• Hagrid
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I'm trying to use the Receiving_User merge field in an email template, but the workflow emails that are generated do not contain any values where the field is used.  Any ideas why this would not be working?



Dear {!Receiving_User.FirstName}

I want to search for objects using the Search facility on the sidebar.  I have marked the fields I want to search on as 'External Id', and in general this works.  However, if I add a new record and then immediatly perform a search the record will not be found.  I need to wait a minute or so before the record will be found by the search.


Why is this?

I want to write some Apex coding standards for use by our development team.  I'm going to include traditional structured programming rules such as single exit points from code blocks, maximum line length so that code can be easily viewed in the editor provided by Salesforce etc.  I would also like to include Apex specific guidance, which is where I have difficulty (I'm not an experienced Apex developer).


Does anyone have, or know of, coding standards for Apex code that I could use?

I want to export all of the data from one developer org and import it into a different org (both orgs contain identical custom objects).  I exported the data from Org 1 using Administration Setup->Data Management->Data Export, which gave me a ZIP file containing CSVs for each object.  Is there any way that I can import all of this data into Org 2 by simply pointing the org to the ZIP file?


I couldn't find a way to do this using the setup menu options in my org.  I couldn't even find a way to import the services file.  Will I be forced to use the Data Loader app?

  • April 29, 2009
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I want to search for objects using the Search facility on the sidebar.  I have marked the fields I want to search on as 'External Id', and in general this works.  However, if I add a new record and then immediatly perform a search the record will not be found.  I need to wait a minute or so before the record will be found by the search.


Why is this?

I want to export all of the data from one developer org and import it into a different org (both orgs contain identical custom objects).  I exported the data from Org 1 using Administration Setup->Data Management->Data Export, which gave me a ZIP file containing CSVs for each object.  Is there any way that I can import all of this data into Org 2 by simply pointing the org to the ZIP file?


I couldn't find a way to do this using the setup menu options in my org.  I couldn't even find a way to import the services file.  Will I be forced to use the Data Loader app?

  • April 29, 2009
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