• bvdb
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We're trying to debug some Apex triggers/classes but the log files end up being so long that our debug statements get cut off. If we set it to display less information in the log (Error, Warning, or Info), our debug statements don't show up.


Right now we're writing debug information to custom fields.


Is there any way to iterate line by line through the code to identify where the problem lies?



  • June 28, 2010
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Is there a way to change which account an email is sent from? How is that determined?


Right now all the emails we send from Salesforce show the From: as 

no-reply@salesforce.com on behalf of John Smith(john@ourcompany.com).


How do I change the "John Smith(john@ourcompany.com)" part to another account or email address?

  • June 09, 2010
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Does any one have any experience performing callouts from apex to Netsuite web services? I'm unable to generate classes from the Netsuite WSDLs due to schema problems. Just wondering if anyone has had any success with this and how you did it.

  • May 11, 2010
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How do I view/manage all my scheduled Apex classes?

  • May 10, 2010
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We just deployed a change set from one of our sandboxes to another and ran into a problem.


After we deployed the change set on our new sandbox, every single custom field for every object we have was set to be hidden. We manually reset most of them via "Field Accessibility" but they are still not showing up on our enterprise WSDL. 


Does anyone know what we can do about this issue?

  • April 08, 2010
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We've created a webService method within an Apex class and downloaded the resulting WSDL.


How do we call this externally, for example using PHP and SOAP? I don't understand how we can login and maintain the web service session when the generated WSDL only contains info about the custom Apex webService method, not the enter WSDL.



  • March 29, 2010
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Is there a way to prevent a record from being insert in with (Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert)?


For example, if I insert 5 records and one of them isn't valid (based on a custom validation I have in the trigger), can I have the system bypass the invalid record and only insert the other 4?


I'm using addError() in my trigger for invalid records. This works fine in the UI but when I insert a list of records, the entire insert fails if it comes across one erroneous record.

  • March 11, 2010
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I'm trying to test a batch class with the following code:


        InventoryJournalUtil util = new InventoryJournalUtil(idList,'Adjustment');
        ID batchprocessId = Database.executeBatch(util);
        System.debug('Batch process id:' + batchprocessId);    


InventoryJournalUtil is the class that implements Database.Batchable. I initialize a new instance of it and run Database.executeBatch on it. It returns a batch process id and everything but the code coverage never reaches outside of the constructor. How do I get to the code in the start, execute, and finish methods?

  • March 09, 2010
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We're trying to debug some Apex triggers/classes but the log files end up being so long that our debug statements get cut off. If we set it to display less information in the log (Error, Warning, or Info), our debug statements don't show up.


Right now we're writing debug information to custom fields.


Is there any way to iterate line by line through the code to identify where the problem lies?



  • June 28, 2010
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Is there a way to change which account an email is sent from? How is that determined?


Right now all the emails we send from Salesforce show the From: as 

no-reply@salesforce.com on behalf of John Smith(john@ourcompany.com).


How do I change the "John Smith(john@ourcompany.com)" part to another account or email address?

  • June 09, 2010
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How do I view/manage all my scheduled Apex classes?

  • May 10, 2010
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We just deployed a change set from one of our sandboxes to another and ran into a problem.


After we deployed the change set on our new sandbox, every single custom field for every object we have was set to be hidden. We manually reset most of them via "Field Accessibility" but they are still not showing up on our enterprise WSDL. 


Does anyone know what we can do about this issue?

  • April 08, 2010
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We've created a webService method within an Apex class and downloaded the resulting WSDL.


How do we call this externally, for example using PHP and SOAP? I don't understand how we can login and maintain the web service session when the generated WSDL only contains info about the custom Apex webService method, not the enter WSDL.



  • March 29, 2010
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Is anyone aware of such a connector...?

if there is, sorry I could not find it in this forum..

thank you 

I'm getting an error when trying to update a number field.


Similar fields update fine, the settings are the same, the format in excel is the same.


This is driving me up a wall.....


any help would greatly be appreciated





I was reading in the Salesforce Summer '09 Force.com Apex Code Developer's Guide that we will be able to use Batch Apex to build complex processes, like data cleansing...


Will it be possible to start a Batch job from a trigger? If yes, is there any limitations due to governors?




I was wondering if anyone has come across this API return message:



[message] => field integrity exception: PricebookEntryId, unknown (versions 3.0 and higher must specify pricebook entry id; others must specify product id)


 I have not seen this, but I do understand what is asking. The reason why I am posting this is because:


How are we supposed to know what the version is when we are creating an opportunity line item?


If somone could please share that with me, I will be greatful






Hey Excel Connector Peoples,
Can someone tell me how I can have the Excel Connector update a salesforce field (such as "Actual Cost") to be blank instead of "$0".
When I attempt to update the cell with a space, I get an error, and if I merely update a cell with the contents deleted, it ends up getting updated as "$0".
Since I know that I can update the records with these field values to be blank from within Salesforce, I know that it must be possible. I just can't manage to make the Excel Connector do it.
Other things that I have tried:
-Updating with "" in the cell, which yields a data type mismatch error
-Change the cell format from currency to "general" and to "text" which still yields no positive result
-Updating with "(null)" in the cell which yields a type mismatch
  • February 15, 2007
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