• Dataville1
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I've setup a Mobile Data Set for a blackberry and i've selected an object and set it to return 'All records'. But if I run the "Estimate Data size" button instead of saying its syncing all 30,000 records it says its only syncing 2,500. Is there a limit on the number of records you can have in a mobile data set?





  • March 16, 2010
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I assume that the Data Loader is using the API to access salesforce so excluding limits directly in salesforce (triggers, heaps etc etc) is the Data Loader effected by the API limits eg on:




So if I have 1 user the Data Loader can only make 1,000 calls to salesforce in any 24hr period?




I've setup a Mobile Data Set for a blackberry and i've selected an object and set it to return 'All records'. But if I run the "Estimate Data size" button instead of saying its syncing all 30,000 records it says its only syncing 2,500. Is there a limit on the number of records you can have in a mobile data set?





  • March 16, 2010
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In my apex class, I am sending an address through httprequest to get the latitude & longitude values for those address.


This is working fine in my evening hours(i.e after 4pm IST). But the webservice is returning G_GEO_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS error, if I try to geocode in morning hours(i.e before 4pm IST).


Usually this errorcode will be returned if we exceeded the Google Geocoding limits of 15000 per IP per day or if we frequently hits the geocoding service.


But in my case, none of these is happenning and I have also tried in various sandboxes/dev orgs and from various IP addresses. But getting the same result.


This looks very strange. So, if we use the free service of Google Geocoding, is there any restrictions that we can use it only between specific time intervals?


Please help me out in this...
  • October 10, 2009
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