• Anunimmala
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Hi Everyone,

I have implemented a visualforce page with  complete customizations like hrml css javascript and jquery in Vf pages,Now I would like to make the  page responsive, So I have applied Lightning design css to tables to make it responsive. This responsive behaviour is working in Salesforce1 Simulator and  also in Salesforce 1 app of all the mobiles. But its not working in Iphone,IPad and also in the Lightning view of Browser . Any Ideas would be helpful. I have used the example  as listed in below url for making the  table responsive.

HI everyone ,


  Can SomeOne help me on rendering a rich text area field as PDF.

Hi Everyone,


 I have a question with Visualforce EmailTemplate creation.I have created a Visualforce EmailTemplate which sends a csv file as an attachment to user.So For passing a customlist to Csv file i used a component which uses a controller to call a custom list and iam using apex:repeat to display the list in the component .Finally am caaling this component in my visualforce email template </messaging:attachment> tag .So my file is attached as csv but csv file not looking good .It has a break line after each record in csv.How can i eliminate this.


My code for componet and visualforce emailtemplate. as follows.


<apex:component controller="ControllerVisualforceEmailTemplate" access="global" >
Order Item Name,OrderNumber
<apex:repeat var="orderItem" value="{!listOrderItems}" >



<messaging:emailTemplate recipientType="Contact"
subject="Your account's cases"
replyTo="nimmala.anukarthi@gmail.com"  >
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >

<c:componentVisualforceEmailTemplate />

<messaging:attachment renderas="pdf" filename="cases.pdf">

<c:componentVisualforceEmailTemplate />

<messaging:attachment filename="cases.csv"  >

<c:componentVisualforceEmailTemplate />

Hi Everyone,



I want to embed a yahoo widget in my visualforce page .So please tell me  is it possible to  embed a yahoo widget in visualforce page .If so Please guide me how to embed a yahoo widget in visualforce page.

Hi everyone,


IAm very much interested in doing salesforce certification of Force.com Developer Certification,but facing much difficulty in getting dump for the force .com developer cwertification for preparation of isomeone provide me with dump material for salesforce developer certification it will be very helpful for me to prepare for the exam..



So someone help me


                                                                                                                                                     Thanks and regards,


Hi Everyone,


I need to create a datepicker in visualforce page using javascript function .But when iam trying to create a datepicker using javascript function its not working.If someone has done it, please help meout from the issue by providing me with the code .


                                                                                                                                                                                    Thanks and regards,


Hi everyone,


IAm very much interested in doing salesforce certification of Force.com Developer Certification,but facing much difficulty in getting dump for the force .com developer cwertification for preparation of isomeone provide me with dump material for salesforce developer certification it will be very helpful for me to prepare for the exam..



So someone help me


                                                                                                                                                     Thanks and regards,


Hi All,

I want a input text in my visualforce page. On clicking this inputbox the standard salesforce calendar should popup. Is this possible.

Please note that i need only a input text and not a input field.

I got the below code from the forums.

What are the values that i have to pass in the highlighted part of the code. Is this possible in Visualforce.

<a href="javascript&colon;openPopupFocus

('/home/calendar.jsp—form=form1&field=sdate&mo=0&callonchange=true', '_blank', 186, 170, 'width=186,height=170,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,directories=no,location=no,dependant=yes', true, true);"


title="Pick A Date (New Window)"



<img src="/s.gif" alt="Pick A Date (New Window)" class="datePickerIcon">

