• yuyincha
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I modify the picklist values in managed package.


and , I reupload this package. then , in a client , I setup the newest package.


but the picklist values can't update to newest...   why?


help me!!

it means that maybe i can get data like this in apex(just like DataTable in some other language such as c#,):


<sObject sOs=[select name,id from account limit 1] ;


//use the filedname to get data 

String fieldname="name"; 

String fieldvalue; 


fieldvalue = sOs.get(fieldname);  Maybe sOs[fieldname];   Maybe sOs.getValue(fieldname);


How to do it as my case in apex? 



a apex markup in page : <apex:commandLink id="next1" action="{!next}">Next</apex:commandlink>


and i want to make the "commandLink" display, how is the apex code in controller???


help me!!!..

if i want to get data form recordcount=20 to 30, how to write the SOQL.


for example,it maybe [select rownum() as rownum,id from account where rownum  between 20 to 30]. 





I could get User info like First name and Last Name in Visual Force page using {!$User. notation. But when I tried to get !$User.Manager it tells that Manger field is not available. 


So, how can I access User.Manager field in a Visual Force Page

I have custom page and I would like to display message box after some task is done.


How can I do that?




  • May 13, 2009
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I use the following statement, want to get he record from ProcessInstances table, but it return.Don't know how to get the record from this table. And I want to know if this sql statement returns any record, can someone tell me how to do that?



ap=[Select CreatedById, CreatedDate, Id, IsDeleted, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate, Status From ProcessInstances where TargetObjectId =: a.id].Status;

Message Edited by youji37 on 05-13-2009 07:24 AM

it means that maybe i can get data like this in apex(just like DataTable in some other language such as c#,):


<sObject sOs=[select name,id from account limit 1] ;


//use the filedname to get data 

String fieldname="name"; 

String fieldvalue; 


fieldvalue = sOs.get(fieldname);  Maybe sOs[fieldname];   Maybe sOs.getValue(fieldname);


How to do it as my case in apex? 



I am getting the following error when I use target"_blank" with commanButton.


Error: Unsupported attribute target in <apex:commandButton> at line 28 


Any suggestions on what are the alternatives to this. I do understand from the documentation that 

this option is available for commandlink.


I tried navigatetoURL (but do not want to hardcode ID)


onclick="navigateToUrl('/apex/myapexpage?id=001T0000008ylRf');" /></td>

function navigateToUrl(url) {
window.location = url;


system.debug(System.Encodingutil.urlEncode('你好', 'gb2312'));

output  "%C4%E3%BA%C3"


system.debug(System.Encodingutil.urlEncode('你好', 'utf-8'));

output  "%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD"




<apex:inputTextarea value="{!fchrMsg}" id="fchrMsg"/>


    public string fchrMsg{
            if(fchrMsg == null){
                string fchrTmpMsg = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('msg');
                if(fchrTmpMsg != null)
                    fchrMsg = System.Encodingutil.urlDecode(fchrTmpMsg, 'gb2312');
                    fchrMsg = '';
            return fchrMsg;
            fchrMsg = value;

I want to receive parameter by the url "mypage?msg=%C4%E3%BA%C3"


but i get a null value


Who can help me!



Message Edited by china.leaf on 05-12-2009 12:53 AM
Message Edited by china.leaf on 05-12-2009 01:27 AM

a apex markup in page : <apex:commandLink id="next1" action="{!next}">Next</apex:commandlink>


and i want to make the "commandLink" display, how is the apex code in controller???


help me!!!..

I'm new at this stuff.  Tried to upload (aka insert) new records into salesforce via apex.  Got this error message for a BUNCH of them:


"unable to obtain exclusive access to this record"


Translations? Interpretations? general help, please.



if i want to get data form recordcount=20 to 30, how to write the SOQL.


for example,it maybe [select rownum() as rownum,id from account where rownum  between 20 to 30]. 

