• Gitakul0121
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Trying to build a formula to calculate a to a field called Discount based on 2 fields:

1. A picklist

2. A Quantity (#)


Basically if:

Solution Type = Student Solution and Quantity is <= 10, then set Discount to 10

Solution Type = Student Solution and Quantity is > 10 and <=49, then set Discount to 30

Solution Type = Student Solution and Quantity is >= 50, then set Discount to 70

Solution Type = Teacher Solution and Quantity is 0, then set Discount to 40


I tried 2 lines before considering the other cases and it failed....wah!


IF (AND (ISPICKVAL(Soution Type_c, "Student Solution"), Quantity_c <=10, 10,

(AND (ISPICKVAL(Soution Type_c, "Student Solution"), Quantity_c >10, 30,



I keep getting a Expected Boolan and receive number message.Can you help me here??







We would like to do one of 2 things:

1. Email Greek contacts in Salesforce using Greek templates that mail merge in Greek-based names with  Greek characters: While Salesforce stores Greek characters, it does not allow us to send emails using Greek characters merging Greek-character field names (first name in Greek characters, last name in Greek characters).

2. Export Greek contacts: Since we cannot email our Greek contacts (as explained in point 1), we would like to export these names to excel. When trying to export the names with Greek characters, it only renders junk for those fields.

Salesforce is useless to us in Greece right now. We spent a lot of time placing contacts in it, only to face these challenges.


Is someone out there the next Socrates? Can you help us?

Hi, this is probably ridumentary by now, but I have created a custom object and am passing field values from the standard opportunity to the custom object. There is a button on the opportunity page to create the new object. I am able to populate the new fields, but they all must be text-based. Is there a way to pass a lookup field value to a field on a new object via URL but have it preserve the lookup functionality in pass. Here is my URL for the new button below. The LAST field after the ampersand is the Opportunity Account. I want that to preserve as a lookup value in the new record.




Appreciate you help,


I am trying to adjust a role hierarchy in Professional Edition where the org is using a private model, so peers cannot see peer records but managers can of course see subordinate records. I need to bring a group of product managers who only need access to specific accounts and opportunities where thier product line is being introduced. in EE this could be accomplished with record types and sharing rules (i think). How can I configure this group of users in Professional Edition?



My Question: How can I associate a new Action Plan to a pre-existing Action Plan Template so I can share the same multi-step process when working with multiple objects?


Context: In our sandbox we created an Action Plan Template. In the same sandbox we have a Grant Project object to which we’ve attached Action Plans which appears at the bottom of the Grant Project screen. From the Action Plans portion of the Grant Project form we can click the button named “New Action Plan” to create a new action plan member to the Grant Project (the Action Plan Creation). The user is taken to the Action Plan screen and thereby able to create a New Action Plan.


Expected functionality: I would like to select the Action Plan Template I created separately as the starting place for all the tasks I want to trigger in my Action Plan process.


Actual functionality: I am forced to type a new name for “Action Plan Name” field, and have no ability to pre-populate this action plan with an existing Action Plan Template. I can’t get to the Action Plan Templates with this form; instead, I am required to hand-type all the steps, because it isn’t cloning or in any way associating this new action plan with the pre-existing Action Plan Template.


Thanks in advance for your expertise,


Trying to build a formula to calculate a to a field called Discount based on 2 fields:

1. A picklist

2. A Quantity (#)


Basically if:

Solution Type = Student Solution and Quantity is <= 10, then set Discount to 10

Solution Type = Student Solution and Quantity is > 10 and <=49, then set Discount to 30

Solution Type = Student Solution and Quantity is >= 50, then set Discount to 70

Solution Type = Teacher Solution and Quantity is 0, then set Discount to 40


I tried 2 lines before considering the other cases and it failed....wah!


IF (AND (ISPICKVAL(Soution Type_c, "Student Solution"), Quantity_c <=10, 10,

(AND (ISPICKVAL(Soution Type_c, "Student Solution"), Quantity_c >10, 30,



I keep getting a Expected Boolan and receive number message.Can you help me here??







We would like to do one of 2 things:

1. Email Greek contacts in Salesforce using Greek templates that mail merge in Greek-based names with  Greek characters: While Salesforce stores Greek characters, it does not allow us to send emails using Greek characters merging Greek-character field names (first name in Greek characters, last name in Greek characters).

2. Export Greek contacts: Since we cannot email our Greek contacts (as explained in point 1), we would like to export these names to excel. When trying to export the names with Greek characters, it only renders junk for those fields.

Salesforce is useless to us in Greece right now. We spent a lot of time placing contacts in it, only to face these challenges.


Is someone out there the next Socrates? Can you help us?

Hi, this is probably ridumentary by now, but I have created a custom object and am passing field values from the standard opportunity to the custom object. There is a button on the opportunity page to create the new object. I am able to populate the new fields, but they all must be text-based. Is there a way to pass a lookup field value to a field on a new object via URL but have it preserve the lookup functionality in pass. Here is my URL for the new button below. The LAST field after the ampersand is the Opportunity Account. I want that to preserve as a lookup value in the new record.




Appreciate you help,



I've written a wizard for updating a custom object.

What I cannot see to do is call the wizard with a parameter that - when passed - will set the an object variable within the wizard.

For example. i have a custom object; Flight__c. On a particular flight's detail page, I want to add a button that will call a custom visualforce page with that flight's id passed as a parameter. eg: na6.salesforce.com/apex/testpage?id=00000SA1Q

In that page - testpage - there is a form that will allow some of that record's values to be edited:

<apex:page controller="bookingWizController">
  <apex:sectionHeader title="Confirm Flight Booking" subtitle="Step 0 of 7"/>
    <apex:form >
      <apex:pageBlock title="Define Flight Name" mode="edit">
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
            <apex:commandButton action="{!step1}" value="Next"/>
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Test set Flight">
            <apex:outputField id="flight" value="{!flight.name}"/>
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Test pick account">
            <apex:inputField id="account" value="{!flight.Flight_Account__c}" required="true"/>
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Test pick dep airport">
            <apex:inputField id="dep_airport" value="{!flight.Flight_departure_airport__c}" required="true"/>
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Test pick arr airport">
            <apex:inputField id="arr_airport" value="{!flight.Flight_arrivals_airport__c}" required="true"/>

and the controller get:

   public Flight__c getFlight() {   
      if(flight == null) flight = new Flight__c();
      return flight;

and the rest of the methods are for various 'prev', 'next' and 'save' buttons - together with getters and setters for other objects. I just can't see where the flight can be initially set from the id paramater.

I'm probably missing something obvious - so a pointer would be really appreciated.


  • September 20, 2008
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