• Tehreen
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         I need the sample code to update accounts data using a wcf service. I've referred the sample for update in the API, but the code is generating the Object Reference not set to an instance error for the below line of code


ForceReference.Account accounts = new ForceReference.Account();
            accounts.Id = accountId;
            accounts.Name = Name;

            sObject[] acc = new sObject[2];
            acc[0] = accounts;

            SaveResult[] sr = binding.update(acc); -- Object reference notset to an instance


plz help me to resolve the error.


Thanks in Advance.






       I am new to Salesforce, Can you please tell me how to use the enterprise.wsdl to search data for a particular user and to fetch the user's leads and campaign data.



Thanks in Advance.





         I need the sample code to update accounts data using a wcf service. I've referred the sample for update in the API, but the code is generating the Object Reference not set to an instance error for the below line of code


ForceReference.Account accounts = new ForceReference.Account();
            accounts.Id = accountId;
            accounts.Name = Name;

            sObject[] acc = new sObject[2];
            acc[0] = accounts;

            SaveResult[] sr = binding.update(acc); -- Object reference notset to an instance


plz help me to resolve the error.


Thanks in Advance.


