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I have a Visualforce page which displays some accounts after selecting a certain filter.
After selecting a filter and displaying the accounts, I want to generate a new custom object for each of the accounts displayed.
This should be done by clicking at the button as below {****THIS IS MISSING****} or if this is not possible by
clicking on one button in every row (how can I display one button per row?).

Is this possible?
I am new to Visualforce.

Note: I can not use Apex Classes due to Enterprise edition, no developer edition.

Hope anyone can give some advice.
thank you

<apex:page standardController="Account" recordSetVar="accounts" tabStyle="Account" sidebar="true">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageMessages />
            <apex:pageBlock >
                <apex:panelGrid columns="2">
                    <apex:outputLabel value="View:"/>
                    <apex:selectList value="{!filterId}" size="1">
                        <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="opp_table"/>
                        <apex:selectOptions value="{!listviewoptions}"/>

            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Create Jubi" action="{****THIS IS MISSING****}"/>
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accounts}" var="account" id="acc_table">
                <apex:column headerValue="Name" value="{!account.name}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Status aktuelles Jubi Review">
                    <apex:inputField value="{!account.Status_1_Jubilaeums_Review__c}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Consultant">
                    <apex:inputField value="{!account.Consultant_1_Jubilaeums_Review__c}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Jubis 2007" value="{!account.Jubis2007__c}"/>                
                <apex:column headerValue="Jubis 2008" value="{!account.Jubis2008__c}"/>                
                <apex:column headerValue="Jubis 2009" value="{!account.Jubis2009__c}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Jubis 2010" value="{!account.Jubis2010__c}"/>



Is there a possibility to create custom objects in a quick way or automatically?

once a month, we have about 20 - 30 accounts for those we have to create a certain custom object. It is tedious to klick at an account, open in a new browser tab, click on new custom object and then on save.

-->>> Is there a way to automatically create a new custom object if one field in the account has a certain value?

Thank you



I was aking support:

"how can I define a field in account that shows "true" if at least one contact of this account has a certain value in an attribute?"

Answer was:
"This cannot be done due to the master child relationship between accounts and contacts."

In a programming language I would iterate over each child (contact) and set a boolean variable to true if the first contacts boolean variable is true. This is a pretty simple task and I am wondering why this is not possible.

If there qould be e.g. a Rollup Summary for to contacts-leads this would be a solution. It is not.

Does anyone have a comment for me?






after using Salesforce web-to-lead and Google Adwords for a couple of years, we decided to use SFGA.
I am convinced that this feature is great!

So, I added the needed code as described to each page of our homepage (www.hrworks.de/kontakt) but I did not succeed.

The problem is that the leads are created the same way they have been created before installing SFGA:
The lead source is NOT populated with "Google AdWords"/"Search engine  <Search Engine Name>" /"Website referral" /"Web Direct"

For testing purposes, I created a reduced contact form: http://www.hrworks.de/sfga_test.html.
In case of directly accessing this form, it should be "Website referral" or "Web Direct". Shouldn't it?

I created a test ad, too - search in google for "Tspuk"
This is our test ad:
      Tspuk ist toll
      Pvrqxy auch

Coming from the ad does not work either (should be Lead source "Google AdWords").

I hope that you can give me a hint what the problem is.

Thank you very much

Sabine Knöfel



Is there a possibility to create custom objects in a quick way or automatically?

once a month, we have about 20 - 30 accounts for those we have to create a certain custom object. It is tedious to klick at an account, open in a new browser tab, click on new custom object and then on save.

-->>> Is there a way to automatically create a new custom object if one field in the account has a certain value?

Thank you



I was aking support:

"how can I define a field in account that shows "true" if at least one contact of this account has a certain value in an attribute?"

Answer was:
"This cannot be done due to the master child relationship between accounts and contacts."

In a programming language I would iterate over each child (contact) and set a boolean variable to true if the first contacts boolean variable is true. This is a pretty simple task and I am wondering why this is not possible.

If there qould be e.g. a Rollup Summary for to contacts-leads this would be a solution. It is not.

Does anyone have a comment for me?






after using Salesforce web-to-lead and Google Adwords for a couple of years, we decided to use SFGA.
I am convinced that this feature is great!

So, I added the needed code as described to each page of our homepage (www.hrworks.de/kontakt) but I did not succeed.

The problem is that the leads are created the same way they have been created before installing SFGA:
The lead source is NOT populated with "Google AdWords"/"Search engine  <Search Engine Name>" /"Website referral" /"Web Direct"

For testing purposes, I created a reduced contact form: http://www.hrworks.de/sfga_test.html.
In case of directly accessing this form, it should be "Website referral" or "Web Direct". Shouldn't it?

I created a test ad, too - search in google for "Tspuk"
This is our test ad:
      Tspuk ist toll
      Pvrqxy auch

Coming from the ad does not work either (should be Lead source "Google AdWords").

I hope that you can give me a hint what the problem is.

Thank you very much

Sabine Knöfel