• JaxBeachDev
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I have a formula that updates my opportunity name field

(Account.Name & " - " & TEXT(Category__c) &" - " & TEXT(Qty__c) & " - $"& TEXT(Amount))

This is the default for all opportunity names.  It works great on direct sales.

For opps that go through distribution, the sales reps don't want to see the distributor name (account name field) in the opportunity name so I need to create a different formula for

If it is an indirect opportunity record types = $RecordType.Name = "Domestic Indirect"




(End_User_Agency__c & " - " & TEXT(Category__c) &" - " & TEXT(Qty__c) & " - $"& TEXT(Amount))


if Not, then


(Account.Name & " - " & TEXT(Category__c) &" - " & TEXT(Qty__c) & " - $"& TEXT(Amount))

Is it possible to make the comments field on the approval page required so the user has to enter comments before they can approve or reject a lead?



I can't seem to figure out formula language.  How would I write a validation rule that states if one check box is checked (true) then a second checkbox becomes required?  Thanks in advance.  :smileyhappy:



I would like to create a validation rule that conditionally requires a picklist field when a checkbox field is checked.


For example:


If the checkbox for "Under Contract" is checked then it requires the picklist field of "Formal" or "Informal" to have the user choose one of those pick list items before the record can be saved.




I would like to know if anyone has been able to customize the email related list in cases to either add a Print action next to the Edit | Del in activity history related list or adding a print button on the email detail page view.


I have been told by support that this functionality is not currently available and this related list cannot be customized.  Currently we can only print out emails through the browsers print function.


Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks. 


I have a formula that updates my opportunity name field

(Account.Name & " - " & TEXT(Category__c) &" - " & TEXT(Qty__c) & " - $"& TEXT(Amount))

This is the default for all opportunity names.  It works great on direct sales.

For opps that go through distribution, the sales reps don't want to see the distributor name (account name field) in the opportunity name so I need to create a different formula for

If it is an indirect opportunity record types = $RecordType.Name = "Domestic Indirect"




(End_User_Agency__c & " - " & TEXT(Category__c) &" - " & TEXT(Qty__c) & " - $"& TEXT(Amount))


if Not, then


(Account.Name & " - " & TEXT(Category__c) &" - " & TEXT(Qty__c) & " - $"& TEXT(Amount))



I can't seem to figure out formula language.  How would I write a validation rule that states if one check box is checked (true) then a second checkbox becomes required?  Thanks in advance.  :smileyhappy:



I would like to create a validation rule that conditionally requires a picklist field when a checkbox field is checked.


For example:


If the checkbox for "Under Contract" is checked then it requires the picklist field of "Formal" or "Informal" to have the user choose one of those pick list items before the record can be saved.

