• Kartikey
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Hi, We have a formula running on a field "Expected Gross Revenue" in Opportunity screen. The formulae is something like:

((DATEVALUE(TEXT( YEAR(Today())) & "-12-31") - Operation_Start_Date__c + 1) / (DATEVALUE(TEXT(YEAR(Today())) & "-12-31") - DATEVALUE(TEXT(YEAR(Today())) & "-01-01")+1) ) *   Total_Gross_Revenue_Annual_c__c )

Ex: If a company's Annual Gross Revenue is 1,000,000 and my operation start date is 07 Sep 2009 then it should:


((2009-12-31) - (2009-09-07) +1) / 365 * 1,000,000


its approx : 317,808


But the field shows an incorrect value 158,904.11


The same field works fine for other users or even for me also for many opportunities.


Appreciate any help.



I have a Validation Rule on a field. I dont want my users to go ahead and deactivate the rule.

I have tried to look into the help but I could only found security on fields but not on Validation rules.


How can I make sure that only Administrator can activate/deactivate the Validation rule?


Thanks in advance..



Hi All,


I have a validation on a date field (say  A)that depends an another field date field (say B).


Now whenever someone wants to select date in field A first it checks date field B and if the date in A falls in same week of date B, it allows.


for example. In date field B we have 13May. So that week would be 11th may 2009 to 17th May 2009 (Monday to Sunday)


then A can only accept dates from 11th may to 17th may.


We have called a method of a cls file in a trigger to make it work. But the same validation is called when we upload the data from dataloader. 

Is there a way to avoid the validation with dataloader.


workaround: I disable the peace of code from trigger which calls the validation.


Appreciate any help.

I am trying to connect Data Loader9 with sandbox environment. But the user id and password doesnt work. The same credential works fine to access the sandboz env.

The DataLoader connects fine with production and I am able to export data from it.


I have raised a ticket with salesforce but I am still waiting for their response.

Appreciate any help.




Hi All,


I have a validation on a date field (say  A)that depends an another field date field (say B).


Now whenever someone wants to select date in field A first it checks date field B and if the date in A falls in same week of date B, it allows.


for example. In date field B we have 13May. So that week would be 11th may 2009 to 17th May 2009 (Monday to Sunday)


then A can only accept dates from 11th may to 17th may.


We have called a method of a cls file in a trigger to make it work. But the same validation is called when we upload the data from dataloader. 

Is there a way to avoid the validation with dataloader.


workaround: I disable the peace of code from trigger which calls the validation.


Appreciate any help.