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Here is my scenario:
1. Contact opens new case from company's website page (ASPX/C#). Description field includes break lines (represented by "/r/n" in website's code).
2. When SFDC user changes case's details via Salesforce an email should be sent to specific email address.
3. SFDC user edit the case in SFDC and doesn't change anything.
4. SFDC user click on save.

Expect result : no email should be sent.
Result: Email is sent because the system thinks that description has been changed (although I didn't change anything in the case and the text seems exactly the same).
It seems that the saving it from Salesforce is giving different results from saving to SFDC via API


Is it a text encoding problem?




I have copied text from an exisitng long text area field to a new rich text area field successfully using the following apex method (Encapsulation_NewInstructions__c is a rich text area field):


WebService static void UpdateEncapsSteps()


List <Solution> solutions = new List<Solution>();

for (Solution mySol : [Select Id, Encapsulation_Instructions__c, Encapsulation_NewInstructions__c From Solution])


mySol.Encapsulation_NewInstructions__c = mySol.Encapsulation_Instructions__c;



update solutions;



All went well except text have been copied without the break lines (I suppose that in long text area break line is '/r/n' and the new rich text area field doesn't know to convert it into an HTML structure).


for example:


The origin was:

"straight forward. Need to run the Encapsulator from a short path (For example E:\43a and not C:\documents and settings\user\desktop\encapsulator').
Otherwise, the encapsulation fails." 


The result was:

straight forward. Need to run the Encapsulator from a short path (For example E:\43a and not C:\documents and settings\user\desktop\encapsulator'). Otherwise, the encapsulation fails.


How can I convert text to HTML format and saving the structure?

Do I have build in method for this?






I have picklist field with 5 values, and 2 record types.

Can I filter the picklist in order to display 2 values in one record type and

the rest in other record type (directly or workaround)?

I want to send an email notification when case is updated (using trigger).The email should contains the fields that were changed and thier old and new value.
Since our case object fileds can be changed all the time (we have lot of custom fields), I don't want to go over all the fields specifically (difficault to maintenance). I want to go over all case fields with a loop, and compare Trigger.New with Trigger.Old values for each field.
Is it possible? If yes - how?
I can't use track history feature, since I have more than 20 fields to track after.


I want to send an email notification after any case update. The email should include the fields that were changed and old and new values.

Do I have a way to understand which fileds were changed without comparing Trigger.New.Field with Trigger.Old.Field? (ofcourse, it will be unwise to go over all the fields of case object)




I want to send an email notification when case is updated (using trigger).The email should contains the fields that were changed and thier old and new value.
Since our case object fileds can be changed all the time (we have lot of custom fields), I don't want to go over all the fields specifically (difficault to maintenance). I want to go over all case fields with a loop, and compare Trigger.New with Trigger.Old values for each field.
Is it possible? If yes - how?
I can't use track history feature, since I have more than 20 fields to track after.


I want to send an email notification after any case update. The email should include the fields that were changed and old and new values.

Do I have a way to understand which fileds were changed without comparing Trigger.New.Field with Trigger.Old.Field? (ofcourse, it will be unwise to go over all the fields of case object)


