• joann
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I have a visual force page with a button that calls another visual force page which is working fine, however, I want a new page to open when the button is clicked instead of loading into the existing browser window.  I'm not finding anything in the documentation on how to do this - or am I just overlooking it? 


If anyone has an idea, I would really appreciate it!





  • May 10, 2010
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Hi Everyone,


I'm working on a solution to export records that meet do not have a date in a customer field called Extract_Date__c.  I have a controller and a VF page that displays the records and a button on the VF page that exports the data in a .csv format.  Once the records have been exported, I need to update the Extract_Date__c field with the date the records were extracted. 


I have a method written that updates the field, but not sure how to update the records once they are extracted.  I was thinking a trigger, but am not sure.  Any thoughts?


Thanks for your assistance!



  • May 10, 2010
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