• Funky_DBA
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I want to have an HR Application developed, using existing components as far as possible.



London, England


Hi I am planning some development work in Visualforce and I would like some guidance as to whether I should plan for the work to take more or less time than it would in ASP.net. Thanks a lot. Barry 



I am planning some development work in Visualforce and I would like some guidance as to whether I should plan for the work to take more or less time than it would in ASP.net.


Thanks a lot.






I am new to Salesforce as a Developer.


I want to run SOQL the same way I can run SQL in Oracle using SQL*Plus or in SQL Server using the Management Studio.


For example, to count the number of Tasks I would like to tun the SOQL equivalent of "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tasks".


I would appreciate suggestions for how I can do this.


I have searched the Getting Started documentation and the Discussion Boards without success.


Is there another way I can find the answer for myself ?


Thanks a lot.






Before I moved to Salesforce I used to create Data Models, sometimes by reverse engineering.


These Data Models were very useful.


Is there a Data Modelling Tool for Salesforce or is there a way I can create Data Models for SF Objects or Custom Objects ?


Thanks a lot.






I my previous life, I used to run SQL Scripts to create and populate Tables.


Can I do the same thing to create Custom Objects ?


If not, is there another way I can avoid creating Custom Objects manually, field-by-field ?


Thanks a lot.






We are looking for a freelance developer that we can work with in helping us to develop / administer a (currently!) small application in the healthcare market.


thanks les



I am new to Salesforce as a Developer.


I want to run SOQL the same way I can run SQL in Oracle using SQL*Plus or in SQL Server using the Management Studio.


For example, to count the number of Tasks I would like to tun the SOQL equivalent of "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tasks".


I would appreciate suggestions for how I can do this.


I have searched the Getting Started documentation and the Discussion Boards without success.


Is there another way I can find the answer for myself ?


Thanks a lot.






I my previous life, I used to run SQL Scripts to create and populate Tables.


Can I do the same thing to create Custom Objects ?


If not, is there another way I can avoid creating Custom Objects manually, field-by-field ?


Thanks a lot.

