• fonemine
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I am doing simple query thru salesforce soap webservice(even tried with rest service) "SELECT Id, Name FROM Lead order by Name limit 50". For this query I am getting the following error "QUERY_TIMEOUT: Your query request was running for too long". For the same query, I sometime get result in 2 seconds.

If I change the abouve query to "select Id, Name from Lead Order by Id limit 50", it always reponsds by 2 seconds. Is there some kind of index that has to done for "Name" column. 

Note: The Lead table contains about "983940" rows. 

Can anyone help me in solving this issue. 
I am doing simple query thru salesforce soap webservice(even tried with rest service) "SELECT Id, Name FROM Lead order by Name limit 50". For this query I am getting the following error "QUERY_TIMEOUT: Your query request was running for too long". For the same query, I sometime get result in 2 seconds.

If I change the abouve query to "select Id, Name from Lead Order by Id limit 50", it always reponsds by 2 seconds. Is there some kind of index that has to done for "Name" column. 

Note: The Lead table contains about "983940" rows. 

Can anyone help me in solving this issue.