• himsnams2009
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I have a requirement where in once the record is approved  the record status is set to approved then we need to set up a task for account owner to review and change the status to reviewed and if he does not change it to reviewed then keep sending him reminder emails every 3 days.


I tried the following


On approval update the status to approved and assign a task for account owner


and I created a workflow which had a rule criteria that "stauts should be equal to approved" and then it will set up a time bound email alerts to the account owner till the status is changed to reviewed. But when I change the status manually thru edit account page then the workflow is initiated but if the status is being set to approved by the approval process then the workflow process is not initiated. Can someone help me with this?




In my approval process, When the approver presses the approved button.


I do the following


1. Send few fields to an existing system using outbound message

2. Set the status to approved and data published.


But I want that the status should only be changed when the outbound message has been successfully received by the external system.


Can this requirement handled using approval mechanism. I mean can we have transactional behaviour where in if outbound message is successfully processed only then the status is updated else the status does not change.



I want a functionality where in I can send around 6 fields to an external system using outbound system and then receive one field from the system as a response which I want to update in the salesforce system.


Can any one tell me how to do it?

How to catch values send from external system in a formula field.






I want to update the value of a field by assigning it a signal value which an external system can assign a value to. 


Can someone help me with this. I see the signal value set in the formula field is {"##" & RIGHT(Id, 14)} mentioned in the braces. 


Can someone please explain it what it means?






 I am plannig to appear for Dev 401 Certification.


Can any one help me in finding some practice questions for the same.



Himanshoo Seth