• gm_sfdc_powerde
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I use a try/catch block with code similar to the following to display a variety of exceptions including validation errors. Shown below is the catch poriton:


        catch(Exception e)

 Now I would like to THROW a standard exception. i.e.


Try {

(Validate some condition)


catch (DMLException DMLe){

[How do I place code here that will provide a specific static message that i want to show as the particular exception message]


Hi everyone,


I was planning on creating some custom fields in the Task Object. I don't see the add a new field button. Is there a reason that I would not be able to do that?

I am researching for a development effort at my company.  I am hearing from some developers that it is not possible to perform a 'clone' via API.  I know that it's possible within APEX, so it seems counterintuitive that this is not possible with API's. 

Does anybody have experience with this and, if so, what approaches are available?



I searched around the forum/documentation to do this simple trigger update but didn't find anything.


What I have:  2 objects-  Site Location & Opportunity.  Site Location has a lookup to the opportunity.  


What I'm trying to do: Since every opp in our instance should have a site location, I'd like for a site location to be automatically created (and linked) everytime a new opportunity is created.  


Here's my code that I have so far: 



trigger createSiteLocations on Opportunity (after insert) {

for (Opportunity opp : trigger.new) {
		Site_Location__c sl = new Site_Location__c();		
		insert sl;


This is not working...any ideas/help?



  • April 12, 2011
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I am trying to insert data into a parent table based on an aggregate query (table is called receipt__c). I will need to add the results to a map, because I am going to add data to a child table later.


When I run the SOQL query that retreives the aggregate result, I also get a record called concat_donor__c. I want that value in my map because I will need it when I add the child records (concat_donor__c will determine which receipt__c records each child record should be associated with).


The line of code "receiptmap.put(ar.get('Transaction__r.concat_donor__c'), r);"

results in: "Error: Compile Error: Incompatible key type Object for MAP<String,receipt__c> at line 33 column 9".


How should I be doing this? If anyone could point me in the right direct I'd really appreciate it.



    List<receipt__c> receipts = new List<receipt__c>();
    Map<String, receipt__c> receiptmap = new Map<String, receipt__c>();
    List<aggregateResult> aloc = [SELECT sum(receiptable__c)tot, Transaction__r.concat_donor__c from Allocation__C WHERE receiptable__c > 0 AND Transaction__c not in (select transaction__c from Donation_Receipt_Link__c) group by Transaction__r.concat_donor__c];
    for (AggregateResult ar : aloc)
        receipt__c r = new receipt__c();
        r.Amount__c = (Decimal) ar.get('tot');
        receiptmap.put(ar.get('Transaction__r.concat_donor__c'), r);

    insert receipts;

I could crack logging a trigger email as an activty but it sends the email twice and it also sends the email to contact email id too??

I just wanna send an email to CLient_Email_Address__c


Any idea?



Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
    String[] toAddresses = new String[] {c.CLient_Email_Address__c};
    EmailTemplate et = [SELECT id FROM EmailTemplate WHERE developerName = 'Completion_Notification'];
    mail.saveAsActivity = true;
    Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });

Here is a problem:


We need to be able to populate a date field on Opportunity every time a new task of specific record type is created and related to opportunity (and ONLY). 


Solution: create a trigger on insert. Here is where I am stuck, how to check if a task that is being created, relates to opportunity and not other object? 


Thank you. 


// ms is an instance of a custom object with Tasks as its children
system.debug('**** TASKS BEFORE: ' + ms.tasks.size()); // gives 2
Task to = new Task(whatId = ms.Id, Subject='New Task');
system.debug('**** TASKS AFTER: ' + ms.tasks.size()); // still gives 2


Any ideas?


Hey guys,

I need some suggestions on how to write a trigger for this particular criteria.

Scenario is like this: An Account is created.And there is No activity on the account for 3 weeks. (no update, or delete).
I need to write a trigger for this inactivity, on Account. I am stumped because  until and unless there is some action on account, my trigger wont get fired.

so i need some suggestions on how to move forward with this.

  • January 26, 2011
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I've already written my apex out but just want to find out if there is a more efficient way to do what I am doing.


I have three objects: Device, Application, Contract

There are two join objects to link them and provide a many to many relationship: Device-Applications and Contract-Applications


There is a date field on Device. For every Contract I would like to show the earliest Device Date out of all the related Devices. So from Contracts that would mean Finding all Contract-Apps then using that to find all Device-Apps and using that to find the related Devices so that i can find the earliest date. Currently I am doing this with 3 soql queries:

1. [SELECT Id... FROM Contract-App WHERE Contract__c IN : contractIdsToUpdate]

2. [SELECT Id... FROM Device-App WHERE Application__c IN : appIdsFound]

3. [SELECT Id... FROM Device__c WHERE Id IN : deviceIds]


Is there a more efficient way to write these queries or even the whole process?



  • January 14, 2011
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When I execute anonymous the following ..



class A {
 class B {

 .. it does not compile but fails with message 


Compile error at line 2 column 0
unexpected token: 'class'


Compile error at line 2 column 0unexpected token: 'class'


The same design pattern works in a controller class.


Any explanations?




We'd like to include a hyperlink on our website that points to the Salesforce free trial signup page (https://www.salesforce.com/form/signup/freetrial-lb.jsp), but I can't find any information about how to add a referral to the URL.
My guess (possibly a wrong one) is that we should be including some sort of "referer" information as a query string, so that Salesforce will know the click-through came from our web site... but so far I haven't been able to find anything in the Salesforce documentation about referrals or if / how to add one to an HREF.
This is all a W.A.G. on my part, but I'd think Salesforce would be interested in keeping track of click-throughs and referrals from other sites.  Am I wrong about this?
Jerry H.
cant we use execute anonymous action from eclipse to debug the testmethod for triggers in Apex class uing force.comIDE
  • December 12, 2009
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I need to do something that I'd like to get the board's input on.


I need to invoke a class (i.e. MyClass) and set a flag in the Before Trigger.


But my After trigger will need access to the same flag to see if it was set as well components in the class itself.


So, if I:

     MyClass oMyClass = new MyClass();

     oMyClass.bInit = true;


And then in the After trigger, do:

     if (oMyClass.bInit)

That won't work because it's in a different context, will it?  So how do I get the After trigger to know that the Before trigger already fired the class?



I am looking at design options to develop an integration to an external webservice.


The webservice will take a couple of fields off of a parent object (say account) and then a couple of fields from the set of child objects (say contact).


So for arguments sake lets say it takes the account name and site and then an array of contact name and postcodes.


It would be triggered by a button on the child object (so would send details about its parents and siblings if that makes sense!) .


1.  What is the best method to achieve this callout?  (outbound message vs apex callout vs ...?) - I think Apex is the only option?

2.  I have built similar webservice callouts using Apex before but they've always been very simple (send in one or 2 parameters) - How would one go about passing in the array of child objects to the web service? (I have no control over the external end so can't just pass a query string for it to retrieve the records)


Any thoughts much appreciated,







  • December 03, 2009
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I've seen the messages about too many callouts: 11, and too many callouts: 2 (in batch), but I'm getting too many callouts: 1 with batch.


I have a process that will collect all "Orders" that need to be sent to SAP (through XI using custom callouts).  I ran into the 10 callout governor limit right away, so I am passing those Orders or setting them up in batches of 1 and trying to make 1 callout, but get this error.


Anyone?  Anyone?  Going to log a ticket, but figured I'd see if anyone came accross it.

public string getMyAnswer() { list<Administrative_Task__c> QuestionandYearAns = null; QuestionandYearAns = Database.query('select '+ currentQuestion + ' from Administrative_Task__c where plan__c = '+ '\''+SelectedPlanID+'\'' + ' AND year__c =' + '\''+YEQYearValue+'\'');

return QuestionandYearAns[0].Completed_By_Last__c; // return QuestionandYearAns[0].currentQuestion; }

 Hi all,


I'm looking for a way to acheive the above (in red).  From my query statement, you can see that a variable called currentQuestion is used to specify which Administrative_Task__c field to return, which is chosen by the user on the front end.  I would like to be able to return the field dynamically without having to explicity list which field to return (blue).


Any help would be greatly appreciated!




I wrote this below apex code using eclipse and when i deploy to server and on validating it says no such column for address,owner,recordtype and created by. I tested with just Email and it worked perfectly. I even tried appending the column names with__c like custom fields but it didn't work.


public class Communication {
List<Lead> leads;
public List<Lead> getLeads() {
if(leads == null) leads = [select Address,Owner,RecordType,CreatedBy from lead limit 10];
return leads;


tell me how the standard fields should be represented using their api name.

  • November 30, 2009
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I was wondering, is there a way to be able to access SQL from Apex or even VisualForce...

We'd like to retrieve some data from our SQL Server 2008 from a controller (in Apex), and seem to be stuck, not sure how to proceed or if it is even possible.


Any suggestion or help would be greatly appreciated!





I am receiving the error: caused by: System.Exception: Too many SOQL queries: 101


My logic is below.  What I am trying to do:


1.  retrieve a list of all opportunities that match a certain criteria

2.  if that opportunity doesn't have any projects, update a custom field in the opportunity table (is_pipeline__c)

3.  if there is a project, if its project_stage__c = 'pipeline', update that is_pipeline__c filed


From my readings, I am hitting the 100 limit because for each iteration through my for loop, we are calling at least 1 soql statement and that will reach the limit fast.  Any thoughts on how I can get around this issue with my class code below?  Thanks 


     List<Opportunity> allOpps = [SELECT Id, Is_Pipeline__c FROM Opportunity WHERE billingtype__c <> null AND pldepartment__c <> null  AND Is_Pipeline__c = false AND stagename <> 'Closed Won']; //limit 60];


     for (Opportunity oppys : allOpps)



     Integer existingProjects = [select count() from SFDC_Projects__c where opportunity__c = : oppys.Id];


     if (existingProjects < 1)


     oppys.Is_Pipeline__c = true;

     update oppys;




     SFDC_Projects__c project = [SELECT Project_Stage__c FROM SFDC_Projects__c WHERE opportunity__c = : oppys.Id];


     if (project.Project_Stage__c == 'Pipeline')


     oppys.Is_Pipeline__c = true;

     update oppys;





Hi, I have a couple of questions around labels.


1)Is there any way I can leverage a standard error message from app (Error: Invalid Data. Review all error messages below to correct your data.) in my visual force page?   I checked $Label.site merge field, but don't see this error listed there.

2) If the answer to the above question is no, I guess my next option would be to use "error" label (Error: {0}) from $Label.site merge field. But can someone tell me how I can pass the {0} parameter to this label.


I am aware that I can create my own custom label to do this. But I am trying to leverage the standard functionality as much as I can for obvious reasons and hence these questions.




I have an inputField in a form that needs to use a different name than the field that it is bound to.  I was able to achieve this by using a outputLabel component tied to inputField using "for" attribute.  However, when the form is submitted without filling this field (a picklist),  the error message which is displayed shows the field name and not the name defined by outputLabel.  How can I fix this problem?




Can the below code be optimised. I need the query to filter all the not null id's , so that i can remove the variable strOpportunityRecord.

public Opportunity getOpportunityRecord(String Queriablefields, id sourceOpportunityId) {       
        String strOpportunityRecord;
        Opportunity sourceOpportunityRecord = new Opportunity();
        try {
            strOpportunityRecord =  'SELECT ' + Queriablefields +'Name From Opportunity where id =: sourceOpportunityId';
            if (strOpportunityRecord != null) {
                sourceOpportunityRecord = Database.query(strOpportunityRecord) ;
           return sourceOpportunityRecord;
        catch(QueryException ex) {
            return null;


public with sharing class textInputsCon {
     public String inputText1{get;set;} // input text1 value  from vf
     public String inputText2{get;set;} // input text2 value  from vf  
     Public string operator{get;set;}

     public list<Quote__c> quo{get;set;}       //this is will hold data to be displayed on page
     string query='select from1__c,Quote_number_new__c from quote__c';
     public void showlist(){ //do not return anything
     if(inputText1 != null){
     query += 'WHERE Quote_number_new__c ' + operator + ' : inputText1';
     quo = database.query(query);


System.QueryException: unexpected token: =
Error is in expression '{!showlist}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page test

Class.textInputsCon.showlist: line 12, column 1

I hope someone can help me with this-

Auto populate a custom lookup field "Account_Name__C " on opportunity product lineitem with an "Account Name" from the opportunity object or possibliy from Account Object itself, needs to happen when a user selects the opportunity product and saves the record.

Please can someone advise?


Can anyone suggest me how can I get code coverage through Apex code ?


My requirement is to email top 10 classes/triggers with lowest amount of code coverage everyday.

I use a try/catch block with code similar to the following to display a variety of exceptions including validation errors. Shown below is the catch poriton:


        catch(Exception e)

 Now I would like to THROW a standard exception. i.e.


Try {

(Validate some condition)


catch (DMLException DMLe){

[How do I place code here that will provide a specific static message that i want to show as the particular exception message]


I'm passing back some field values via SOAP to a mobile client. 


I'd like to pass these back as formatted text to make life easier for the mobile developer. So, a currency field would be correctly formatted as currency, a number field with commas etc. 


In VisualForce, I can get great default formatting via the apex:outputfield. If I try to do the conversion to a string in APEX via string.valueOf, I get a pretty crude string (e.g. for numbers I get an exponential representation). 


Is there any way I can access the VisualForce like formatting used in Apex:OutputField from within APEX?





   My query does not work:


SELECT Id, ActivityDate, Status, Who.MailingCity, Who.MailingState, Who.Email FROM Task

 What is wrong with it? Please advise...

I am guessing Who.MailingCity and Who.MailingState but Why???


Hi everyone,


I was planning on creating some custom fields in the Task Object. I don't see the add a new field button. Is there a reason that I would not be able to do that?

I am researching for a development effort at my company.  I am hearing from some developers that it is not possible to perform a 'clone' via API.  I know that it's possible within APEX, so it seems counterintuitive that this is not possible with API's. 

Does anybody have experience with this and, if so, what approaches are available?

There is a custom picklist field (payment__c) in Account, same as in Quote


Ok, if one people create an Account (also select one payment in it), and then create one opportunity, and then click 'add new Quote', the payment__c will be got automatically before save the quote (because it's same as Account's payment__C).


Is it possible? Anyone can tell me how to do it? Or will one trigger?





I searched around the forum/documentation to do this simple trigger update but didn't find anything.


What I have:  2 objects-  Site Location & Opportunity.  Site Location has a lookup to the opportunity.  


What I'm trying to do: Since every opp in our instance should have a site location, I'd like for a site location to be automatically created (and linked) everytime a new opportunity is created.  


Here's my code that I have so far: 



trigger createSiteLocations on Opportunity (after insert) {

for (Opportunity opp : trigger.new) {
		Site_Location__c sl = new Site_Location__c();		
		insert sl;


This is not working...any ideas/help?



  • April 12, 2011
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How many times a trigger will be executed when try to insert 1000 records to a standard object like Accounts. How to test this? Thank you very much in advance.

I want to know what level of CRUD access the current user has on a particular record.   In other words, can this user read, update and/or delete this record.  On the surface this seems like it should be simple using Apex.  However I'm at a loss.


This is particularly painful because the UI gives me the answer.  Go to a Record Detail page, click Sharing, click Expand List.  Voila!   A complete list of users that have access to that record, and what that access is.


So what's the best way to achieve this programmatically?


At least 3 things to consider:


1) Profile Permissions.  This part is simple.  The sObject's various Describe Result methods tell me whether a User's Profile permits him to read (isAccessible()) or update  (isUpdatable()) or delete (isDeletable()) records of this object type.   This is a top-level check.  It doesn't address this particular record, just records of this type.


2) Record ownership.  If 1) is satisfied, and the current user is the owner of this particular record, all CRUD operations should be available


3) Managed and Manual Sharing.  **Here's where I'm having trouble.**  Is there a simple way to discover if this record is shared with this user and with what level of access? The sharing information for a record can be found by querying its equivalent Share object (AccountShare is the sharing object for the Account object).  But if a sharing rule is defined on a Role (or Role plus subordinates), you cannot see all users given access by that rule!   As far as I can tell, you must:


  a) query the Share object's userOrGroupId column

  b) figure out if that Id is a User, Group or Role

  c) If it's a Role, query the groups table to find all users in that role

  d) If it's a Role, use recursive logic to find all users above that role in the role heirarchy

  e) If it's a Role and the sharing applies to this Role *and subordinates*, use recursive logic to find all users subordinate to that role in the role heirarchy


Isn't there a simpler way?



The trigger below is working as it should, two field values from the contract are updating the reciporating fields on the related account record. The trigger is not bulfied and I am trying to figure the struture so it could support bulk updates to the contract object. 


Any comments on how this trigger could be bulkified?  Thanks in advance for the guidence.



trigger UpdateAccountTxnsArc1 on Contract (after update) {
    public Id aId;
    public Id cId;
    for(Contract c : Trigger.New){
        cId = c.Id;
        if(c.Air_Transactions__c != Null 
           && c.Est_Annual_Air_Spend__c != Null 
           && c.AccountId != Null 
           && c.Status == 'Active'
           && c.RecordTypeId == '012600000000zk') { 
            aId = c.AccountId;
        Account acct = [Select Contracted_Air_Transactions_Acct__c From Account Where Id = :aId];
        for(Contract con : Trigger.New){
           acct.Contracted_Air_Transactions_Acct__c = con.Air_Transactions__c;
           acct.ARC__c = con.Est_Annual_Air_Spend__c;
    update acct;    







  How can i add validation to avoid duplicates in Product. In my scenario, duplicates ahould not exist for the same product code and region combination. ie, Product code and region combination values should be unique.


  • April 11, 2011
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I have previously posted a request for help, received a reply, but am still unable to get this code to work.  What is happening is as soon as the opportunity custom clone button is clicked the new opportunity clone is created and, if someone cancels, the clone remains and does not rollback.  As I click the custom clone button to clone an opportunity, I see the new opportunity created in the sidebar "Recent Items" list. 


I would greatly appreciate some help with this.  I have something wrong with my savepoint that I cannot get it to rollback.




public class OppCloneController {  
    private ApexPages.StandardController controller {get; set;}  
    public Savepoint sp;
    public Opportunity opp {get;set;} 
    public List<OpportunityLineItem> items = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
    Schema.DescribeSObjectResult R = Opportunity.SObjectType.getDescribe();
    List<Schema.RecordTypeInfo> RT = R.getRecordTypeInfos();
    // set the id of the record that is created -- ONLY USED BY THE TEST CLASS  
    public ID newRecordId {get;set;}  

public PageReference cancel()

return null;
     // initialize the controller  
    public OppCloneController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {  
     //initialize the standard controller  
      this.controller = controller;  
    // load the current record  
         opp = (Opportunity)controller.getRecord(); 
            // setup the save point for rollback  
         sp = Database.setSavepoint(); 
    // method called from the VF's action attribute to clone the opp 
    public PageReference cloneWithItems() {  
        Opportunity newOP;  
         try {  
          //copy the opportunity - ONLY INCLUDE THE FIELDS YOU WANT TO CLONE  
             opp = [select Id, Name, Account.Name, AccountID, StageName, CloseDate, OwnerID, Type_of_Job__c, 
             Invoice_Requirements__c, Customer_Account__c, Contact_Name__c, Customer_E_mail__c, RecordTypeID,
             Phone__c, fax__c, Pricebook2Id
             from Opportunity where id = :opp.id]; 
             newOP = opp.clone(false);  
           //check to see if the opportunity name contains DTV or DirecTV, if so apply the appropriate record type,
           //otherwise use standard record type
                      // VALUE MAPPING 
            newOp.Name = opp.Name;
            newOp.Account.Name = opp.Account.Name;     
            newOp.AccountId = opp.AccountId;
            newOp.CloseDate = opp.CloseDate;
            newOp.StageName = 'New Work Order';
            newOp.OwnerID = opp.OwnerID;
            newOp.Type_of_Job__c = opp.Type_of_Job__c;
            newOp.Invoice_Requirements__c = opp.Invoice_Requirements__c;
            newOp.Customer_Account__c = opp.Customer_Account__c;
             newOp.RecordTypeId = opp.RecordTypeId;      
            newOp.Contact_Name__c = opp.Contact_Name__c;
            newOp.Customer_E_mail__c = opp.Customer_E_mail__c;
            newOp.Phone__c = opp.Phone__c;
            newOp.fax__c = opp.fax__c;
            newOp.Pricebook2Id = opp.Pricebook2Id;
             If (newOp.Name.contains('DirecTV'))
            newOp.RecordTypeId = [Select Id From RecordType RT Where RT.Name='DTV New Standard' limit 1].Id;
            else if (newOp.Name.contains('DTV'))
            newOp.RecordTypeId = [Select Id From RecordType RT Where RT.Name='DTV New Standard' limit 1].Id;
                newOp.RecordTypeID = [Select ID From RecordType r Where r.Name='New Standard' limit 1].ID;
                   insert newOP;  
             // set the id of the new opp created for testing  
              newRecordId = newOP.id;  
  // copy over the line items - ONLY INCLUDE THE FIELDS YOU WANT TO CLONE 
               for(OpportunityLineItem oli : [Select ID, OpportunityID,  
               UnitPrice, Quantity, PricebookEntryID
               from OpportunityLineItem oliList where OpportunityID = :opp.id]
               OpportunityLineItem newOli = new OpportunityLineItem();
                   newOli.PricebookEntryID = oli.PricebookEntryID;
                   newOli.Quantity = oli.Quantity;
                   newOli.UnitPrice = oli.UnitPrice;
                   } //end loop
                   insert items;
         } catch (Exception e){  
              // roll everything back in case of error  
             //delete newOp; 
             opp = opp.clone(false);

             return null;  
        return new PageReference('/'+newOp.id+'/e?retURL=%2F'+newOp.id);  



Hi All,


When I try to extract profile meta file using ant script i am hitting a limitation in terms of number of components getting reterived as part of extract.


As anyone come around this limitation and or I need to set some parameter as part of extract.



Saurabh Rawane

I am trying to integrate salesforce with legacy system (siebel) and when i try to generate client objects from the wsdl(siebel), I get a read timed out error message. Is this a situation where the seibel web service needs to be exposed externally outside of the orgs network for a cloud application like salesforce to access it..? If so how do I achieve this? pls advise.

I have used a wrapper class for selecting and deselecting a checkbox. But i am stuck when writing test methods for a wrapper class. How can we select/unselectt he value of a checkbox inside a test method? Please let me know



Hello All,


I want to search the Twitter user with thier name and link to LEAD of salesforce.


Please help me.