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I have a custom object and a rich text area custom field on that object. When I am saving a record , I insert an image onto the rich text area field. When I view that record then the image appears broken with a red cross . If I right click the image and copy url and then open the url in another browser , then I can see that image. Any idea as to what is going on??

  • June 17, 2011
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I have a visualforce page and I create a url string by appending a partial url string with other string variable. When i pass it to the pagereference constructor and do a system.debug(pgRef.getUrl()) , its giving me back a url that the web app doesnt like or something is missing..


Heres what it should be


https://www.appextremes.com/apps/Conga/Welcome.aspx?sessionId=00DQ0000000AdvH!AQoAQKXsye_tdqAGEs21QDYUsXfpy5s4Jct6E9WvRz1eHvYmK2DUtR_Xn0zJQXceVWADbGv7VRonQO0JU46L0uRwEYFMjoEL&serverUrl=https://cs3.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/8.0/00DQ0000000AdvH&CampaignId=&DocTemplateId=01HQ0000000Cj8H&LabelTemplateId=&EnvTemplateId=&bpw=1&DefaultPDF=F&fp0=T&lg0=T&lg1=Batch%20Receipt%20Printed&lg4=1&&lg2=&ReportId=00OQ0000000ObBo?pv0=General Donation (Locked),General Donation (Printed),In Honour / In Memory Donation (Printed),In Honour / In Memory Donation,In Honour / In Memory Donation (Locked),General Donation,Master%26pv1=Thunder Bay%26pv2=Red Lake%26pv3=3/11/2011%26pv4=3/11/2011%26pv5=801-00 Jump%26pv6=abcd
and heres what its like after reading it from pagereference


  • March 25, 2011
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I am hoping someone can guide me with accomplishing this.


The Contact Record in salesforce is associated with the ActivityHistory (Child relationship with contact table)

I want to run through all the contacts and get the activity histories filtered with a certain criteria and then based on the subject of the task create a new instance of an Object and Insert it.


pseudo code for what i want to do is as follows:



query - Select Id ,accountID (Select Subject From ActivityHistories where Subject like '%KE:%') from  Contact.
RecTypeQuery - Select name, Id from RecordType where sObjectType = KeyEvent;

For each(Contact con in queryResult)
	For each(ActivityHistory task in con.task)
		KeyEvent ke  = new KeyEvent();

		For each(rec in RecType)
			if(rec.Name == task.Subject)
			ke.recordTypeId = rec.Id;
		insert ke;





If I run a regular scheduled job (script) , I am sure I will hit the governer limit as there are over 200000 contacts.


I am not sure if I can do this with batch apex (not sure how the sub queries are handled and if we can insert new records with batch apex) , if yes then any example would be really helpful.


I cant use a data loader mass Insert as each new record that I want to create has a specific record type based on the subject of the task.


If someone can guide me how to accomplish this , it will be great




  • June 05, 2010
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I am creating an outbound change set in my sandbox environment to be deployed in my production environment.


While adding custom field or custom object components to my change set , it gives me a list of all the custom fields (including the ones that are already there in production) and all the custom objects.


My question is do i need to add all the custom fields (again ) to my change set or should i add only the ones that I created in my sandbox i.e. the new custom fields,objects.

  • June 04, 2010
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I am creating an outbound change set in my sandbox environment to be deployed in my production environment.


While adding custom field or custom object components to my change set , it gives me a list of all the custom fields (including the ones that are already there in production) and all the custom objects.


My question is do i need to add all the custom fields (again ) to my change set or should i add only the ones that I created in my sandbox i.e. the new custom fields,objects.




  • June 04, 2010
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I am having an issue while converting lead to contact.


Requirement : If theres an existing contact for a lead (it gives us the option while doing a convert) , then I want to add a number field on lead onto an already existing number field on contact


My approach: I have a trigger which is fired on a lead update where I check whether the lead has been converted or not . If its converted then I query the contacts for the record with the id lead.ConvertedContactId


I was hoping I can get that contact record and add the value on that particular field.

e.g con.field += lead.field. and then update the contact.


My issue is that the contact record that queried for shows that the field value is null even though the contact record shows a field value (some number) in salesforce before merging the lead.


I tried my best to explain this. It would be great if someone can guide me here.



  • May 31, 2010
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I have a Custom Object called KeyEvents. On key events there is a lookup field called Account that has a Master Detail relationship with the Account Object.

I can create a new Key Event and set the Account__c field on creation . But when I want to update the Account__c field on the key event through a trigger , I get an error message saying field is not writeable.

Any Idea whats going on. Heres the code



trigger UpdateKeyEventOnContactUpdate on Contact (after update) 
    For(Contact contact : Trigger.new)
           if(contact.AccountId != Trigger.oldMap.get(contact.Id).AccountId)
	           Key_Event__c[] keyEvents = [Select k.Contact__c,k.Account__c, k.Id from Key_Event__c k Where k.Contact__c =: contact.Id ];
	           For(Key_Event__c keyEvent : keyEvents)
	                keyEvent.Account__c = contact.AccountId;
	                update keyEvent;



I am getting the following error:

Error:Apex trigger UpdateKeyEventOnContactUpdate caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: UpdateKeyEventOnContactUpdate: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.SObjectException: Field is not writeable: Key_Event__c.Account__c: Trigger.UpdateKeyEventOnContactUpdate: line 16, column 19

  • May 28, 2010
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Can someone please pass me the links on whats the best way to move changes over from sandbox to production.We have the Enterprise edition with a developer sandbox and I just made a bunch of changes in sandbox including introducing custom objects , visualforce pages , triggers and more.



  • May 26, 2010
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Can someone please pass me the links on whats the best way to move changes over from sandbox to production.We have the Enterprise edition with a developer sandbox and I just made a bunch of changes in sandbox including introducing custom objects , visualforce pages , triggers and more.



  • May 26, 2010
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Can someone please pass me the links on whats the best way to move changes over from sandbox to production.We have the Enterprise edition with a developer sandbox and I just made a bunch of changes in sandbox including introducing custom objects , visualforce pages , triggers and more.



  • May 26, 2010
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If the top  chekcbox in the column within <apex:facet> tags in checked , I would want to check the checkbox in that column.

So its something like check All functionality. Anything with an example would be really helpful.


Heres the code for that column in the pageBlockTable



<apex:column id="colChk">
	<apex:facet name="header">
		<apex:inputCheckbox id="chkTopCheckBox" onclick="selectCheckboxes();"/>
	<apex:inputCheckBox id="chkbox" value="{!row.selected}"/>



  • May 19, 2010
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I have a Visualforce page where I am displaying some records in a pageBlockTable. I have the delete and edit links in a column .


My problem is that when we click delete it does execute the actionfunction in my controller and deletes the record but I want it to refresh the page as well. I dont know how to refrersh/reload the page through the controller.


I tried using javascript using window.location.reload()  and calling it right after my delete funciton in the tag itself but its reloading the page before the delete takes place.


Heres the pageBlocktable code 


<apex:pageBlockTable id="pbTable" var="row" value="{!maintenanceLineItems}" rendered="{!showMaintenanceTable}">
            	<apex:column headerValue="Action" width="50">
href="javascript&colon;EditMaintenanceLineItemEntries('{!row.maintenanceLineItem.Id}');" style="font-weight:bold">Edit</a>&nbsp;|
					<a href="javascript&colon;if(window.confirm('Are you Sure?'))DeleteMaintenanceLineItemEnteries('{!row.maintenanceLineItem.Id}');" style="font-weight:bold">Del</a>




  • May 19, 2010
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havent used javascript before so I am testing a bare basic example but it wont work. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Also if someone can link me to some good examples of using javascript with visualforce , it will be great

<apex:pageBlockButtons id="pbButtons" location="bottom">
				<apex:commandButton id="btnSave" value="Save" onclick="javascript&colon;checkIds()"/>
				<apex:commandButton id="btnCancel" value="Cancel" action="{!loadOppPage}"/>
				<script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript">
					var btnSave = document.getElementById("{!$Component.btnSave}");
					funciton checkIds()
						window.alert('this works');



  • May 10, 2010
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I have a PageBlock on my Visualforce page that has StandardController = "Opportunity". I also have the detail tags showing all teh related lists. I want to know if we canmove this page block between any  standard  related lists on the visualforce page? any examples would help. 

  • May 03, 2010
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I am getting the above error when trying to call the save action on the following


Apex Page:



<apex:page tabStyle="Service_Product__c" controller="AddServiceStandardPriceController">

<apex:messages />

<apex:form > 

   <apex:pageblock id="pb"  title="Add Standard Price" mode="Edit">      

 <apex:outputLabel value="{!serviceName}"/>  

     <apex:pageBlockSection >            

<apex:pageblocksectionItem >

                <apex:outputlabel value="Standard Price"/>                

<apex:inputText value="{!StandardPrice}"/>            


<apex:pageblocksectionItem >              

 <apex:outputlabel value="IsActive"/>                

<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!IsActive}"/>          



<apex:commandButton value="Save"/>      

<apex:commandButton value="Cancel"/>  








public class AddServiceStandardPriceController


    public string serviceProdId;


    public Decimal StandardPrice;


    public Service_PricebookEntry__c ServicePriceBookRecord;


    public Boolean IsActive;


    public AddServiceStandardPriceController()


     serviceProdId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');




    //getter and setter for standard price

    public Decimal getStandardPrice()


        Decimal priceBookEntryUnitPrice;


        List<String> recordId = new List<String>();



        //get the Pricebook entry on the standard price book for the service product

        Service_PricebookEntry__c[] serPriceBookEnteries = [Select Id,IsActive__c,Service_Pricebook__r.IsStandard__c


                       from Service_PricebookEntry__c 

                       Where Service_Pricebook__r.IsStandard__c = true And 

                       Service_Product__r.Id In :recordId limit 1];


        if(serPriceBookEnteries.size() > 0)


            ServicePriceBookRecord = serPriceBookEnteries[0];

            priceBookEntryUnitPrice = serPriceBookEnteries[0].Unit_Price__c;




            priceBookEntryUnitPrice = 0;



        return priceBookEntryUnitPrice ;



    public void setStandardPrice(Decimal txtStandardPriceData)


        StandardPrice = txtStandardPriceData;



    //getter and setter for IsActive  

    public Boolean getIsActive()


        Boolean active;


        List<String> recordId = new List<String>();



        //get the Pricebook entry on the standard price book for the service product

        Service_PricebookEntry__c[] serPriceBookEnteries = [Select Id,IsActive__c,Service_Pricebook__r.IsStandard__c


                       from Service_PricebookEntry__c 

                       Where Service_Pricebook__r.IsStandard__c = true And 

                       Service_Product__r.Id In :recordId limit 1];


        if(serPriceBookEnteries.size() > 0)


            ServicePriceBookRecord = serPriceBookEnteries[0];

            active = serPriceBookEnteries[0].IsActive__c;




            active = true;



        return active ;





    public void setIsActive(Boolean chkIsActive) 


         IsActive = chkIsActive; 



    public string getServiceName()


        List<String> servProdIds = new List<String>();




        Service_Product__c[] serviceProds = [Select Name from Service_Product__c Where Id IN :servProdIds limit 1];


        if(serviceProds.size() > 0)

            return serviceProds[0].Name;


             return 'This is not working';



    public PageReference save()


        Pagereference p = null;


        if(ServicePriceBookRecord != null) //record exists




                ServicePriceBookRecord.Unit_Price__c = StandardPrice;

                update ServicePricebookRecord;


            catch(DmlException ex)





        else //create new




           Service_Pricebook__c[] serPriceBook = [Select Id, IsActive__c, IsStandard__c from Service_Pricebook__c s where IsStandard__c = true limit 1];


          List<Service_PricebookEntry__c> serPriceBookEntryRecs = new List<Service_PricebookEntry__c>();


           Service_PricebookEntry__c servPriceBookEntryRec = new Service_PricebookEntry__c();


           servPriceBookEntryRec.Service_Pricebook__c  = serPriceBook[0].Id;

           servPriceBookEntryRec.Service_Product__c = serviceProdId;

           servPriceBookEntryRec.Unit_Price__c = StandardPrice;

           servPriceBookEntryRec.IsActive__c = IsActive;




           insert servPriceBookEntryRec;


           p = Page.Services;


           catch(DmlException ex)







        return p;                                                     




  • April 26, 2010
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I have a visualforce page with a standard controller set to a custom object. On click of a button on the page I am navigating to 2nd visualforce page. I would like to pass the 'Id' of the custom object to the second  page. Any ideas on whats the best way to do that?

  • April 23, 2010
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I just introduced a new custom object KE__c. I want to run through all the existing contacts and tasks associated with those contacts to insert a new item in this custom object and delete the associated tasks simultaneously. Each item in the custom object would copy some fields from the contacts. I figured that I can set a scheduled job and have a class to query for the required data and loop throught them. The problem is that an apex query would only return upto 10000 records and we have around 250000 contacts . Any idea or an example to query and loop through the entire set of contacts.
  • April 19, 2010
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I am hoping someone can guide me with accomplishing this.


The Contact Record in salesforce is associated with the ActivityHistory (Child relationship with contact table)

I want to run through all the contacts and get the activity histories filtered with a certain criteria and then based on the subject of the task create a new instance of an Object and Insert it.


pseudo code for what i want to do is as follows:



query - Select Id ,accountID (Select Subject From ActivityHistories where Subject like '%KE:%') from  Contact.
RecTypeQuery - Select name, Id from RecordType where sObjectType = KeyEvent;

For each(Contact con in queryResult)
	For each(ActivityHistory task in con.task)
		KeyEvent ke  = new KeyEvent();

		For each(rec in RecType)
			if(rec.Name == task.Subject)
			ke.recordTypeId = rec.Id;
		insert ke;





If I run a regular scheduled job (script) , I am sure I will hit the governer limit as there are over 200000 contacts.


I am not sure if I can do this with batch apex (not sure how the sub queries are handled and if we can insert new records with batch apex) , if yes then any example would be really helpful.


I cant use a data loader mass Insert as each new record that I want to create has a specific record type based on the subject of the task.


If someone can guide me how to accomplish this , it will be great




  • June 05, 2010
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If the top  chekcbox in the column within <apex:facet> tags in checked , I would want to check the checkbox in that column.

So its something like check All functionality. Anything with an example would be really helpful.


Heres the code for that column in the pageBlockTable



<apex:column id="colChk">
	<apex:facet name="header">
		<apex:inputCheckbox id="chkTopCheckBox" onclick="selectCheckboxes();"/>
	<apex:inputCheckBox id="chkbox" value="{!row.selected}"/>



  • May 19, 2010
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I have a Visualforce page where I am displaying some records in a pageBlockTable. I have the delete and edit links in a column .


My problem is that when we click delete it does execute the actionfunction in my controller and deletes the record but I want it to refresh the page as well. I dont know how to refrersh/reload the page through the controller.


I tried using javascript using window.location.reload()  and calling it right after my delete funciton in the tag itself but its reloading the page before the delete takes place.


Heres the pageBlocktable code 


<apex:pageBlockTable id="pbTable" var="row" value="{!maintenanceLineItems}" rendered="{!showMaintenanceTable}">
            	<apex:column headerValue="Action" width="50">
href="javascript&colon;EditMaintenanceLineItemEntries('{!row.maintenanceLineItem.Id}');" style="font-weight:bold">Edit</a>&nbsp;|
					<a href="javascript&colon;if(window.confirm('Are you Sure?'))DeleteMaintenanceLineItemEnteries('{!row.maintenanceLineItem.Id}');" style="font-weight:bold">Del</a>




  • May 19, 2010
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I am getting the above error when trying to call the save action on the following


Apex Page:



<apex:page tabStyle="Service_Product__c" controller="AddServiceStandardPriceController">

<apex:messages />

<apex:form > 

   <apex:pageblock id="pb"  title="Add Standard Price" mode="Edit">      

 <apex:outputLabel value="{!serviceName}"/>  

     <apex:pageBlockSection >            

<apex:pageblocksectionItem >

                <apex:outputlabel value="Standard Price"/>                

<apex:inputText value="{!StandardPrice}"/>            


<apex:pageblocksectionItem >              

 <apex:outputlabel value="IsActive"/>                

<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!IsActive}"/>          



<apex:commandButton value="Save"/>      

<apex:commandButton value="Cancel"/>  








public class AddServiceStandardPriceController


    public string serviceProdId;


    public Decimal StandardPrice;


    public Service_PricebookEntry__c ServicePriceBookRecord;


    public Boolean IsActive;


    public AddServiceStandardPriceController()


     serviceProdId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');




    //getter and setter for standard price

    public Decimal getStandardPrice()


        Decimal priceBookEntryUnitPrice;


        List<String> recordId = new List<String>();



        //get the Pricebook entry on the standard price book for the service product

        Service_PricebookEntry__c[] serPriceBookEnteries = [Select Id,IsActive__c,Service_Pricebook__r.IsStandard__c


                       from Service_PricebookEntry__c 

                       Where Service_Pricebook__r.IsStandard__c = true And 

                       Service_Product__r.Id In :recordId limit 1];


        if(serPriceBookEnteries.size() > 0)


            ServicePriceBookRecord = serPriceBookEnteries[0];

            priceBookEntryUnitPrice = serPriceBookEnteries[0].Unit_Price__c;




            priceBookEntryUnitPrice = 0;



        return priceBookEntryUnitPrice ;



    public void setStandardPrice(Decimal txtStandardPriceData)


        StandardPrice = txtStandardPriceData;



    //getter and setter for IsActive  

    public Boolean getIsActive()


        Boolean active;


        List<String> recordId = new List<String>();



        //get the Pricebook entry on the standard price book for the service product

        Service_PricebookEntry__c[] serPriceBookEnteries = [Select Id,IsActive__c,Service_Pricebook__r.IsStandard__c


                       from Service_PricebookEntry__c 

                       Where Service_Pricebook__r.IsStandard__c = true And 

                       Service_Product__r.Id In :recordId limit 1];


        if(serPriceBookEnteries.size() > 0)


            ServicePriceBookRecord = serPriceBookEnteries[0];

            active = serPriceBookEnteries[0].IsActive__c;




            active = true;



        return active ;





    public void setIsActive(Boolean chkIsActive) 


         IsActive = chkIsActive; 



    public string getServiceName()


        List<String> servProdIds = new List<String>();




        Service_Product__c[] serviceProds = [Select Name from Service_Product__c Where Id IN :servProdIds limit 1];


        if(serviceProds.size() > 0)

            return serviceProds[0].Name;


             return 'This is not working';



    public PageReference save()


        Pagereference p = null;


        if(ServicePriceBookRecord != null) //record exists




                ServicePriceBookRecord.Unit_Price__c = StandardPrice;

                update ServicePricebookRecord;


            catch(DmlException ex)





        else //create new




           Service_Pricebook__c[] serPriceBook = [Select Id, IsActive__c, IsStandard__c from Service_Pricebook__c s where IsStandard__c = true limit 1];


          List<Service_PricebookEntry__c> serPriceBookEntryRecs = new List<Service_PricebookEntry__c>();


           Service_PricebookEntry__c servPriceBookEntryRec = new Service_PricebookEntry__c();


           servPriceBookEntryRec.Service_Pricebook__c  = serPriceBook[0].Id;

           servPriceBookEntryRec.Service_Product__c = serviceProdId;

           servPriceBookEntryRec.Unit_Price__c = StandardPrice;

           servPriceBookEntryRec.IsActive__c = IsActive;




           insert servPriceBookEntryRec;


           p = Page.Services;


           catch(DmlException ex)







        return p;                                                     




  • April 26, 2010
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I have a visualforce page with a standard controller set to a custom object. On click of a button on the page I am navigating to 2nd visualforce page. I would like to pass the 'Id' of the custom object to the second  page. Any ideas on whats the best way to do that?

  • April 23, 2010
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