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So, I have a Rules object. Within the Rules object is an array of Condition objects. Each Condition Object has an associated Attribute_Definition object.


I'm trying to get the name of the Attribute_Definition object associated with each condition object.


                Rule_Condition__c[] condList = [select Attribute_Definition__c, Operator__c,
                                            Text_Value__c, Number_Value__c, IndexVar__c  
                                     from Rule_Condition__c where Configuration_Rule__c = :bmRule.Id];
                for (Integer j = 0; j<condList.size(); j++) {
                    if (('' +j).equals(s)) {
                        Attribute_Definition__c attrDef = new Attribute_Definition__c(condList[j].Attribute_Definition__c);
                        return attrDef.Name + ' OPERATOR val '; // RETURN THE ENGLISH
                        //return condList[j].Attribute_Definition__c + ' OPERATOR val '; // RETURN THE ENGLISH
                return '!]error03 - ' + s;



Based on some brief testing, I know that s and j are firing true. If I remove the .Name tag, it'll pring out a01A0000001aR1vIAE


Error is this:

Error: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from Id to SOBJECT:Attribute_Definition__c at line 84 column 26



Thanks in advance