So I have this trigger on the Opportunity Object


trigger OppertunityUpdate on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {

public void UpdateOpportunities(ID opId) {

Opportunity o = [Select o.Id, o.Total_Freight__c, o.Total_Sales_Tax__c, o.Total_Installation__c,

o.Amount, o.Adjustment5__c, o.Adjustment4__c, o.Adjustment3__c,

o.Adjustment2__c, o.Adjustment1__c, o.CanRunTrigger__c

From Opportunity o where o.Id = :opId];

List<PricebookEntry> pbes = [Select p.Product2Id, p.Name, p.Id

From PricebookEntry p

Where p.Product2.name

in ('SalesTax','Freight','Discount1','Discount2','Discount3','Discount4','Discount5','Installation')

order by p.Product2.name ]; List<OpportunityLineItem> oli = [Select o.Id, o.OpportunityId From OpportunityLineItem o

where o.PricebookEntry.id in :pbes

and o.OpportunityId = :o.Id order by o.PricebookEntry.Product2.name];

System.Debug('OliCount: ' + oli.size());

Decimal oliCount = [Select count()

From OpportunityLineItem o

where o.PricebookEntry.id not in :pbes

and o.OpportunityId = :o.Id];

System.Debug('TotalOliSize: ' + oliCount +', o:' + o.id);

if(oliCount < 1) return; if(oli.size() <> 8)


System.Debug('Creating new olis');

//Delete oli if size <8 and > 0

if(oli.size() > 0)

delete oli;

oli = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();

//Adding discount1

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment1__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment1__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[0].id, order__c = 10001));

//Adding discount2

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment2__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment2__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[1].id, order__c = 10002));

//Adding discount3

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment3__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment3__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[2].id, order__c = 10003));

//Adding discount4

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment4__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment4__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[3].id, order__c = 10004));

//Adding discount5

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1,

OpportunityId = o.Id, TotalPrice = o.Adjustment5__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment5__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[4].id, order__c = 10005));

//Adding Installation

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1, OpportunityId = o.Id,

TotalPrice = o.Total_Installation__c == null ? 0: o.Total_Installation__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[7].id, order__c = 10006));

//Adding freight

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId = o.Id,

Quantity = 1, TotalPrice = o.Total_Freight__c == null ? 0 : o.Total_Freight__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[5].Id, order__c = 10007));

//adding SalesTax

oli.add( new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 1, OpportunityId = o.Id,

TotalPrice = o.Total_Sales_Tax__c == null ? 0: o.Total_Sales_Tax__c,

PriceBookEntryId = pbes[6].id, order__c = 10008));

upsert oli;



System.Debug('Updating olis');

oli[0].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment1__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment1__c;

oli[1].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment2__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment2__c;

oli[2].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment3__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment3__c;

oli[3].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment4__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment4__c;

oli[4].TotalPrice = o.Adjustment5__c == null ? 0: o.Adjustment5__c;

oli[5].TotalPrice = o.Total_Installation__c == null ? 0: o.Total_Installation__c;

oli[6].TotalPrice = o.Total_Freight__c == null ? 0 : o.Total_Freight__c;

oli[7].TotalPrice = o.Total_Sales_Tax__c == null ? 0: o.Total_Sales_Tax__c;

Decimal counter = 1;

for(OpportunityLineItem ol: oli)


ol.order__c = 10000 + counter;

counter ++;


update oli;








Heres my test case in a seperate class


private class TestOpportunityTriggers {

public static testMethod void testOppTrigger(){

Opportunity z = new Opportunity( name='Test',StageName='Closed Won',

CloseDate=Date.valueof('2008-05-01'), Amount=1.25, Adjustment5__c=1.25,

Adjustment4__c=1.25, Adjustment3__c=7.25, Adjustment2__c=0, Adjustment1__c=3,


insert z;

update z;







But my Force.com IDE keeps saying 0% of my trigger is covered and I need atleast 1% but when I run in the the browser it says it has 100% coverage.


What am i missing? Please any help would be great

Message Edited by mike83 on 09-18-2009 09:26 AM
Message Edited by mike83 on 09-18-2009 09:32 AM
  • September 18, 2009
  • Like
  • 0

Ok I have a big nasty controller. At the top I have all these private variables I use Like:

public class pageController {      
private String secondaryLink =''; 

Then I have a get method


public String  getRequiredProducts() {
 secondaryLink =''; 
lib = [Select Link__C, Sales_Library_Link_2__c, Sales__c, Thumbnail__c, Headline__c, Teaser_Text__c From Sales_Library__c Where Required__c = true AND Sales_Library_Category__c = 'Product Information'];
if(lib.Sales__c!=null && lib.Sales_Library_Link_2__c!=null )  { 


My problem is I have code coverage on the get require products method but its complaing about not testing the variable secondaryLink... how do I test a private variable in a test class?


Heres what I have For the test class


 public static testMethod void PageTester()    
string secondaryLink ='';        
string LiveID='00530000001f0fkAAA'; // I know this needs to be a query but dont care right now.       
PageReference pageRef2 = Page.ICHomepage;        
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('uid', LiveID);        
PageController controller  = new PageController();        


 So why does it complain about that variable not being covered?  And how do i cover it?


Message Edited by mike83 on 07-10-2009 11:26 AM
Message Edited by mike83 on 07-10-2009 11:27 AM

Ok So i have this big nasty controller and I am hitting 70% on my code coverage. There are no setters only getters. Which I have to do because sites doesnt let you use a standard controller. heres one of the pieces its complaining about.


public class repPageController { 

 String prods='';

public String getRequiredProducts()

{prods= '';

lib = [Select Link__C, Sales__c, Thumbnail__c, Headline__c, Teaser_Text__c From Sales_Library__c

Where Required__c = true AND Sales_Library_Category__c = 'Product Information'];

prods='<div class="floatLeft" style="width:70%"><p><h3><a href="'+lib.Link__c +'" target="_blank">'

+lib.Headline__c+'</a></h3><br/>'+lib.Teaser_Text__c+'&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="'+lib.Link__c

+'" target="_blank">More...</a>'+secondaryLink+' </p></div><div class="floatRight" style="width:28%">'

+imgLink+'</div><div class"clear"></div>';

return prods; 




So heres my test statement.


public class TestRepPageControllers {

  public static testMethod void RepPageTester()


  string LiveID='00530000001f0fkAAA';

PageReference pageRef2 = Page.ICHomepage;


ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('uid', LiveID);

RepPageController controller = new RepPageController();





Best I can tell its saying that I dont have coverage on the Lib variable But I am not sure how else to any help would be great


Message Edited by mike83 on 05-11-2009 03:14 PM

I am having trouble accessing the business hours object from a custom object.


I have a custom object with a look up to the business hours object and I am trying to pull in the monday start times and end times and it keeps giving me an error  




The error says "Unsupported type shared.xml.soap.Time encountered."



What does the error mean and what am I doing wrong here? 


  • January 29, 2009
  • Like
  • 0

So I have all these sales people images that they would like to have displayed on the sales page relative to the users alias. So I name all the images  the same as the users alias and load them up in the static resources. I just want to call them.  I am imagingin something liek this but I am not sure how to dynaically populate the name of the resource based on the users alias 

So heres a static example  where "initals" is the users alias name.


 <img id="repImage" src="{!$Resource.img_initials}" alt="{!Rep_Page__c.User__r.Name}" />



What I'd like to do is something like this. 

<img id="repImage" src="{!$Resource.img_{!Rep_Page__c.User__r.Alias}}" alt="{!Rep_Page__c.User__r.Name}" /> 


I am open to any other options ... ideas? 

  • January 29, 2009
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  • 0