• zkzjisdafn
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We purchased Salesforce a year ago and have 20 users.

We just upgraded to the Enterprise edition.

We set it up on our own and it works pretty well.


At this point we are looking for someone to come in and help us make some changes.

They are pretty basic changes, but we don't have the time to do them ourselves.

I estimate it will be about 100 hours of work.


If you are interested in performing this work, please contact me:







Hi all,

I am trying to create a custom field that contains the order of an item in the list. For example, I created a custom object called "Request." I would like to have a field that indicates the ranked order of the requests. The ranking is from 1 to however many requests there are.

I would then like to be able to change the order of the requests. So if I change ranking of a request from 10 to 5, that request should take the #5 spot, and the original 5-9 items will be shifted down.

Is there anyway to do this?

  • March 20, 2007
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